Dere rukmaneae, Barševskis & Saulīte, 2020

Barševskis, Arvīds & Saulīte, Daiga, 2020, Five new species of the genus Dere Fahraeus, 1872 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 20 (2), pp. 211-219 : 217-218

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12520812

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Dere rukmaneae

sp. nov.

Dere rukmaneae View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 6)

Type material. HOLOTYPUS, male: Philippines: Mindanao / Cotabato, Mt. Apo / Kidapawan , 01. 2015. / local collector leg. [handwrited white label] . HOLOTYPUS: / Dere / rukmaneae sp. nov. / A.Barševskis, D. Saulīte descr. 2020 [red handwritten label] ( DUBC) .

PARATYPUS, female: Philippines: Mindanao / Cotabato, Mt. Apo / Kidapawan , 01. 2015. / local collector leg. [h an dwr ited wh ite label] . PARATYPUS: / Dere / rukmaneae sp. nov. / A.Barševskis, D. Saulīte descr. 2020 [red handwritten label] ( DUBC) .

General distribution: Mindanao isl., Philippines.

Description. Body black, elongated, narrow, with flattened dorsal surface of elytra, coarse and dense punctation, wrinkles, without metallic reflection.Length: 6.3-7.1 mm, maximal width: 1.4– 1.8 mm; length/ width ratio: 3.9–4.5.

Head flattened, with square frontal part and convex, bilobate eyes. Dorsal surface of head with moderately coarse punctation and fine, silver-grey pubescence. Impressed longitudinal line between extended antennal bases distinct, stretching across forehead to apicalbilobate margin. Labrum dark-brown, slightly pubescent, shiny, with row of yellow-brown setae on apical margin. Clypeus dark-brown, transverse, visible, shiny. Mandibles brown, with darkener apex, sharp, massive, wide, shiny, relatively short, with sparse and short lateral pubescence. Cheeks with very fine, short pubescence. Antennae slender. Male antennae slightly not reaching apex of elytra. Female antennae shorter, reaching about middle of elytra. Antennomeres covered with coarse punctures and fine, sparse pubescence; antennomeres 1– 5 thickened apically, black or dark-brown.

Pronotum black, middle portion of dorsal disc with almost quadrangular yellow-red spot and small triangular yellow-red spot on lateral sides of pronotum, cylindrical, elongated, slightly narrowed in apical and basal portions. Surface with dense punctation and fine pubescence.

Scutellum small, black, with slightly rounded apex. Pars stridens almost completely covered with pronotum.

Elytra almost parallel-sided, black, from middle slightly widened apically, flattened, with indistinctly raised shoulders hump. Elytra shiny, without metallic reflection. Punctation of elytra dense, not arranged in longitudinal rows. Apical margin of elytra with two sharp extensions as that as in previous species.

Ventral surface of body covered with grey pubescence. Legs black, covered with very fine pubescence, inner margin of tibia with dense pubescence.

Differential diagnosis. Based on the general shape of the body, the new species is similar to D. miroshnikovi Vives, 2015 from Mindoro isl., but it differs by the different coloration of pronotum: pronotum of D. rukmaneae sp.n. is black, with quadrangular yellow-red spot on dorsal disc of pronotum and small triangular yellow red spot on each side of pronotum, while pronotum of D. miroshnikovi is red, with two dark elongated spots on lateral portions of dorsal disc of pronotum. Besides that, the new species is smaller than D. miroshnikovi (<7.1 mm, while that in D. miroshnikovi :> 7.5 mm).

Etymology. This species is named after my PhD studen t an d colleague An ita Rukman e (Daugavpils, Latvia) in appreciation of cooperation, and in gratitude for her contribution to the studies of the genus Pachyrhynchus .













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