Melanopsis blanckenhorni Wenz, 1929

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 54

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scientific name

Melanopsis blanckenhorni Wenz, 1929


Melanopsis blanckenhorni Wenz, 1929 View in CoL

Original source.

Wenz 1929: 2667.

Type horizon.


Type locality.

"Dans le lac d’Antioche, dans l’oued Baradah près Aïn Fidji, et dans l’Aïn Plaça, fontaine de la plaine du Bahr-el-Houlé” ( Bourguignat 1884: 82) [in Lake Anuk (also as Amik), in the river Barada near Aïn al-Fiji, and in Aïn el Placa, a spring in the plains of the Hula valley], Syria.


Replacement name for Melanopsis prophetarum minor Bourguignat, 1884, non Grateloup, 1838 (see Note 1). The type locality given by Wenz ("U. Orontestal, 7 km unterhalb Antâkîje”) is incorrect.