Ptiolina Zetterstedt, 1842

Carles-Tolrá, Miguel, 2021, Description of the male of Archicera avarorum Szilády, 1934, and two new genera and species for Spain (Diptera: Rhagionidae), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 24, pp. 63-68 : 65

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11511589


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scientific name

Ptiolina Zetterstedt, 1842


Genus Ptiolina Zetterstedt, 1842 View in CoL

This genus includes more than 20 worldwide species, 7 of them known from Europe ( Kerr, 2010; Grootaert et al., 2020). Using the PAPers by Lindner (1925), SziLády (1934), Rozkošný & SPitzer (1965), Stubbs & Drake (2001) and Grootaert et al. (2020), 13 males and 34 females were identified as Ptiolina obscura (Fallén, 1814) , and are preserved in alcohol (70º) in the particular collection of the author.

Material examined:

— Barcelona: Santa Susanna, Can Jordà, 16- 31.05.1997, 1 male (Malaise trap and D. Ventura leg.); Vilassar de Dalt , Can Jonc, 16 - 31.05.1997, 5 females; 1- 15.06.1997, 1 female; 16- 31.05.1999, 1 female. All Malaise trap and D. Ventura leg.

— Guipúzcoa: Oiartzun, Oieleku (Aiako Harria P.N.), June 2007, 1 male, 1 female (beech forest, Kaila trap on Fomes fomentarius , 500 m, S. Pagola Carte leg.) (more information of this site in Carles-Tolrá, 2008, 2009).

— Lugo: Folgoso do Courel, Paderne, 15.06.2014, 1 male (brook on deciduous forest, 800 m, J.L. Camaño leg., ABIGA 23794 ) (more information of this site in Carles-Tolrá et al., 2010) .

— Navarra: Artikutza, 13- 26.06.1995, 1 male, 1 female (beech forest); 13- 26.06.1995, 2 females (mixed forest); 27.06.- 10.07.1995, 1 male, 7 females (beech forest); 27.06.- 10.07.1995, 2 males, 9 females (mixed forest); 11- 24.07.1995, 1 female (beech forest); 11- 24.07.1995, 1 female (mixed forest); 25.07.- 7.08.1995, 1 male (mixed forest); 27.05.- 9.06.1996, 6 males, 2 females (beech forest); 10- 23.06.1996, 2 females (beech forest); 10- 23.06.1996, 1 male, 2 females (mixed forest). All specimens were collected by Malaise trap in a beech forest ( Fagus sylvatica ) and in a mixed forest of pine trees ( Pinus spp ), sessile oaks ( Quercus petraea ) and beech trees ( Fagus sylvatica ); all, L. Martínez de Murguía leg. More information of this site in Carles-Tolrá (2019) and Castro & Matelo (2019).

Distribution: widespread in Europe, although it is a very rare species. New genus and species for Spain.

Comments: Grootaert et al. (2020) included figures of the dorsal and ventral views of the male genitalia, but more figures from other angles are here presented (Figs. 12-15) to help to the identification of this species.











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