Paraploderus loebli, Makranczy, 2016

Makranczy, György, 2016, Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (1), pp. 59-116 : 97-99

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Paraploderus loebli

sp. nov.

Paraploderus loebli View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 68–72, 101)

Typematerial – Holotype (m): INDIA: Garhwal ( UttarPradesh )[= Uttarakhand] La- chiwala Forest , 13 km á l’est [SE] de Dehra Dun, 650 m [30°13’56”N, 78°05’51”E], 17.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (13), accumulationdefeuillesetbranchesmortesdansunravin ( MHNG); Para- types (20): same data as holotype (1 m, 2 f, 2, MHNG, 1, NHMW, 1, HNHM); THAILAND: Phetchaburiprov., KaengKrachanNationalPark, 25 à 30 kmde „Headquarters“, 300–400 m [12°48‘00“N, 99°27‘40“E], 17.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (24), tamisage au pied de gros arbres (1 m, 3 f, 4, MHNG, 1 m, FMNH, 1 m, NIBR, 1, BMNH, 1, AMNH); Phetch- aburiprov., KaengKrachanNationalPark, à 30 kmde “Headquarters”, 450 m [12°48’20”N, 99°25’30”E], 18.XI.1985, D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (25), tamisage au pied de gros arbres (1, MHNG). GoogleMaps

Description – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.53 (0.51–0.555); TW = 0.53 (0.50–0.555); PW = 0.54 (0.52–0.56); SW = 0.59 (0.57–0.61); AW = 0.68 (0.62–0.72); HL = 0.34 (0.33–0.35); EL = 0.13 (0.12–0.14); TL = 0.115 (0.105–0.12); PL = 0.36 (0.35–0.38); SL = 0.55 (0.52–0.58); SC = 0.51 (0.48–0.54); FB = 1.29 (1.25–1.35); BL = 2.47 (2.16–2.82). Habitus as in Fig. 101 View Figs 99–101 . Bodymoreorlessunicolorousmediumbrownorochre, exceptscutellarareaand anteriorpartofheadsomewhatdarker. Legs, mouthpartsandantennaelighttomedium brownorochre, tipsoffemoraverynarrowlydarker. Impressedpartsonheadandapices ofmandiblesoftendarker, infuscate. Head transversewithrounded, bulgingtemplesabout aswideaseyes. Clypeuswithonlyscatteredtinypunctures, withathinanteriorrimalso onsides, onlyslighttracesofmicrosculpture, smoothandshiny. Epistomalsuturevery gentlycurvingposteriorly, slightlyposteriortoimaginarylineconnectingsupraantennal prominences. Medialportionofoccipitalgroovemoreorlessstraight, neckmediallypartly shiny, laterallywithslightcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertexwith smallerbutratherdensepunctures, punctationmorelooseningonmoreelevatedparts, almosttotallyshiny; smallbutdensepuncturesplussomeruggednessonlateralparts andtemplesobscuringpostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrunningonboth Figs 68–72. Paraploderus loebli sp. n. 68 = aedeagus, lateral view, 69 = aedeagus, frontal view (parameral setation shown on left), 70 = sternite VIII, male, 71 = sternite VIII, female, 72 =

spermatheca. Scales: 0.1 mm for Fig. 72, 0.15 mm for Figs 68–69, 0.3 mm for Figs 70–71.

sidesofvertexfromepistomalsuturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmoremarkedposte- riorly. Headsurfaceotherwiseshiny, onlyslighttracesofmicrosculpture. Pronotum with complete, thinmarginalbead. Surfaceshiny, withonlytracesofmicrosculpture, puncta- tionsimilartothatofheadbutmoreevenlysizedanddistributedcoveringalmostentire surface; puncturemoreorlessdistinct-bordered, slightlyumbilicate. Longitudinalmidline markedinposterior 1/2. Onbothsidesofmidlinemiddleofdiscstronglyimpressedto the anterior 1/3 of sides. Elytra with disc almost flat, two very thin and shallow longitudinalimpressionsalongsuturebehindscutellum, anteriorhalfofdiscinconspicuously impressed. Epipleuralridgepresentonalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbeadwithobscureconnectiontoepipleuralridgecontinuingalongposteriormargin, almostreaching suturalcorner, broadeningandvanishingbeforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginalbead markedmostlybypuncture-freestripe. Elytralpunctationsimilartopunctatepartsofpro- notumbutmoreshallow, withpuncturesmoreindistinct-bordered, somesurfaceuneven- nessandtracesofmicrosculpture (averageinterspacesaboutequaltoorslightlylarger thanpuncturediameters). Abdomen shinyandsmoothwithonlytinyinsertionpointsof setaeandextremelyfaintcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. Malesternite VIIIasinFig. 70, aedeagusasinFigs 68–69, femalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 71, spermatheca asinFig. 72.

Distribution – ThespeciesiscurrentlyknownfromnorthernIndia (adisputedarea thatismoreoftentreatedunderthePalaearcticratherthantheOrientalregion) andfrom Thailand (Phetchaburiprov.).

Etymology – Namedafterthecollectoroftheholotype, IvanLöbl (MHNG).

Remarks – TheonlyothersimilarlysizedOrientalcongenerhasmuch shorterparameres, distributionsdonotseemtooverlapwith P. fauveli sp. n.


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