Interatheriinae, Ameghino, 1897

Pino, Santiago Hernández Del, Seoane, Federico D. & Cerdeño, Esperanza, 2022, New craniodental material of the typotherian notoungulates from the upper Oligocene of Mendoza, central-western Argentina and their taxonomical importance, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (4), pp. 983-997 : 995

publication ID 10.4202/app.00974.2022

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Interatheriinae indet.

Fig. 5L View Fig .

Material.—MCNAM-PV 4724, isolated right upper molar (M2 or M3) from Mendoza Province, Argentina, upper Oligocene, Deseadan SALMA.

Description.—MCNAM-PV 4724 is a little worn cheek tooth of a juvenile or young adult individual. It is long and narrow, with labially extended parastyle ( Fig. 5L View Fig 1 View Fig ); it has an anterolabial fossette and a posterolingual groove on the lingual edge of the metaloph, but this groove disappears toward the base. Looking at the opposite end ( Fig. 5L View Fig 2 View Fig ), the outline changes, with an open-Y-shaped median valley, the metaloph lingually shorter, and the parastyle greatly curved posterolabially, separated from the paracone fold by a marked groove. The direction of the parastyle on the occlusal face resembles that of a M2 of Argyrohyrax proavus (e.g., Vera et al. 2017: fig. 2a, 3b), but more extended labially; in addition, the marked groove and the direction of the parastyle at the opposite end do not correspond to this species, as far as it can be observed in its holotype ( Vera et al. 2017: fig. 3b). A second interatheriine was recognized at Quebrada Fiera as Progaleopithecus sp. ( Vera et al. 2017: fig. 6r), based on lower teeth. The upper teeth of Progaleopithecus sp. are closer to MCNAM-PV 4724 in the labial projection of the parastyle, in both premolars and molars, as in Progaleopithecus tournoueri Ameghino, 1904 ( Vera et al. 2017: fig. 7k, l), but these teeth differ in the absence of a median lobe and the greater projection of the paracone fold. Instead, MCNAM-PV 4724 appears closer to the interatheriines from Salla, Bolivia ( Hitz et al. 2008). Both Brucemacfaddenia boliviensis Hitz, Billet, and Derryberry, 2008 , and Federicoanaya sallaensis Hitz, Billet, and Derryberry, 2008 , present upper cheek teeth with a median lobe and a labially extended parastyle in molars; B. boliviensis also has a greatly extended parastyle in premolars, an anterolabial fossette in little worn molars, and its size is closer to MCNAM-PV 4724 ( F. sallaensis is a smaller species). Due to the lack of a total similarity, we determine MCNAM-PV 4724 as Interatheriinae indet., but keeping in mind its possible relationship with B. boliviensis . On the other hand, this specimen is not comparable with the other undetermined interatheriid from Quebrada Fiera described by Vera et al. (2017: 622), because the latter (MCNAM-PV 4742) is a mandibular fragment with p4–m1.

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