Navicula watveae C. Radhakrishnan, Kociolek & B. Karthick, 2020

Radhakrishnan, Cheran, Pardhi, Samadhan, Kulikovskiy, Maxim, Kociolek, J. Patrick & Karthick, Balasubramanian, 2020, Navicula watveae sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) a new diatom species from the Western Ghats, India, Phytotaxa 433 (1), pp. 20-26 : 21-22

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.1.3


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scientific name

Navicula watveae C. Radhakrishnan, Kociolek & B. Karthick

sp. nov.

Navicula watveae C. Radhakrishnan, Kociolek & B. Karthick sp. nov. ( Figs 1–38 View FIGURES 1–38 )

LM ( Figs 1–38 View FIGURES 1–38 ):—Valves lanceolate to rhombic-lanceolate, with broadly-rounded apices, not protracted. Valve dimensions (n=70): length 44 – 73 μm, width 8 – 12 μm. Axial area linear-lanceolate. Sternum visibly developed. Central area small, bow-tie shaped, with 2 – 3 sometimes 4 irregularly shortened striae. Raphe filiform to slightly lateral, straight to weakly curved near the drop-like proximal raphe endings, which deflect towards the secondary side. Proximal and distal raphe fissures deflected in the same direction. Distal raphe endings hooked. Striae radiate in the center and becoming convergent to the apices, 10 – 11 in 10 μm. Lineolae clearly visible 25 – 30 in 10 μm. Voigt discordance evident on secondary side.

SEM ( Figs 39–48 View FIGURES 39–43 View FIGURES 44–48 ):—Externally, the valves have a distinctive, bow-tie shaped central area, narrow axial area and expanded areas at the apices ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 39–43 ). Proximal raphe endings are dilated slightly ( Figs 39, 41 View FIGURES 39–43 ), while the distal raphe endings are strongly hooked ( Figs 40, 42 View FIGURES 39–43 ) and deflected towards the secondary side ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 39–43 ). Striae composed of slitlike lineolae.

Internally, the valve has a raised, longitudinal sternum that contains the raphe ( Figs 44 – 45 View FIGURES 44–48 ). Around the rib is an asymmetrically-widened, longitudinally-oriented thickened area ( Figs 44 – 48 View FIGURES 44–48 ). Central area comprised of laterally-expanded fascia. Proximal raphe endings are straight, not dilated ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 44–48 ) Distal raphe endings terminate as helictoglossae, which are offset from the median rib ( Figs 46, 48 View FIGURES 44–48 ). There is an expanded unornamented area at the apices ( Figs 46, 48 View FIGURES 44–48 ). Striae are occluded internally with ellipsoidal hymens.

Type: —Slide #2 – 81, Sample #91; date of sampling is 11 October 2013 and collected by Karthick Balasubramanian and deposited at the Diatom Collection, Agharkar Research Institute Herbarium ( AHMA), Pune , India .

Etymology: —The specific epithet honors Dr. Aparna Watve, Biome, Pune, India for her efforts in understanding the ecology of rocky outcrops and associated environments. In particular, we recognize her efforts in the documentation of biodiversity of Kaas Plateau region of the Western Ghats.

Type locality: — INDIA, Maharashtra, A stream located below the roadside waterfalls on Kaas Road, Satara (17.67840°N, 73.95867°E; elevation 989 m a.s.l.) (holotype: Agharkar Research Institute Herbarium ( AHMA!). GoogleMaps

Associated diatom taxa: —Some of the dominant taxa occurred along with the Navicula watveae are Navicula escambia (R.M. Patrick) Metzeltin and Lange-Bertalot (2007: 162) and undescribed species belongs to Nitzschia Hassal (1845) and Geissleria Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin (1996) .


Agharkar Research Institute, Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science

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