Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889

Tunç, İrfan, Received, Andrea Hastenpflug-Vesmanis, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2016, Records and checklist of Thysanoptera in Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (5), pp. 769-778 : 774

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1512-37

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scientific name

Thrips tabaci Lindeman


Thrips tabaci Lindeman View in CoL

Material: Bilecik, Osmaneli , Morus alba , 1♀ ; Daucus sp. , 7♀♀; herb, 7♀♀; herb, 1♀, 02.VIII.1992 - Bursa, İznik Lake , Onobrychis sativa , 1♀ , herb, 5♀♀; Vitex agnus-castus , 8♀♀, Cichorium intybus , 1♀, herb, 1♀, Medicago sp. , 1♀, Rosa sp. , 1♀, Tagetes sp. , 7♀♀, 03.VIII.1992; Hedera sp. , 3♀♀, Verbascum sp. , 8♀♀, Rubus fruticosus , 2♀♀, herb, 6♀♀, Daucus sp. , 1♀, Solidago sp. , 2♀♀, Vitex agnus-castus , 2♀♀, Chenopodium sp. , 10♀♀, 04.VIII.1992; Chenopodium sp. , 2♀♀, Amaranthus sp. , 1♀, Brassicaceae , 8♀♀, 14.VIII.1993 - Sakarya, Sapanca Lake , Matricaria sp. , 1♀, 06.VIII.1992 - Zonguldak, Ereğli , Alopecurus sp. , 1♀ , herb, 1♀, 10.VIII.1993 - Bartın, Centaurea solstitialis , 1♀ , Sambucus sp. , 6♀♀, 11.VIII.1993.

Thrips trehernei Priesner

Material: Denizli, Acıpayam , Iris sp. , 1♂ , Carthamus sp. , 1♂, 14.VI.1993 - Burdur, Çavdır , Coronilla varia , 1♀, 1♂, 14.VI.1993 .

Thrips verbasci (Priesner)

Material: Sakarya, Sapanca Lake , Verbascum sp. , 1♀, 2♂♂ , Verbascum sp. , 1♀, 06.VIII.1992 - Zonguldak, Alaplı , herb, 3♀♀ , Verbascum sp. , 1♀, 10.VIII.1993.

Thrips vuilleti (Bagnall)

Material: Aksaray, Çimenli , Helianthus annuus , 1♀, 25.VIII.1987, leg. H. Zeki-Adana, Balcalı , Carthamus tinctorius , 1♀, 8.VI.1997, leg. M. D. Ghawami.


Cephalothrips coxalis Bagnall

Material: Antalya, Döşemaaltı, Yenice , beaten from grass, 1♀, ( SMF T 18132 ), 30.IV.1998, leg. R. zur Strassen .

Remarks: First record for Turkey.

Cephalothrips monilicornis O. M. Reuter

Material: Bursa, İznik Lake , Juncus sp. , 5♀♀, 04.VIII.1992 - Sakarya, Mekece , Verbascum sp. , 1♀, 09.VIII.1993 .

Chiraplothrips graminellus Priesner

Material: Antalya, Kumluca , flowers of Hyparrhenia hirta , 5♂♂, 7♀♀, 3 larvae II ( SMF T 18164 ), 6.V.1998, leg. R. zur Strassen .

Remarks: First record for Turkey. This species is included in the checklist of Lodos (1993). However, since this report was not supported by collection data, the present record is considered new for Turkey.

Cryptothrips nigripes (O.M. Reuter)

Material: Artvin, Yusufeli , Abies orientalis , in scolytid galleries, 1♂, 3.IV.1997, leg. S. Ünal.

Haplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius)

Material: Bursa, İznik Lake , Sorghum sp. , 3♀♀, 03.VIII.1992 ; Zea mays , 1♂, Helianthus annuus , 5♀♀, 1♂, 14.VIII.1993 - Sakarya, Sapanca Lake , Zea mays , 2♀♀, 1♂ , Matricaria sp. , 1♀, Cynodon dactylon , 4♀♀, 7♂♂, 07.VIII.1992 - Zonguldak, Ereğli , Alopecurus sp. , 1♀ ; Beycuma , Quercus sp. , 2♂♂ , Zea mays , 6♀♀, 1♂, 10.VIII.1993.


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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