Paraploderus thailandicus, Makranczy, 2016

Makranczy, György, 2016, Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (1), pp. 59-116 : 108-114

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Paraploderus thailandicus

sp. nov.

Paraploderus thailandicus View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 94–98, 103)

Typematerial – Holotype (m): THAILAND: NEBangkok, KhaoYaiNat. Park, KhaoKhieo, au-dessousd’ “AirForceCheckPoint”, versantnord, 1150 m [14°22’03”N, 101°24’21”E], 28.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (29), forêtassezsèche, tamisagede débrisvégétaux (MHNG); Paratypes (142): samedataasholotype (95, MHNG, 1, BMNH, 1, NIBR, 1, CNCI, 1 m, MNHP, 1, AMNH, 1, NMPC, 1, FMNH, 1, SDEI, 1, SMNS); NE Bang- kok, KhaoYaiNat. Park, auxenvironsde „Headquarters“, 750–850 m, 26.XI–3.XII.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (28b), tamisagededébrisvégétaux (11, MHNG, 1, NHMW); NEBangkok, KhaoYaiNat. Park, collinesEHeoSuwatwaterfalls, 800 m, 1.XII.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (30a), tamisagededébrisvégétauxàlalisièredelaforêt, près d‘unmarécageetprèsd‘unruisselet (20, MHNG, 1, HNHM); NakhonRachasimaprov., KhaoYaiNat. Park, 1020 m, 24.XII.1992, leg. P. Schwendinger (1, MHNG); Chanthaburi, KhaoSabapNationalPark, environsdePhliuWaterfalls, 150–300 m, 23–24.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (27a), tamisagededébrisvégétauxetdemoussesàproximitéde coursd‘eau (2, MHNG); ChiangMai, DoiInthanon, ravintrèshumide, 1650 m, 6.XI.1985, Figs 94–98. Paraploderus thailandicus sp. n. 94 = aedeagus, lateral view, 95 = aedeagus, frontal view (parameral setation shown on left), 96 = sternite VIII, male, 97 = sternite VIII, female, 98 = spermatheca. Scales: 0.1 mm for Fig. 98, 0.18 mm for Figs 94–95, 0.28 mm for Figs 96–97. Figs 105–110. Larva (L 3) of Paraploderus rufescens sp. n. 105 = head capsule, 106 = pronotum, 107 = mesonotum, 108 = labrum, 109 = labium, 110 = anterior leg (tarsungulus magnified

2×). Scales: 0.07 mm for Figs 108–109, 0.1 mm for Fig. 110, 0.2 mm for Figs 105–107.

leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (16), tamisagededébrisvégétauxetdechampignonsprès d’unruisselet (1, MHNG); ChiangMai, DoiSuthep, versantnord, 1050 m, 5.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (10), ravintrèshumide, tamisagedeboispourri, desécorceset champignons (1, MHNG) .

Description – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.62 (0.58–0.65); TW = 0.60 (0.56– 0.63); PW = 0.64 (0.60–0.68); SW = 0.72 (0.68–0.76); AW = 0.83 (0.76–0.89); HL = 0.40 (0.37– 0.41); EL = 0.14 (0.13–0.15); TL = 0.13 (0.13–0.14); PL = 0.44 (0.41–0.47); SL = 0.69 (0.65–0.74); SC = 0.64 (0.60–0.69); FB = 1.60 (1.49–1.70); BL = 3.19 (2.93–3.39). Habitus as in Fig. 103 View Figs 102–104 . Body moreorlessunicolorous, slightlyreddishmediumbrown, headsometimesalittledarker. Legs, mouthpartsandantennaemediumbrown, apicesofmandiblesoftendarker, infuscate. Elytrathesamecolouraspronotumorsometimesalittledarker. Head transversewith rounded, bulgingtemplesjustslightlynarrowerthaneyes. Clypeuswithveryscattered, minutepuncturesonly, withathinanteriorrimalsoonsides, onlyfeebletracesofmicrosculptureandunevennesslaterallyonsurface. Epistomalsutureposteriortoimaginaryline connectingsupraantennalprominences. Medialportionofoccipitalgroovemoreorless straight, neckmediallyshinierbutstillwithtracesofmicrosculpture, laterallycoriaceous microsculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertexwithveryscattered, indefinite-borderedand variouslysizedpunctures; punctationneartemplesmuchdenserandobscurespostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrunningonbothsidesofvertexfromepistomal suturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmoremarkedposteriorly. Headsurfaceotherwise shiny, withoutmicrosculpture. Pronotum withcomplete, thinmarginalbead. Surfaceshiny, withoutanymicrosculpturebutmorestronglypuncturedthanhead, indefinite-bordered, mostlyratherlargepits (slightlyumbilicate) almosteverywhereonsurfaceexceptalong midlineandnarrowlyalongposteriormargin. Longitudinalmidlinemarkedinposterior 1/2. On both sides of midline middle of disc strongly impressed to the anterior 1/3 of sides. Elytra withdiscalmostflat, twoverythinandshallowlongitudinalimpressionsalong suturebehindscutellum, anteriorhalfofdiscgentlyimpressed. Epipleuralridgepresent onalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbeadwithobscureconnectiontoepipleuralridge continuingalongposteriormargin, notreachingsuturalcorner, slightlycurvinganteriorly beforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginalbeadonlyconspicuousbecauseofdarkercolour. Elytralpunctationmostlyratherdeep, moreorlessequallyspaced, moderatelydense (in- terspacesjustslightlylessthanpuncturediameters), missingonathin, slightlyelevated stripealongsuture. Abdomen rathershinyandsmoothwithonlytinyinsertionpointsof setaeandnotraceofmicrosculpture. MalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 96, aedeagusasinFigs 94–95, femalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 97, spermathecaasinFig. 98.

Distribution – ThespeciesiscurrentlyknownfromseverallocalitiesinNThailand.

Etymology – ThenameofthespeciesreferstoitsbeingfromThailand.

Remarks – Thespeciesstandsoutbytheaedeaguswithanenormously elongateapicomedialappendagebetweenthepaired, bladelikeapicalopen- ingprocesses.

0.14 mm for Fig. 112 View Figs 111–116 , 0.17 mm for Fig. 113 View Figs 111–116 , 0.2 mm for Fig. 111 View Figs 111–116 .


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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