Myiomma kentingense, Yasunaga & Yamada & Tsai, 2017

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Yamada, Kazutaka & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2017, Taxonomic review of the plant bug subfamily Isometopinae for Taiwan and Japanese Southwest Islands, with descriptions of new taxa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae), Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 421-439 : 433

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4365.4.3

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Myiomma kentingense

sp. nov.

Myiomma kentingense sp. nov.

( Figs. 1C–D View FIGURE 1 , 2C–D View FIGURE 2 , 4K–L View FIGURE 4 , 5D–E, 5G–H View FIGURE 5 , 7D–F View FIGURE 7 , 10 View FIGURE 10 )

Myiomma samuelsoni sensu Lin & Yang, 2004: 32 View in CoL .

Diagnosis. Recognized by its rather constrasting, clear dorsal color pattern (cf. blackish cuneus with white basal half as in Fig. 2C–D View FIGURE 2 ); short labium slightly exceeding apex of metacoxa; broadly orange red posterior mesoscutum; and more or less darkened apical 1/3 of metafemur ( Fig. 4K–L View FIGURE 4 ). A combination of these characters distinguishs this new species from all other known Asian congeners.

Description. Male ( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 , 2C View FIGURE 2 , 4K View FIGURE 4 , 7D–F View FIGURE 7 ): Body generally velvety brown, elongate oval; dorsal surface weakly shining, with uniformly distributed, dark, simple, semierect setae. Head holoptic; compound eye deep red; frons and clypeus mostly sanguineous. Antenna creamy yellow; segment II slightly darkened apically, long (Ž 0.63 mm), stout, about as thick as profemur; segments III and IV brown. Labium shiny pale brown, partly tinged with red, reaching abdominal sternum VII; segment IV dark reddish brown. Pronotum shiny dark brown, except for pale posterior margin, with infuscate posterolateral corner, finely and shallowly punctate; mesoscutum fuscous, with posterior margin widely orange-red laterally; scutellum dark brown, with creamy yellow apical 1/3, smooth, slightly arched; pleura shiny chocolate brown, with somber reddish brown scent efferent system. Hemelytron grayish brown; inner margin of clavus and apical part of corium darkened; basal half of cuneus white and apical half black; membrane light brown, semitransparent, with grayish veins. Coxae and legs creamy yellow; apical 1/3 of metafemur tinged with orange; each tibia more or less brownish. Abdomen shiny dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 5D–E View FIGURE 5 . Left paramere with sensory lobe moderately swollen and hypophysis broad throughout, blunt tipped; hypophysis of right paramere broad, not strongly tapered, slightly longer than sensory lobe.

Female ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 , 2D View FIGURE 2 , 4L View FIGURE 4 ): General shape as in males but body significantly larger, basic coloration light silvergray (widely tinged with brown in dry-preserved specimens), and antennal segments more slender. Antennal segment II with a narrow, obscure ring subapically, slender and short (± 0.5). Pronotum light silver-gray, somewhat matte, narrowly infuscate along anterior margin; exposed part of mesoscutum broadly orange-brown; scutellum light silver-gray, with each angle narrowly darkened. Hemelytron almost uniformly light gray; apex of each corium with a small dark spot; cuneus as in male, with white basal half and black apical part. All coxae and apical part of each femur reddish or chocolate brown. Female genitalia as in Fig. 5G–H View FIGURE 5 . Bursa copulatrix with paired, rather thick basal sclerites of gonapophyses I.

Measurements. Male (n=2): Body length 1.76–1.96; head width across eyes 0.42–0.45; head height 0.40– 0.44; lengths of antennal segments I–IV: 0.09–0.10, 0.63–0.66, 0.12–0.14, 0.12–0.14; mesal pronotal length 0.25– 0.29; basal pronotal width 0.76–0.80; width across hemelytra 0.91–0.93; lengths of metafemur 0.58–0.65, tibia 0.88–0.90 and tarsus 0.19–0.23. Female (n=3): Body length 2.08–2.20; head width across eyes 0.42–0.43; head height 0.37–0.42; lengths of antennal segments I–IV: 0.07–0.10, 0.46–0.50, 0.15–0.17, 0.12–0.15; mesal pronotal length 0.28–0.30; basal pronotal width 0.76–0.81; width across hemelytra 0.99–1.05; lengths of metafemur 0.60– 0.66, tibia 0.88–0.89 and tarsus 0.19–0.22.

Biology. More than a few adults were observed to inhabit the trunk of evergreen (flowering) ash, Fraxinus griffithii , in the type locality ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ), co-occurring with both adults and late instar immatures of Isometopus bipunctatus (cf. Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ), without conflict. Although the latter isometopine was mostly found under the peeling flakes of bark ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ), Myiomma kentingensis was found to sit on the trunk ( Fig. 1C–D View FIGURE 1 ) and rapidly rush away when disturbed. Collection records suggest this new species has more than two generations per year.

Etymology. Named for the type locality, Kenting in south Taiwan; an adjective.

Holotype: ♂, TAIWAN: Pingtung County, Kenting National Forest Recreation Area , 21.9620N 120.8140E, on Fraxinus griffithii trunk, 21–22 March 2017, T. Yasunaga ( AMNH _ PBI 00380586 About AMNH ) ( NMNS) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. TAIWAN: Pingtung, same data as for holotype, 2♂ 4♀ (1♀ with USIs, 00380587) ( TKPM, TFRI, TYCN); ( NMNS) GoogleMaps ; Nantou, Chunyang , Malaise trap (KCN), 10 Dec 2002 – 1 Jan 2003, C.S. Lin & W.T. Yang, 1♀ (NMNS, ENT 4946-1354); same data except for date, 16 Nov–14 Dec 2004, 1♀ ( NMNS, ENT 5267-1512 About ENT ) ; Nantou Hsien, Sungkang , 2100 m, Malaise trap, Oct 1984, K.S. Lin & K.C. Chou, 3♀ ( NMNS, TARI) ; same locality, Malaise Trap, Oct and Dec 1985, K.S. Lin, 1♂ 4♀ ( NMNS, TARI).


American Museum of Natural History


National Museum of Natural Science


Tokushima Prefectural Museum


Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute


Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute














Myiomma kentingense

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Yamada, Kazutaka & Tsai, Jing-Fu 2017

Myiomma samuelsoni sensu Lin & Yang, 2004 : 32

Lin 2004: 32
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