Paraphlomis baiwanensis W. Y. Zhao, Y. P. Chen & Q. Fan, 2024

Zhao, Wan-Yi, Xiong, Qin-Dai, Wu, Rang-Min, Zeng, You-Hong, Xie, Zhi-Bin, Chen, Ya-Ping & Fan, Qiang, 2024, Two new species of Paraphlomis (Lamiales, Lamiaceae) from limestone karsts in Guangdong Province, China, PhytoKeys 243, pp. 231-248 : 231-248

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.243.114415


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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Paraphlomis baiwanensis W. Y. Zhao, Y. P. Chen & Q. Fan

sp. nov.

Paraphlomis baiwanensis W. Y. Zhao, Y. P. Chen & Q. Fan sp. nov.

Figs 4 C View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6 白湾假糙苏 View Figure 6


China. Guangdong Province: Qingyuan city, Qingxin district, Baiwan town , Hecang village , on the limestone cliff, 24 ° 15 ' 09.40 " N, 112 ° 46 ' 47.32 " E, alt. 310 m, 15 December 2023, Qiang Fan 20251 (holotype: SYS 00236952 !; isotypes: KUN, SYS 00236953 !) GoogleMaps .


Paraphlomis baiwanensis is morphologically similar to P. subcoriacea , but differs from the latter by its stout stem, larger and leathery leaves, and larger flower.


Herbs perennial, 50–80 cm tall; stoloniferous, with villous indumentum. Stems erect, stout, unbranched or 2–3 branched, 4 - angled, diameter 3.6–5.3 mm, with densely retrorse pilose hairs. Leaves opposite; lamina long ovate to lanceolate, leathery, 12.5–18.7 cm long, 2.6–4.8 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate or abruptly obtuse, margin serrulate; adaxially dark green, with densely pilose, abaxially light green with densely brown glandular, sparsely pilose, more densely on veins; lateral veins 5–7 (- 8) - paired, raised abaxially and deeply impressed adaxially, anastomosing at leaf margin; petiole 0.6–1.3 cm long, densely pilose. Verticillasters borne in upper leaf axils, cymes (2 -) 5–9 - flowered; bracteoles inconspicuous, early deciduous; pedicels ca. 1.2–2.0 mm long, densely pilose. Calyx light green, obconical, 5.2–5.7 mm long, glabrous inside, outside with densely retrorse pilose, conspicuously 10 - veined; calyx teeth 5, inconspicuous, throat appearing subtruncate, calyx veins extended into wings as 2.5–3.0 mm long. Corolla 1.5–2.1 cm long, white; tube ca. 7 mm long, ca. 2 mm in diam., straight, inside of throat with pubescent annulate; 2 - lipped, villous outside, upper lip oblong, galeate, apex undulate, ca. 8–10 mm long, ca. 3.8–5.5 mm wide; lower lip reflexed, ca. 7 mm long, 3 - lobed, medium lobe largest, suborbicular, ca. 6.5 mm long, ca. 6 mm wide, apex emarginate, lateral lobes ovate, ca. 4.5 mm long, ca. 3.2 mm wide, apex obtuse. Stamens 4, inserted above middle and upper of corolla tube, straight, included, filaments flat, 7–9 mm long, sparsely puberulent-villous, anther cells 2, ovoid, glabrous. Style filiform, included, glabrous, apex subequally 2 - lobed, ca. 1 cm long. Ovary 4 - loculed, truncate at apex. Nutlets triquetrous-oblong, ca. 3.8 mm long, apex sparsely hispid.

Distribution, habitat and conservation status.

Paraphlomis baiwanensis is currently known to occur only in Baiwan town, Guangdong in one population numbering less than one hundred individuals. It was observed to grow on limestone cliffs at altitudes about 300 m. Its known population was located in Qingxin Baiwan Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong which is well-protected. More field investigations are needed to determine its wild distribution. Therefore, the Protection level of Paraphlomis baiwanensis was suggested as Data Deficient (DD) based on the IUCN Red List Criteria ( IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee 2022).


Flowering was observed from June to September, and fruiting from August to December.


The specific epithet “ baiwanensis ” is derived from the type locality of the new species, i. e. Qingxin Baiwan Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong, Qingyuan, China.

Additional specimens examined.

Paraphlomis baiwanensis (paratypes): China. Guangdong Province: Qingyuan city, Qingxin district, Baiwan town , Hecang village , on the limestone cliff, 24 ° 15 ' 09.40 " N, 112 ° 46 ' 47.32 " E, alt. 310 m, 23 August 2023, Yi-Wen Liu QYK-BW- 1470 ( SYS) GoogleMaps .

Paraphlomis brevifolia : China. Guangxi Province: Luocheng City , 1939, Wen Chen 84411 ( IBSC 0005124 , isotype) .

Paraphlomis subcoriacea : China. Guangdong Province: Qingyuan City, Yangshan City , Chengjia country , Wuyuan village , Baizhushan , 20 June 1956, Liang Deng 1572 ( IBSC 0005130 , isotype) ; Yangshan City, Dalang Town , Chakeng village , 7 August 1936, Liang Deng 263 ( IBK 00059958 ; IBSC 0585118 ) ; Yangshan City, Lingbei Town , Xiatianxia , 24 ° 39 ' 48.99 " N, 112 ° 45 ' 41.73 " E, alt. 295 m, 21 December 2023, Qiang Fan 20257 ( SYS) GoogleMaps ; Yangshan City, Lingbei Town , Yanzidong , 24 ° 39 ' 16.92 " N, 112 ° 46 ' 59.95 " E, alt. 156 m, 27 December 2023, Qiang Fan & Qin-Dai Xiong QYK-LB- 1920 ( SYS) GoogleMaps ; Yangshan City, Chengjia Town , Baizhuling (collection site of type specimen), 24 ° 39 ' 39.56 " N, 112 ° 49 ' 45.69 " E, alt. 387 m, 27 December 2023, Qiang Fan & Qin-Dai Xiong QYK-CJ- 1911 ( SYS) GoogleMaps .


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University