Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, 2014

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Aguirre, María B., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Hight, Stephen D., Ciomperlik, Matthew A., Rugman-Jones, Paul F. & Verle Rodrigues, Jose C., 2018, Complex of primary and secondary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae and Signiphoridae) of Hypogeococcus spp. mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the New World, Florida Entomologist 101 (3), pp. 411-434 : 424-425

publication ID 10.1653/024.101.0320

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scientific name

Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, 2014


Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, 2014 View in CoL

Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre View in CoL in Triapitsyn et al. 2014b: 203 (key), 221, 223–228. Type locality: Vipos (near Choro- moro, 26.4196°S, 65.3063°W, 788 masl), Tucumán, Argentina. Holotype female [MLPA], examined ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b).

Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn,Logarzo & Aguirre View in CoL : Triapitsyn et al. 2014a: 173, 175–176 (habitus images of both sexes and color intraspecific variation of funicle segments of female antennae); Triapitsyn 2016: 28 (comparison with A. ciomperliki Triapitsyn View in CoL ).

Anagyrus ciomperliki Triapitsyn 2016: 27–31 . Type locality: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico (USA). Holotype female [UCRC], examined (Triapitsyn 2016). Syn. n.

Type Material Examined. Paratypes of A. quilmes (on slides): AR- GENTINA, Catamarca, El Portezuelo, 28.4701°S, 65.6354°W, 635 masl, 22 Mar 2014, G. A. Logarzo, M. Guala (from Hypogeococcus pungens on Alternanthera pungens ) [1 female, 1 male, UCRC, molecular vouchers PR 14-210 (UCRC ENT 311743) and PR 14-211 (UCRC ENT 311744), respectively].

Material Examined. ARGENTINA: Catamarca, El Portezuelo, 28.4701°S, 65.6354°W, 635 masl, 15 Feb 2014, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus pungens on Alternanthera pungens ) [1 female, 1 male, UCRC, molecular vouchers PR 14-214 (UCRC ENT 311747) and PR 14-215 (UCRC ENT 311748), respectively]. Chaco, between Mar- garita Belén and Colonia Benitez, 20 Nov 2015, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Pseudococcidae on crass, Crassula sp. ( Crassulaceae )) [1 female, 10 males, UCRC]. Córdoba, near Mina Clavero, Vivero Córdoba, 31.7576°S, 64.9724°W, 1015 masl, collected 31 Mar 2017: M. B. Aguirre, S. D. Hight, G. A. Logarzo, S. V. Triapitsyn, emerged 1 to 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on San Pedro cactus, Echinopsis pachanoi ( Cactaceae )) [17 females, 3 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR 17-244 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311820)]; M. B. Aguirre, S. D. Hight, G. A. Logarzo, S. V. Triapitsyn, emerged 17 to 24 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Echinopsis pachanoi ) [7 females, 4 males, UCRC]; S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, S. V. Triapitsyn, G. A. Logarzo, emerged 3 to 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cleistocactus smaragdiflorus ) [2 females, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR 17- 255 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311807)]; G. A. Logarzo, S. V. Triapitsyn, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, emerged 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [1 male, UCRC]; S. V. Triapitsyn, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, emerged 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus? forbesii ) [1 female, 3 males, UCRC]. La Rioja, Anillaco (center of town), 8 Mar 2015, N. L. Jiménez, M. E. Guala, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera pungens ) [1 female, UCRC]. Salta, Río Piedras, 25.3549°S, 64.9020°W, 715 masl, 16 Feb 2014, M. B. Aguirre, S. V. Triapitsyn, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus pungens on Alternanthera paronychioides ) [1 male, UCRC, molecular voucher PR 14-216 (UCRC ENT 311749)]. San Luis: San Luis, near intersection of Constitución & Lavalle, 33.2988°S, 66.3444°W, 719 masl, 28 Mar 2017, G. A. Logarzo, S. V. Triapitsyn, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, emerged 3 to 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera pungens ) [9 females, 4 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR 17-251 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311806)]. Villa de Merlo, 7 Jun 2017, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [2 females, UCRC]. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: ArmaÇÃo dos Búzios: APA Pau Hotel (Área de ProteÇÃo Am- biental): 5 Dec 2016, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight, M. D. Vitorino, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. (“grandes”) [1 male, UCRC]; Praia das Caravelas: 22.8141°S, 41.9513°W, 5 Dec 2016, G. A. Logarzo, M. D. Vitorino, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [26 females, 10 males, UCRC, including molecular vouchers PR 17-163 and PR 17-164 (2 females, UCRC ENT 311805 and UCRC ENT 311804, respectively)]; 5 Dec 2016, G. A. Logarzo, M. D. Vitorino, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [3 females, UCRC]; Praia de Tucuns, 22.7999°S, 41.9303°W, 5 Dec 2016, S. D. Hight, M. D. Vitorino, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [14 females, 13 males, UCRC, including molecular vouchers PR 17-161 and PR 17-162 (2 females, UCRC ENT 311803 and UCRC ENT 311802, respectively)]. SÃo Pedro da Aldeia, 22.9087°S, 42.0366°W, 4 Dec 2016, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, M. D. Vitorino, G.A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [5 females, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR 17-160 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311801)]. PARAGUAY, Presidente Hayes: José Falcón, 25.2474°S, 57.7094°W, 22 Sep 2016, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [1 female, 7 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-167 (1 male, UCRC ENT 311800)]. Near Colonia San Miguel, 24.3752°S, 58.1299°W, 21 Sep 2016, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [2 females, 1 male, UCRC]. PUERTO RICO ( USA): Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, 17.9787°N, 67.1708°W, 10 masl, host material collected 13 Feb 2017, parasitoids emerged 20 Feb 2017, Z. Rivera-Ocasio (from Harrisia cactus mealybug, Hypogeococcus sp. , on cactus) [5 females, 4 males, UCRC, including molecular vouchers PR17-165 and PR17-166 (2 females, UCRC ENT 311799 and UCRC ENT 311798, respectively)]. Vieques Island, Helioport Monte Pirata, 17 Feb 2017, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Achyranthes aspera ( Amaranthaceae )) [1 female, 1 male, UCRC].

Distribution. Argentina (Catamarca, Salta, Tucumán ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b) as well as Chaco, Córdoba, and San Luis [new records]), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) [new record], Puerto Rico ( USA) (Triapitsyn 2016 [as A. ciomperliki ]), and Paraguay (Presidente Hayes) [new record].

Hosts. Hypogeococcus pungens Granara de Willink s. str. and Hypogeococcus spp. in Argentina ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b), Hypogeococcus sp (p). in Brazil and Paraguay, and Hypogeococcus sp. ( Harrisia cactus mealybug) in Puerto Rico (Triapitsyn 2016 [as A. ciomperliki ]).

Comments. Triapitsyn (2016) described and illustrated A. ciomperliki based on the following differences in the proportions of female antennal segments: A. quilmes from Argentina having F1 shorter than pedicel but conspicuously longer than pedicel in A. ciomperliki . However, afer that, many specimens of an Anagyrus sp. were reared from a Hypogeococcus sp. in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that showed the intermediate state of this character, with F1 of the female antenna being either about as long as pedicel, or a little longer or shorter than pedicel. This intermediate character state cast doubt on the validity of A. ciomperliki as a taxon, so we decided to test its possible conspecificity with A. quilmes using molecular methods. The genetic analysis presented below under “Genetic Analysis” clearly indicates that they are indeed conspecific, hence the proposed synonymy of the former nominal species under the latter.

The female from Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina, is only tentatively identified as A. quilmes , because the F4 is dark (see Triapitsyn 2016 for details).














Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, 2014

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Aguirre, María B., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Hight, Stephen D., Ciomperlik, Matthew A., Rugman-Jones, Paul F. & Verle Rodrigues, Jose C. 2018

Anagyrus quilmes

Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre 2014

Anagyrus quilmes Triapitsyn,Logarzo & Aguirre

Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre 2014
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