Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey)
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Felipe (2021-08-25 02:06:46, last updated 2024-11-26 01:30:50) |
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Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey) |
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32. Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey) View in CoL
Figs 30 View FIGURES 28–36 , 81–82 View FIGURES 78–87 , 101 View FIGURES 98–107 , 131 View FIGURES 121–132 , 151 View FIGURES 144–156 , 166 View FIGURES 157–171
Gymnetron simum Mulsant & Rey, 1859: 40 View in CoL . H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862: 637. Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 49. Rey, 1894: 74. Reitter, 1907: 18. Hustache, 1931: 407, 417. Stöcklein, 1950: 277. Hoffmann, 1958: 1277, 1285.
Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey) View in CoL . Caldara, 2001: 183.
Gymnetron biarcuatum Desbrochers des Loges, 1871: 350 View in CoL ; 1893: 49.
Gymnetron mixtum Mulsant & Godart, 1873: 195 View in CoL . Reitter, 1907: 18. Desbrochers des Loges, 1908: 95. Hustache, 1931: 417. Stöcklein, 1950: 280 (syn. n.).
Gymnetron seriehirtum Fairmaire, 1883: 114 View in CoL . Reitter, 1907: 18.
Gymnetron palaestinum Pic, 1899: 141 View in CoL .
Gymnetron simum var. palaestinum Pic. Reitter, 1907: 18 View in CoL .
Gymnetron corcyreum Pic, 1901: 58 View in CoL . Reitter, 1907: 18. Stöcklein, 1950: 281.
Gymnetron saladense Pic, 1902: 24 View in CoL bis. Reitter, 1907: 18.
Type locality. Hyéres ( France).
Type series. This species was described from specimens collected at Marseille , Avignon and Hyéres. In the general collection at NHRS we found a male labelled “Hiéres / 6 Db / Gymnetron simum ” corresponding well to the original description (lectotype here designated).
Synonyms. Gymnetron biarcuatum was described from specimens collected at Bastia ( Corsica), of which we examined a female ( MNHN) labelled “Corse / 2.arcuatus / typ. descr. / ex Musaeo Desbrochers des Loges, 1914” (lectotype here designated). We agree with Desbrochers des Loges' opinion (1893), which placed his species as synonymous with M. simus .
Gymnetron mixtum was described from specimens collected at Narbonne ( France), which we did not examine. According to Reitter (1907) and Stöcklein (1950) it might be synonymous with M. pipistrellus , whereas Desbrochers des Loges (1908) and Hustache (1931) believe that it is closely related to M. simus . Hoffmann (1958) erroneously identified two specimens of M. logesi (synonymous with M. alternans ) as M. mixtus . We believe that according to the original description, the type locality and what was written by Pic on one of the labels of the lectotype of M. saladensis (see below), the species is to be considered as synonymous with M. simus .
Gymnetron seriehirtum was described from specimens from Morocco without precise indication, which we did not examine. However, from the original description we agree with Reitter (1907), who considered this species as synonymous with M. simus .
Gymnetron palaestinum was described from specimens from Jericho (Palaestina) as a distinct species. According to Reitter (1907) subsequently Pic considered this taxon as a variety of M. simus . We have not examined syntypes of this taxon. However, from the original description, we agree with Pic's opinion.
Gymnetron corcyreum was described from specimens collected by Pic at Corfu, which we were not able to find. However from the original description, we agree with Stöcklein (1950), who considered this taxon to be a variety of M. simus .
Gymnetron saladense was described from specimens collected in Algeria ( Rio Salado ), of which we examined a female ( MNHN) labelled: “Algérie, Rio Salado / type / saladense Pic / Reitter vid. / mixtus Muls. ex Reitt. / mixtus prés coll. Rey / Type” (lectotype here designated). We agree with Reitter (1907), who considered this species as synonymous with M. simus .
Redescription. Male. Length 1.8 mm. Body: moderately long, oval, stout ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 28–36 ). Rostrum: black with reddish apex, very short (Rl/Pl 0.52), subconical; in lateral view straight, distinctly narrowed from base to apex; in dorsal view with convergent sides, scrobes not visible, distinctly striate-punctured to near apex, in basal two thirds with recumbent to erect, somewhat dense, white and light brown, very long (l/w 10–30), seta-like scales. Head: frons slightly narrower than rostrum at base, with elongate fovea; eyes somewhat convex. Antennae: reddish with dark brown club, short, inserted just in front of middle of rostrum; scape short, only 2.5x longer than wide; funicle slightly longer than scape, segment 1 1.3x longer than wide, distinctly stouter and 1.4x than segment 2, which is 1.5x longer than wide, segment 3 weakly transverse, segment 4 and 5 distinctly transverse; club short, oval, segment 1 almost glabrous. Pronotum: black, with dense and regular punctures, intervals between punctures smaller than punctures, smooth and shining, somewhat visible between recumbent to erect, moderately dense, white (more numerous along midline and sides) and light brown, very long (l/w 10–30), seta-like scales; moderately transverse (Pw/Pl 1.37), with moderately rounded sides, with very weakly prominent apical constriction, widest near middle, moderately convex. Elytra: reddish except interstria 1, central spot on interstriae 3–5 and band on interstriae 2–6, which are black; moderately long (El/Ew 1.27), at base moderately concave, moderately wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.30), with sides weakly rounded from base, widest in basal third, weakly narrow in basal half, distinctly convex on disc; interstriae moderately visible between recumbent to erect, somewhat dense, white (forming a band between median third and apical third) and light brown, very long (1.50– 3.00x longer than width of interstria, longest at apical third; l/w 15–30), seta-like scales; striae moderately visible, one third narrower than interstriae, with a row of scales slightly narrower and shorter than shorter ones covering interstriae. Legs: stout, with suberect to erect, somewhat dense, whitish grey, seta-like scales, which are partly longer than width of tibia; femora reddish and blackish, unarmed; tibiae reddish, short, distinctly enlarged from base to apex, apex of dorsal surface of protibiae distinctly directed outward ( Fig. 101 View FIGURES 98–107 ), with denticles of outer apical margin of tibiae yellowish and thin; unci dark brown, moderately stout, all equal in length, directed inward; tarsi reddish, tarsomere 1 1.5x longer than wide, tarsomere 2 weakly transverse, tarsomere 3 bilobed and distinctly wider than tarsomere 2, onychium as long as tarsomeres 1–3 taken together; claws reddish, equal in length, fused in basal half. Venter: metasternum black, clearly visible between sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales; mesothoracic epimera and meso- and metathoracic episterna with sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales. Abdomen black, with dense and regular punctures, which are clearly visible between sparse, whitish and light brown, seta-like scales, which are very long especially on ventrites 4 and 5; ventrites length ratio 1–2/3–4 2,06. Penis: fig. 131.
Female. As in male except rostrum weakly longer (Rl/Pl 0.56) ( Figs 81–82 View FIGURES 78–87 ), uncus of metatibiae distinctly shorter than others. Sternite 8: fig. 151. Spermatheca: fig. 166.
Variability. Length 1.6–2.0 mm. Sometimes the black elytral pattern is more or less reduced; in some specimens the elytra are completely reddish. The dorsal vestiture varies somewhat in length and thickness.
Remarks and comparative notes. This species is closely related to M. pirazzolii , from which it differs by the more convex eyes, especially in their posterior half, which protrudes distinctly from the plane of the head. The pronotum is moderately convex, with moderately rounded sides that are widest towards the middle. The elytra are slightly longer and covered with usually longer erect seta-like scales and often the elytral pattern is formed by two oblique blackish bands on the posterior half. The teeth of the outer apical margin of the tibiae are yellowish and thin, and the uncus of the protibiae is thin and directed inward.
Biological notes. This species was reported to feed on various species of Plantago : P. indica (= P. arenaria W. & K.), P. psyllium L., P. sempervirens Crantz (= P. cynops L.) ( Hoffmann 1958).
Distribution. Central and southern Spain, southern France, central and southern Italy and Sicily, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, northern Africa, Middle East.
Non-type specimens examined. SPAIN: Andalucía, Granada, La Rabita, 17.V.1982, Magnani leg. (1, PCCP) ; Comunidad Valenciana, Valencia, L'Olleria , 3.V.2003, Kresl leg. (1, RBCS) ; Estremadura, Rio de Moura , 5.III.1961, Ambar leg. (2, CPCM) . FRANCE: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Var, Hyères, Grenier leg. (1, MNHN) ; Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Var , La Broussan, Mol. de Boissy leg. (1, MNHN) ; Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Var, Toulon , 10.XII.1924, Guerin leg. (1, MNHN) ; Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Var, Toulon , 5.VII.1948, on Plantago psyllium (11. MNHN) ; Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault , Montpellier (1, MNHN) . ITALY: Toscana, Livorno, Isola di Pianosa, Punta Marchese , 14.X.1988, Abbazzi leg. (1, GOCA) ; Abruzzo, L'Aquila, Monte San Franco , 1600 m, 26.V.1991, Osella leg. (1, GOCA) ; Campania, Salerno, Pioppi , 14.VI.1965, Liebmann leg. (7, NHMB) ; Puglia, Bari, Adelfia , 15.I.2000. Osella leg. (5, GOCA) ; Puglia, Bari, Gioia del Colle , 1.VIII.1985, Magrini leg. (2, PACF; 1, GOCA; 1, MSNF) ; Puglia, Lecce , Otranto (1, LMCP) ; Puglia, Taranto, Cagioni Ionio , 24.III.1915 (1, MSNM) ; Puglia, Taranto, Manduria , 16.IX.1969 (1, PCCP; 1, CPCM) ; Puglia, Taranto , Martina, La Pianella , 4.VII.1976, Montemurro leg. (1, LDCC) ; Puglia, Taranto, Circ. Mar Piccolo , 20.II.1977, Montemurro leg. (1, LDCC) ; Puglia, Lecce, Uggiano , La Chiesa, 16.XII.1995, Montemurro leg. (1, LDCC) ; Basilicata, Matera , 15.IV.1971, Angelini leg. (2, FACF; 1, MMCT) ; Calabria, Cosenza, Morano , 7.VI.1989 (1, ECCR) . ITALY (Sicily): Agrigento , 9.VI.1974, Magrini leg. (1, PACF) ; Agrigento, Lampedusa, Camp. la Roccia , 2.V.1991. Osella leg. (6, GOCA) ; Siracusa, Melilli , 20.VII.1969, Magnano leg. (1, LMCP) ; Trapani, Visicari , 24.V.2010, Monzini leg. (1, SMCM) . MALTA: Malta (7, DMCM) ; Zejtun, 6.XII.1989, Mifsud leg. (1, DMCM) ; Tal-Qroqq , 13.XII.1994, Farrugia leg. (1, DMCM) . GREECE: Attica, Reitter leg. (1, GOCA) ; Southern Aegean, Ciclades , Naxos, Schatzmayr leg. (1, MSNM) ; Southern Aegean, Dodecaneso, Astypalea Island , Analipsi , 8.X.1988, Osella leg. (1, GOCA) ; Southern Aegean, Rhodos , Bleuse leg. (1, MNHN) ; Central Greece, Parnaso Mt. (1, GOCA) ; Ionian Islands, Corfu , Paganetti leg. (2, MNHN) ; Ionian Islands, Corfu , 1913, Kramer leg. (1, ZMHB) ; Ionian Islands, Leukas , 18.–27.IV.1932, Beier leg. (1, MSNM) ; Peloponnese, Lagia , 16.IV.1987, Riedel leg. (1, ARCK) . Cyprus: Akamas, Neochorion , 24.IV.1995, Sprick leg. (1, PSCH) ; Troodos, Kannaviou , 21.IV.1995, Sprick leg. (1, PSCH) . MOROCCO: Berkane (1, MNHN) ; Larache , Escalera leg. (5, MNCM) ; Marrakesch , Quedenfeldt leg. (1, ZMHB) ; Melilla (3, MNHN) . ALGERIA: Tlemcen, Lepitre leg. (1, MNHN) . TUNISIA: Capo Bon , 10.X.1991, Osella leg. (3, GOCA) ; Sfax, V.1899, Chobaut leg. (1, MNHN) . LIBYA: Tripolitania, Beni Hadain , 1899, Alluaud leg. (1, MNHN) . EGYPT: Aboukir , 26.VI.1914, Alfieri leg. (1, MNHN) . ISRAEL: Bteha nw. Huquq , 7.IV.1986, Jäch leg. (1, NHMW) . PALAESTINA: Jericho (1, MNHN) . SYRIA: Alep (1, MNHN) ; Sud Manbej , 8.V.2003, Weill leg. (1, PWCP) ; Mhambel , 5.V.2002, leg. Weill (3, PWCP) .
Brisout de Barneville, H. (1862) Monographie du genre Gymnetron. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, (4) 2, 625 - 668.
Caldara, R. (2001) Phylogenetic analysis and higher classification of the tribe Mecinini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Curculioninae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 71, 171 - 203.
Desbrochers des Loges des Loges, J. (1871) Description de Coleopteres nouveaux d'Europe et confins et remarques diverses. Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, 3, 337 - 376.
Desbrochers des Loges, J. (1908) Notes critiques et synonymiques sur le Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossiae, 2 eme edition 1906, de MM. L. v. Heyden, E. Reitter et J. Weise. Le Frelon, 16, 85 - 104.
Fairmaire, L. (1883) Description de quelques Coleopteres marocains. Annales de la Societe Entomologique du Belgique, 27, CVIII - CXIV.
Hoffmann, A. (1958) Coleopteres Curculionides. Troisieme partie. Faune de France, 62, 1209 - 1839.
Hustache, A. (1931) Curculionidae Gallo-Rhenans. Mecinini. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 100, 399 - 435.
Mulsant E. & Godart A. (1873) Description d'une espece nouvelle de la famille des Curculionites. Opuscules Entomologiques, 15, 195 - 197.
Mulsant, E. & Rey, C. (1859) Description de quelques Curculionites nouveaux ou peu connus. Opuscules Entomologiques, 9, 1 - 44.
Pic, M. (1899) Descriptions d'Elaterides et Curculionides d'Europe et circa. Miscellanea Entomologica, 7, 139 - 142.
Pic, M. (1901) Notes diverses et diagnoses. L' E change, Revue Linneenne, 17, 57 - 59.
Reitter, E. (1907) Bestimmung-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren. LIX Heft. Curculio nidae. 13 Theil: Mecinini (Gymnetrini). Verhandlungen des Naturforschendenden Vereines in Brunn (1906), 1 - 50.
Rey, C. (1894) Remarques en passant. L' E change, Revue Linneenne, 10, 74 - 75.
Stocklein, F. (1950) Uber einige seltene Gymnetron-Arten (Col. Curculionidae). Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum Georg Frey, 1, 277 - 282.
FIGURES 28–36. Habitus of (28) Mecinus baridioides; (29) M. comosus; (30) M. simus; (31) M. pirazzolii; (32) M. vulpes; (33) M. pipistrellus; (34) M. collaris; (35) M. sicardi; (36) M. janthinus. Not to the same scale.
FIGURES 78–87. Rostrum in lateral and dorsal view of (78) Mecinus comosus, male; (79) idem, female; (80) M. collaris, female; (81–82) M. simus, female; (83) M. pirazzolii, female; (84) M. pipistrellus, female;; (85) M. vulpes, female; (86) M. sicardi, male; (87) idem, female. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 98–107. Male right protibia in anterior view of (98) Mecinus pascuorum; (99) M. tanaiticus; (100) M. comosus; (101) M. simus; (102) M. pirazzolii; (103) M. vulpes; (104) M. pipistrellus. Male right profemur of (105) M. pascuorum; (106) M. ictericus. Right antenna of (107) M. paratychioides.
FIGURES 121–132. Penis in dorsal and lateral view of (121) Mecinus desertorum; (122) M. marina; (123) M. henrici; (124) M. alternans; (125) M. reichei; (126) M. tanaiticus; (127) M. circulatus; (128) M. humeralis; (129) M. pyraster; (130) M. comosus; (131) M. simus; (132) M. pirazzolii. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
FIGURES 144–156. Sternite 8 of (144) Mecinus pascuorum; (145) M. caucasicus; (146) M. marina; (147) M. reichei; (148) M. humeralis; (149) M. circulatus; (150) M. pyraster; (151) M. simus; (152) M. collaris; (153) M. janthinus; (154) M. lixoides; (155) M. sicardi; (156) M. heydenii. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
FIGURES 157–171. Spermatheca of (157) Mecinus pascuorum; (158) M. caucasicus; (159) M. haemorrhoidalis; (160) M. labilis; (161) M. marina; (162) M. elongatus; (163) M. reichei; (164) M. circulatus; (165) M. pyraster; (166) M. simus; (167) M. comosus; (168) M. lixoides; (169) M. janthinus; (170) M. heydenii; (171) M. collaris. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey)
Caldara, Roberto & Fogato, Valter 2013 |
Gymnetron simum
Brisout de Barneville, H. 1862: 637 |
Mulsant, E. & Rey, C. 1859: 40 |
Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 49. Rey, 1894: 74. Reitter, 1907: 18 . Hustache, 1931: 407 , 417. Stöcklein, 1950: 277 . Hoffmann, 1958: 1277 , 1285. |
Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey)
Mecinus simus (Mulsant & Rey) . Caldara, 2001: 183 . |
Gymnetron biarcuatum
Gymnetron biarcuatum Desbrochers des Loges, 1871: 350 ; 1893: 49. |
Gymnetron mixtum
Gymnetron mixtum Mulsant & Godart, 1873: 195 . Reitter, 1907: 18 . Desbrochers des Loges, 1908: 95 . Hustache, 1931: 417 . Stöcklein, 1950: 280 (syn. n.). |
Gymnetron seriehirtum
Gymnetron seriehirtum Fairmaire, 1883: 114 . Reitter, 1907: 18 . |
Gymnetron palaestinum
Gymnetron palaestinum Pic, 1899: 141 . |
Gymnetron simum var. palaestinum Pic. Reitter, 1907: 18
Gymnetron simum var. palaestinum Pic. Reitter, 1907: 18 . |
Gymnetron corcyreum
Gymnetron corcyreum Pic, 1901: 58 . Reitter, 1907: 18 . Stöcklein, 1950: 281 . |
Gymnetron saladense
Gymnetron saladense Pic, 1902: 24 bis. |
Reitter, 1907: 18 |
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