Cornicola maculatus Xu, Dietrich & Qin, 2023

Xu, Ye, Dietrich, Christopher H. & Qin, Dao-Zheng, 2023, A key to genera of Dikraneurini from China, with description of a new species of Cornicola Ohara & Hayashi (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae), ZooKeys 1145, pp. 191-200 : 191

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scientific name

Cornicola maculatus Xu, Dietrich & Qin

sp. nov.

Cornicola maculatus Xu, Dietrich & Qin sp. nov.

Figs 1-15 View Figures 1–15 , 16-24 View Figures 16–24

Type materials.

Holotype. ♂ (INHS) S.W. China, Chongqing Jinyan Shan, 29.829630°N, 106.376380°E, 872 m, 10 Sep. 2016, CH Dietrich, sweep roadside, CN-16-08. Paratypes. 4♂5♀(INHS) same data as holotype.


Body length: male 3.1-3.5 mm, female 3.2-3.5 mm.

Adults of this species are polymorphic with two color forms, one being mostly white (Figs 6 View Figures 1–15 , 7 View Figures 1–15 ) and other with extensive reddish-brown coloration (Figs 3 View Figures 1–15 , 4 View Figures 1–15 ) in both males and females (Figs 1-8 View Figures 1–15 ). Reddish-brown morph (Figs 1 View Figures 1–15 , 3-5 View Figures 1–15 ): Crown beige, with two small black oval patches and two irregular whitish patches surrounding dark red coronal suture, frontoclypeus with lateral dark brown band in lower half extending to base of antenna, lorum orange to dark (Figs 1 View Figures 1–15 , 3 View Figures 1–15 , 5 View Figures 1–15 ). Eyes dark, ocelli irregularity with whitish spots (Figs 1 View Figures 1–15 , 3-5 View Figures 1–15 ). Pronotum mostly orange red, with two small oval patches behind eyes, mesonotum with suborbicular spots, otherwise whitish except heart-shaped black patch medially in scutellum (Figs 1 View Figures 1–15 , 3-5 View Figures 1–15 ). Forewing orange to reddish, veins brown; hind wing hyaline, veins white (Figs 1 View Figures 1–15 , 3 View Figures 1–15 , 4 View Figures 1–15 , 9 View Figures 1–15 ). Front and middle legs almost hyaline, whitish except tarsus brown, hind legs brown (Fig. 1 View Figures 1–15 ). White morph (Figs 2 View Figures 1–15 , 6-8 View Figures 1–15 ): white overall with black spots and maculate, as in reddish-brown morph.

Basal sternal abdominal apodemes parallel sided, reaching end of segment IV (Fig. 15 View Figures 1–15 ). Male pygofer almost triangular in lateral view, dorsal margin with fingerlike process arising near distal third of dorsal margin and extended posterad, not reaching apex; distal lobe bearing 6 or 7 microsetae, ventral margin with 8 or 9 feeble microsetae, dorsal bridge occupying more than one-third length of pygofer (Figs 16 View Figures 16–24 , 17 View Figures 16–24 ). Anal tube gradually narrowed apically (Fig. 18 View Figures 16–24 ). Subgenital plate longer than pygofer lobe in lateral view, broad basally, fused in basal two-thirds, tapered distally, apex rounded and strongly narrowing, with sparse scattered microsetae, 6-8 macrosetae arranged in single row along each dorsolateral margin near midlength (Fig. 19 View Figures 16–24 ). Connective widest medially with subapical angular projection in lateral view, apical margin emarginate medially (Figs 20 View Figures 16–24 , 21 View Figures 16–24 ). Style apodeme much shorter than apophysis, preapical lobe absent, without conspicuous setae, slightly broadened preapically, apex smooth, slightly broadened then tapered to hooklike tip, curved laterad (Fig. 22 View Figures 16–24 ). Aedeagus with shaft broad at base, narrowed near middle and with broad dorsal distal lobe in lateral view; pair of slender distal processes extended laterad from adjacent gonopore, each with short dorsomedially directed spine and elbow-like bend near midlength with distal part curved dorsomesad in posterior view and anterodorsad in lateral view (Figs 23 View Figures 16–24 , 24 View Figures 16–24 ).


This new species differs from Cornicola mizuki by the characters noted in the key.


China (Chongqing).


The species name is derived from the Latin words ' maculatus ', referring to the black spots on the crown and thorax.











