Andrena (Aciandrena) duhokensis Wood, 2024

Wood, Thomas J., Ismael, Halgurd R., Baiocchi, Daniele, Hamad, Mudhafar I., Bapir, Tahseen T. & Selis, Marco, 2024, A first revision of the Andrena of Iraq (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), with the description of two new species from Iraqi Kurdistan and additional records from surrounding countries, ZooKeys 1205, pp. 267-298 : 267-298

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1205.120033

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Andrena (Aciandrena) duhokensis Wood

sp. nov.

20. Andrena (Aciandrena) duhokensis Wood , sp. nov. *

Material examined.

Holotype: Iraq: Duhok, Mt. Gara [S of Sarsing], 37.0158 ° N, 43.3506 ° E, 1912 m, 11. v. 2023, 1 ♂, leg. D. Baiocchi, RMNH GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Iraq: Same information as holotype, 7 ♂, MSVI / RMNH / TJWC / DUMAI GoogleMaps .


Andrena duhokensis can be recognised as part of the subgenus Aciandrena Warncke, 1968 due to the small body size, dark integument with the exception of the pale-marked clypeus (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ), finely shagreened propodeal triangle (Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ; without lateral or basal rugae), more or less impunctate terga (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ), strongly antefurcal nervulus, and typical simple genital capsule (Fig. 5 F; e View Figure 5 . g., without completely reduced gonocoxae as in most members of the subgenus Graecandrena Warncke, 1968 ). Identification of Aciandrena species is extremely challenging due to the large number of often cryptic species found in dry environments, their often very local distributions, and lack of good characters in the female sex. Fortunately, males are a little easier to identify through the examination of the genital capsule. Andrena duhokensis can be initially recognised due to its almost entirely yellow-marked clypeus (with the exception of two small black marks [sometimes absent] and some narrow black areas at the edges of the clypeus), placing it closest to A. tenuis Morawitz, 1877 which was described from the Caucasus. However, A. duhokensis can be recognised due to the unique form of the genital capsule which has the gonocoxal teeth with their apexes strongly truncate and asymmetrical so that they diverge from each other (Fig. 5 F View Figure 5 ); in other words, they form somewhat pointed but flattened and diverging teeth. In comparative species of Aciandrena , the gonocoxal teeth are either strongly produced and truncate (e. g., A. deminuta Wood 2022 from Iran), produced into narrowly pointed or more broadly rounded teeth (e. g., A. tenuis from Turkey and the Caucasus, A. aciculata Morawitz, 1886 from Europe to the Caucasus), or reduced and truncate but never forming diverging teeth (e. g., A. judaea Scheuchl & Pisanty, 2016 from Israel). In this context, A. duhokensis can be separated from all similar species.


Female. Unknown.

Male. Body length 4–5 mm (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ). Head: Dark, 1.25 × wider than long (Fig. 5 B View Figure 5 ). Clypeus weakly domed, predominantly yellow or pale yellow marked with exception of two black dots (sometimes absent) and narrow black markings laterally; surface finely shagreened and weakly shining, irregularly punctate, punctures separated by 1–3 puncture diameters. Process of labrum small, rounded trapezoidal, 2 × wider than long, apical margin weakly emarginate. Gena subequal to diameter of compound eye; ocelloccipital distance equals diameter of lateral ocellus. Head covered with dirty white hairs, none equalling length of scape. Antennae basally dark, A 4–13 ventrally lightened by presence of grey scales; A 3 exceeding length of A 4, shorter than A 4 + 5; A 4 sub-square, shorter than long, A 5 quadrate, as long as broad.

Mesosoma: Scutum and scutellum with fine granular shagreen, weakly shining, irregularly punctate, punctures separated by 1–4 puncture diameters (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ). Mesepisternum and dorsolateral parts of propodeum with regular but large microreticulation, dull to weakly shining; propodeal triangle large, indicated by change in surface sculpture, internal surface with fine granular microreticulation, in some parts with weakly raised network of carinae between microreticulation, surface dull (Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ). Mesosoma with sparse short whitish hairs. Legs predominantly dark, apical tarsal segments slightly lightened orange, pubescence white. Hind tarsal claws with strong inner tooth. Wings hyaline, stigma, and venation pale orange, nervulus very strongly antefurcal.

Metasoma: Terga predominantly dark, tergal margins weakly but distinctly depressed, broadly lightened hyaline yellow-brown (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ). Tergal discs finely microreticulate to shagreened, weakly shining, surface essentially impunctate, with scattered obscure punctures disappearing into underlying sculpture. Terga with sparse scattered short hairs, not forming hairbands. T 6 and T 7 with long light brown hairs overlying pseudopygidial plate of T 7. S 8 narrow, apex slightly broadened like a fish-tail, truncate, ventral surface with dense lateral fan of brown hairs. Genital capsule compact, gonocoxae produced into apical teeth, teeth strongly truncate, apexes angled and diverging from each other to form angular anteriorly projecting teeth (Fig. 5 F View Figure 5 ). Gonostyli flattened and spatulate, internal margins raised, forming slight bump on inner margin basally. Penis valves moderate, occupying ½ space between gonostyli basally, strongly tapering apically.


The name is derived from the city of Duhok which gives its name to the province in which these specimens were collected.


Iraq (Kurdistan region).


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis











