Lannanaia kokensis, Jeratthitikul & Sutcharit & Prasankok, 2024

Jeratthitikul, Ekgachai, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Prasankok, Pongpun, 2024, Two new genera and three new species of exceptionally rare and endemic freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the Mekong Basin, Zoosystematics and Evolution 100 (4), pp. 1333-1345 : 1333-1345

publication ID 10.3897/zse.100.130929

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Zoosystematics and Evolution by Pensoft

scientific name

Lannanaia kokensis

sp. nov.

Lannanaia kokensis sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3

Type material.

Holotype. Thailand • Chiang Rai Province, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Rop Wiang Subdistrict, Kok River ; 19.9131 ° N, 99.8697 ° E; E. Jeratthitikul and K. Wisittikoson leg.; MUMNH -UNI 0825 ; shell length 57.2 mm, shell height 40.8 mm, and shell width 14.4 mm GoogleMaps . Paratype. Thailand • 1 shell; same collection data as for holotype; MUMNH -UNI 0824 GoogleMaps .


Shell medium-sized (shell length 57.1–57.2 mm, shell height 40.8–43.8 mm, shell width 14.4–14.8 mm; Table 2 View Table 2 ), thin, rather short and high (H / L ratio = 0.71–0.77), winged, sub-trigonal outline, inequilateral, rather compressed. Anterior margin rounded; posterior margin angulate, somewhat pointed; ventral margin curved. Dorsal margin straight; anterior low and short, gradually elevated to posterior end; posterior end high and winged. Umbo tiny, not prominent, eroded. Posterior ridge wide and obtuse, not prominent; posterior slope with two fine lines running as curved line from umbo to posterior margin. Periostracum thin, greenish to dark brown, the eroded part white to coppery-brown. Shell surface with very fine growth lines. Ligament long, very narrow, dark brown. Hinge without dentition, or with very rudimentary broad pseudocardinal tooth in each valve; posterior end of hinge structure with rather broad V-shaped fossette. Anterior adductor muscle scar very shallow, ovate, contiguous with anterior pedal retractor muscle scar, but separated from anterior protractor scar; posterior adductor muscle scar round, very shallow, almost invisible. Pallial line very faint, continuous. Umbo cavity shallow. Nacre blue-whitish.

Exhalant aperture smooth, shorter than inhalant. Inhalant aperture with a row of conical papillae, varying in length. Small epithelial fold divides exhalant and inhalant apertures. Gills elongated and slightly ribbed; outer gills much narrower (about half) than inner gills; anterior margin of inner gills slightly longer than that of outer gills. Labial palps elongate, round at tip. Glochidia unknown.


The species name “ kokensis ” refers to the type locality, the Kok River in Chiang Rai Province, northern Thailand.


This new species is known only from the type locality.


Two living specimens were collected from a small stream that is a tributary to the Kok River, with a muddy bottom. We searched multiple times and locations for this species but failed to find additional specimens. In contrast, Lens contradens ( Lea, 1838) and Pilsbryoconcha exilis ( Lea, 1838) were found nearby in high abundance, both living and as empty shells. We assume this new species has a low population density and is possibly endemic to the Kok River Basin.











