Hydnophora, FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, 1807: 295

Huang, Danwei, Benzoni, Francesca, Fukami, Hironobu, Knowlton, Nancy, Smith, Nathan D. & Budd, Ann F., 2014, Taxonomic classification of the reef coral families Merulinidae, Montastraeidae, and Diploastraeidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 171 (2), pp. 277-355 : 320-322

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https://doi.org/ 10.1111/zoj.12140

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scientific name



GENUS HYDNOPHORA FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, 1807: 295 View in CoL ( FIG. 15 View Figure 15 )


Hydnophorella Delage & Hérouard, 1901: 628 View in CoL , fig. 876 (type species: Hydnophora contignatio Klunzinger, 1879: 23 View in CoL , pl. 3: figs 2, 3, pl. 9: fig. 12a, b, c = Madrepora exesa Pallas, 1766: 290 ; original designation, Delage & Hérouard, 1901: 628); Monticularia Lamarck, 1816: 248 View in CoL (type species: Monticularia folium Lamarck, 1816: 250 View in CoL = Madrepora exesa Pallas, 1766: 290 ; original designation, Lamarck, 1816: 250); Monticulina Saville Kent, 1893: 169 View in CoL (type species Hydnophora rigida Saville Kent, 1893: 168 View in CoL , chromo pl. 7: fig. 7; original designation, Saville Kent, 1893: 169).

Type species

Hydnophora demidovii Fischer von Waldheim, 1807: 295 View in CoL , pl. 4 = Madrepora exesa Pallas, 1766: 290 (see Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857, vol. 2: 420; Vaughan, 1918: 121; Matthai, 1928: 140; Chevalier, 1975: 175); original designation, Fischer von Waldheim, 1807: 295.

Original description

‘Polypier pierreux, crustacé, en masse glomérulée ou en expansions lobées, subfoliacées, ayant sa surface supérieure parsemée d’étoiles lamelleuses, à centre solide, pyramidal, et plus ou moins élevé.’ ( Fischer von Waldheim, 1807: 295).

Subsequent descriptions

Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848a, vol. 27: 493; Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849a, vol. 11: 299, 300; d’Orbigny, 1851: 168; Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857, vol. 2: 418, 419; Klunzinger, 1879: 20; Quenstedt, 1881: 1013; Duncan, 1884: 97; Quelch, 1886: 95; Saville Kent, 1893: 168, 169; Gardiner, 1899: 744; Delage & Hérouard, 1901: 702; Gardiner, 1904: 764; Vaughan, 1918: 121; Hoffmeister, 1925: 29, 30; Faustino, 1927: 148, 149; Matthai, 1928: 136, 137; Coryell & Ohlsen, 1929: 202, 203; Yabe et al., 1936: 39; Vaughan & Wells, 1943: 169, 170; Alloiteau, 1952: 618; Wells, 1956: F402, F403; Nemenzo, 1959: 102; Wijsman-Best, 1972: 51; Chevalier, 1975: 167; Veron et al., 1977: 124; Scheer & Pillai, 1983: 127; Wood, 1983: 158; Veron, 1986: 428; Chevalier & Beauvais, 1987: 717; Veron & Hodgson, 1989: 268; Sheppard, 1990: 12; Best & Suharsono, 1991: 334; Sheppard & Sheppard, 1991: 117; Bosellini, 1999: 222; Veron, 2000, vol. 2: 364.

Diagnosis (apomorphies in italics)

Colonial, with intracalicular budding only. Corallites monomorphic and uniserial; monticules present. Walls fused. Calice width small to medium (≤ 15 mm), with low to medium relief (≤ 6 mm). Costosepta not confluent. Septa in <three cycles (<24 septa). Free septa absent. Septa spaced six to 11 septa per 5 mm. Costosepta equal in relative thickness. Columellae trabecular but compact (one to three threads), <1/4 of calice width, and continuous amongst adjacent corallites. Paliform (uniaxial) lobes absent. Epitheca reduced and endotheca sparse ( Fig. 15A, D, G View Figure 15 ).

Tooth base at midcalice circular. Tooth tip at midcalice irregular; tip orientation perpendicular to septum. Tooth height low (<0.3 mm) and tooth spacing narrow (<0.3 mm), with> six teeth per septum. Granules aligned on septal face, perpendicular to septal margin; irregular in shape. Interarea palisade ( Fig. 15B, E, H View Figure 15 ).

Walls formed by dominant trabeculotheca and partial septotheca; abortive septa absent. Thickening deposits fibrous. Costa centre clusters weak; <0.3 mm between clusters; medial lines strong. Septum centre clusters weak; <0.3 mm between clusters; medial lines strong. Transverse crosses absent. Columella centres aligned ( Fig. 15C, F, I View Figure 15 ).

Species included

1. Hydnophora exesa ( Pallas, 1766: 290) ; holotype: lost ( Chevalier, 1975: 176); neotype (designated herein): UP P1 L02157 View Materials (dry specimen; Fig. 15A View Figure 15 ); type locality: Talim Bay, Batangas, the Philippines, 2.5 m depth (‘Oceanus Indicus’; Pallas, 1766: 291); phylogenetic data: molecular and morphology.

2. Hydnophora bonsai Veron, 1990: 139 , figs 46, 47; holotype: MTQ G32486 (dry specimen); type locality: Kushimoto , Japan, 4 m depth; phylogenetic data: none .

3. Hydnophora grandis Gardiner, 1904: 764 , pl. 60: fig. 11; syntypes: NHMUK 1928.4.18.227 ( Fig. 15D View Figure 15 ), 1928.5.2.1 (two dry specimens); type locality: south Nilandu and Haddumati, Maldives (see also Matthai, 1928: 153); phylogenetic data: molecular ( Fukami et al., 2008) and morphology.

4. Hydnophora microconos ( Lamarck, 1816: 251) ; holotype: MNHN IK-2010-477 (dry specimen); type locality: ‘lOcéan des Grandes-Indes’ ( Lamarck, 1836: 393); phylogenetic data: molecular and morphology.

5. Hydnophora pilosa Veron, 1985: 176 , figs 26–28; holotype: WAM 174-84 (also WAM Z919; Griffith & Fromont, 1998: 235) (dry specimen); paratypes: WAM 175-84, 176-84 (also WAM Z920, Z921; Griffith & Fromont, 1998: 235) (two dry specimens); type locality: Elizabeth Reef, eastern Australia, 6 m depth; phylogenetic data: molecular and partial morphology.

6. Hydnophora rigida ( Dana, 1846: 276, pl. 17: figs 1, 1a–c); syntype: USNM 148 About USNM (dry specimen; Fig. 15G, I View Figure 15 ); type locality: Fiji; phylogenetic data: morphology only .

Taxonomic remarks

Hydnophora Fischer von Waldheim, 1807: 295 View in CoL , is a distinct genus whose monophyly (subclade H) has been well supported by molecular data ( Huang et al., 2011; Huang, 2012). Prior to Veron’s (1986: 428, 2000, vol. 2: 364) placement of Hydnophora View in CoL within Merulinidae View in CoL , it was more often associated with Faviidae sensu Wells, 1956 View in CoL : F402 (see Vaughan & Wells, 1943: 169; Chevalier, 1975: 167; Veron et al., 1977: 124). Molecular phylogenies show that it is most closely related to Favites View in CoL , Leptoria View in CoL , and Platygyra ( Huang et al., 2011) View in CoL , or Astrea curta View in CoL and Favites russelli ( Arrigoni et al., 2012) View in CoL , and relatively distinct from Merulina View in CoL and Scapophyllia View in CoL , the other Merulinidae View in CoL taxa before the revision of Budd et al. (2012).

The genus is relatively well sampled. Only Hydnophora bonsai View in CoL , a Japanese endemic ( Veron, 1990: 141), has not been investigated in a phylogenetic context.

Hydnophora is widely distributed on reefs of the Indo- Pacific, present as far east as the Austral Islands in the Southern Hemisphere ( Glynn et al., 2007), but absent eastwards from Hawai’i in the north.

Morphological remarks

On the morphology tree, Hydnophora is supported by a high bootstrap value (95) and decay index (4), and is sister to the clade formed by Australogyra , Leptoria , and Platygyra . It is distinguished as the only scleractinian taxon to possess monticules. Other synapomorphies include the reduced epitheca (likelihood of 1.0 based on the Mk1 model), sparse endotheca (likelihood 1.0), and lack of free septa (likelihood 1.0), all of which make the genus easily separable from its close relatives. Note, however, that the type material of Hydnophora grandis has relatively vesicular endotheca, although other specimens examined possess the generic state.













Huang, Danwei, Benzoni, Francesca, Fukami, Hironobu, Knowlton, Nancy, Smith, Nathan D. & Budd, Ann F. 2014

Hydnophorella Delage & Hérouard, 1901: 628

Delage Y & Herouard E 1901: 628
Delage Y & Herouard E 1901: 628
Saville Kent W 1893: 169
Saville Kent W 1893: 168
Saville Kent W 1893: 169
Klunzinger CB 1879: 23
Lamarck JBP 1816: 248
Lamarck JBP 1816: 250
Lamarck JBP 1816: 250
Pallas PS 1766: 290
Pallas PS 1766: 290


Fischer von Waldheim G 1807: 295

Hydnophora demidovii

Chevalier JP 1975: 175
Matthai G 1928: 140
Vaughan TW 1918: 121
Fischer von Waldheim G 1807: 295
Fischer von Waldheim G 1807: 295
Pallas PS 1766: 290


Veron JEN 1986: 428
Veron JEN & Pichon M & Wijsman-Best M 1977: 124
Chevalier JP 1975: 167
Vaughan TW & Wells JW 1943: 169
Fischer von Waldheim G 1807: 295
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