Procyphocaris indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925 )

Hughes, Lauren E. & Lowry, James K., 2015, A review of the world Cyphocarididae with description of three new species (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Lysianassoidea), Zootaxa 4058 (1), pp. 1-40 : 32-34

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.1.1

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scientific name

Procyphocaris indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925 )


Procyphocaris indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925) View in CoL

(Fig. 25)

Uristes induratus K.H. Barnard, 1925: 333 , pl. 34, fig. 3.— K.H. Barnard, 1940: 515 (list), 529 (key).— J.L. Barnard, 1962: 36.— J.L. Barnard, 1963: 458.

Procyphocaris primata J.L. Barnard, 1961: 50 View in CoL , fig. 18.

Procyphocaris induratus View in CoL .— Griffiths, 1975: 149.— Ledoyer, 1986: 800, fig. 312.

Procyphocaris indurata View in CoL .— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 520.— Lowry & Stoddart, 1994: 182.— Hendrycks & Conlan, 2003: 2311 View Cited Treatment , fig. 3.— Lowry & Stoddart, 2003: 93.

Types. Holotype, male, 7 mm, SAM A4548, 36 miles off Cape Point, South Africa, eastern South Atlantic Ocean (~ 34°23’S 17°52’E), 1280 m (700 fms).

Type locality. 36 miles off Cape Point, South Africa, eastern South Atlantic Ocean (~ 34°23’S 17°52’E), 1280 m (700 fms).

Material examined. Procyphocaris primata J.L. Barnard, 1961 holotype currently consider a junior synonym of Procyphocaris indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925) , female, 8 mm, dissected, parts in vial, ZMC 7850, Great Australian Bight (37–28°S 138°55'E), 1910–2010 m, Globigerina ooze, 5 December 1951, Galathea (St. 554).

Coral Sea: Male specimen, 13 mm, dissected 6 slides, QM MO29224, north-east of Townsville, Queensland (18°7.82’S 148°15.39’E) 1115−1119 m beam trawl, coll. M. Pichon et al., 7 May 1986, RV Franklin, JCU CIDARIS-1 (St 8.1); 1 specimen, AM P68575, (10°35.83’S 144°30.65’E), 1108–1161 m, epibenthic sled, 21 August 1988, coll. P. Hutchings et al., RV Franklin (stn 06/88-06); 4 specimens, AM P68576, (11°31.90’S 145°22.31’E), 1611– 1517 m, epibenthic sled, 22 August 1988, coll. P. Hutchings et al, RV Franklin (stn 06/88-12).

Tasman Sea: 1 immature specimen, NMV J68212 View Materials , off Nowra, New South Wales (34°43.10'S 151°23.00'E), 2250 m, WHOI epibenthic sled, 17 July 1986, coll. M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin (stn SLOPE 17); 1 juvenile, NMV J68213 View Materials , 67 km south of Point Hicks, Victoria (38°23.95'S 149°17.02'E), 1277 m, fine mud, WHOI epibenthic sled, 25 October 1988, coll. G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin (stn SLOPE 67); 5 specimens, NMV J68214 View Materials , 76 km south of Point Hicks, Victoria (38°29.33'S 149°19.98'E), 1840 m, sandy mud, fine shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 26 October 1988, coll. G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin (stn SLOPE 69); 2 specimens, NMV J17164 View Materials , 76 km south of Point Hicks, Victoria (38°29.33'S 149°19.98'E), 1840 m, sandy mud, fine shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 26 October 1988, coll. G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin (stn SLOPE 69).

Description. Holotype, female, 8 mm, ZMUC 7850 of Procyphocaris primata J.L. Barnard, 1961 currently considered a junior synonym of P. indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925) . Body smooth, without setae. Pereonite 1 not produced. Head narrow, much deeper than long, eyes absent; rostrum present, weakly developed; lateral cephalic lobe subacute, anteroventral corner subquadrate. Antenna 1 length extending beyond pereonite 4; peduncular article 1 longer than article 2–3 combined; accessory flagellum short, slender, 4–articulate, not reaching end of primary flagellum first article; primary flagellum article 1 ordinary (very long and densely covered with aesthetascs in male), calceoli absent. Antenna 2 shorter than body (longer than body in male); calceoli absent. Lower lip unknown. Mandibles, mandible incisor smooth, lacinia mobilis multidentate, accessory setal row with 6 (left) setae; molar well-developed triturative; mandibular palp 3-articulate, article 1 much shorter than 2–3; article 2 posterior margin near straight, anterior margin convex, with dense row of submarginal setae distally, article 3 length 0.9 × article 2, lined with dense row of slender setae. Maxilla 1 outer plate with 11 (right) and 11 (left) setal teeth, palp broad (with 6 (right) and 7 (left) robust dentate setae and 1 submarginal plumose seta in male); inner plate tapering distally, with 3 robust plumose setae. Maxilla 2 inner plate triangular, with apical slender and 2 mediofacial setae; outer plate broad, with apical setae only. Maxilliped inner plate rectangular with 3 nodular apical robust setae, medial margin lined with plumose setae; outer plate subovate, apicolateral margin with long plumose setae, medial margin with 7 nodular robust setae; palp long, 4-articulate, articles 1–3 lined with long slender setae; article 1–3 length similar; dactylus length 0.8 × article 3, straight, with 3 apical seta, unguis present.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 subchelate; coxa small, ventrally truncate; basis long, length 4.8 × width; ischium broader than long; merus posteriorly produced, acute, posterior surface covered in short fine setae; carpus length 1.2 × propodus; propodus length twice width, palm margin finely serrate, palm acute not defined, with scattered robust setae; dactylus posterior margin smooth, with distal spine, with 2 apical slender setae. Gnathopod 2 minutely subchelate; coxa subquadrate; basis distally bowed, elongate, length 5 × width; ischium length 2 × width, merus 1.8 × width; carpus length twice propodus, length 3.5 × width; propodus length twice width, palm margin serrate, palm defined by corner with 2 robust setae; dactylus posterior margin smooth, with 3 apical slender setae. Pereopod 3 slender, elongate; coxa elongate, longer than broad; basis slender straight; merus longer than carpus and propodus; carpus subequal to propodus length, 2.6 × width; dactylus recurved, length 0.7 × propodus.

Pereopod 4 coxa anterior margin rounded, posteroventral lobe produced subacute. Pereopod 5 coxa broadly rounded, subequal to coxa 4; basis posterior margin weakly serrate, produced, reaching beyond ischium, posteroventral corner subacute; merus length 0.9 × carpus, length 1.9 × width; carpus subequal to propodus, length 3.5 × width; propodus length 5 × width; dactylus long, length 0.9 × propodus, straight. Pereopod 6 coxa broadly rounded; basis posterior margin weakly serrate, posterodistal lobe reach end of ischium; merus length 0.9 × carpus, length 2.1 × width; carpus subequal to propodus, length 4.5 × width, propodus long, length 5 × width; dactylus straight, length 0.9 × propodus. Pereopod 7 coxa ventral margin subquadrate; basis subovate, posterior margin convex, with a few weak serrations, posterodistal lobe reaching end of ischium, corner rounded; merus 0.8 × carpus length; propodus subequal to carpus, length 8 × width; dactylus long, straight, tapering, length 0.7 × propodus.

Pleon. Pleonites 1–3 smooth. Epimeron 1 subquadrate, corner rounded. Epimeron 2 subquadrate. Epimeron 3 posterior distal corner narrowly and acutely produced, posterior margin sinusoidal. Urosomite 1 with anterodorsal notch. Uropod 1 elongate, peduncle with 5 robust setae, length 4 × width; outer ramus 0.7 × inner ramus length. Uropod 2 not reaching end of uropod 3; peduncle with 3 robust setae; outer ramus 1.3 × ramus length, 1.3 × peduncle length, with 7 robust setae; inner ramus with 3 robust setae; rami lateral margins lined with fine setae. Uropod 3 reaching beyond end of telson; peduncle length 2.1 × width, dorsal margin with two long slender setae; rami foliaceous, lined with plumose swimming setae; outer ramus 2-articulate, length 1.2 × inner ramus, article 2 long, length 3 × width. Telson elongate, deeply cleft to 85%, lobes tapering distally, acute (notched with subterminal seta in male), lateral margins with 8 setae.

Depth range. 1108–4050 m.

Distribution. INDIAN OCEAN. South Africa ( K.H. Barnard 1925, 1940; Griffiths 1975); Madagascar ( Ledoyer 1986).

SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. New Caledonia ( Lowry & Stoddart 1994); Coral Sea, Tasman Sea (current study).

NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. California ( Hendrycks & Conlan 2003).

GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT. Great Australian Bight ( J.L. Barnard 1961),


Deptment of Biology, Zunyi Medical College


Museum Victoria


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
















Procyphocaris indurata ( K.H. Barnard, 1925 )

Hughes, Lauren E. & Lowry, James K. 2015

Procyphocaris indurata

Hendrycks 2003: 2311
Lowry 2003: 93
Lowry 1994: 182
Barnard 1991: 520

Procyphocaris induratus

Ledoyer 1986: 800
Griffiths 1975: 149

Procyphocaris primata

Barnard 1961: 50

Uristes induratus

Barnard 1963: 458
Barnard 1962: 36
Barnard 1940: 515
Barnard 1925: 333
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