Phaea sondenegro Botero

Botero, Juan Pablo, Ahumada-C., Daniela & Navas S., Gabriel R., 2021, A New Colombian Species of Phaea Newman, 1840 and New Geographical Records in Cerambycinae and Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (2), pp. 415-421 : 416-418

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-75.2.415

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Phaea sondenegro Botero

new species

Phaea sondenegro Botero View in CoL , Ahumada-C., and Navas, new species ( Figs. 3–7 View Figs )

Description (Female). Integument mostly black except as follows: central band on vertex and pronotum, frons, genae, ventral side of head, and anterior ¾ of mandibles orange; antennomere VII lighter, VIII–XI yellow; coxae, and anterior region of femora (4/5 of profemora, 2/3 of mesofemora, and 1/3 of metafemora) yellowish orange. Head: Frons slightly convex; coarsely, sparsely punctate; with short, dense yellow pubescence and long, sparse yellow setae interspersed; a few long, erect brownish setae close to eyes. Vertex coarsely punctate anteriorly, gradually finely, sparsely punctate toward prothorax; with sparse yellow pubescence. Genae smooth; with very sparse yellow pubescence and a few erect dark brown setae. Antennal tubercles with dense yellow pubescence, sparser on apex, with long, erect, moderately abundant dark-brown setae interspersed. Gulamentum smooth and glabrous. Upper and lower eye lobes connected by nearly inconspicuous carina. Distance between upper eye lobes about three times width of one upper lobe; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 2.4 times length of one lower lobe. Antenna just reaching apical quarter of elytra; scape slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, gradually dilated toward apex, with coarse and dense punctures; from scape to antennomere VII with both dense, short black pubescence and long, erect black setae, mainly ventrally; antennomeres VIII–XI with dense yellowish pubescence and with long (shorter than those on basal antennomeres), erect yellowish setae, shorter and sparser toward apex of antenna. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.86; pedicel = 0.41; IV = 1.05; V = 0.91; VI = 0.73; VII = 0.68; VIII = 0.55; IX = 0.55; X = 0.50; XI = 0.41. Prothorax: Subquadrate; sides slightly rounded, centrally widened. Pronotum moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate except on anterior and posterior margins and posterior half of central umbone; with yellow pubescence and long, sparse, erect yellow setae interspersed; central umbone strongly elevated, rounded, glabrous on posterior half. Sides of prothorax with yellow pubescence and sparse, long yellowish setae interspersed. Prosternum almost smooth, finely wrinkled medially; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Prosternal process subparal- lel-sided, strongly expanded apically; width at nar- rowest point about 1/6 of procoxal cavity width. Ventral side of meso- and metaventrite with yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect, sparse yellowish-white setae interspersed. Scutellar shield smooth; with a few long whitish setae. Elytra: Coarsely, abundantly punctate throughout, punctures finer and sparser toward apex; with dense yellow pubescence and long, erect dark setae throughout (setae gradually shorter, slightly sparser toward apex); apex individually rounded. Legs: Middle trochanter normal; femora subfusiform, more elongate toward posterior; with yellow pubescence, denser, longer ventrally and on apex. Tibiae with yellowish pubescence and very long brownish setae interspersed. Abdomen: Ventrites with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, gradually denser toward ventrite 5; with long, erect, abundant setae of same color interspersed; apex of ventrite 5 nearly truncate. Ventrite 5 longer than 3–4 together. Dimensions (mm): Holotype female, total length, 5.6; prothoracic length, 1.0; widest prothoracic width, 1.1; humeral width, 1.3; elytral length, 3.5.

Type Material. Holotype female from COLOMBIA, Bolívar : San Jacinto (San Cristóbal, 80 m, 9°53′16.48′′N, 75°94′44.9′′W, manual cap- ture), 2–5.XII.2019, Botero, J.P.; García, A.F.; Ahumada, D. and Vides, H. legs. ( MPUJ _ ENT 0071153 ). Deposited in MPUJ.

Etymology. The epithet sondenegro refers to “Son de negro”, a folklore dance practiced at the “palenques” (places of black communities) es- tablished in the Montes de María, locality where the type material was collected.

Remarks. According to the key proposed by Chemsak (1999), the new species is similar to P. flavovittata ( Figs. 8–13 View Figs ) but differs as follows: central orange band of the pronotum not reaching the posterior margin; prosternum and scutellar shield black; apex of the gena rounded; absence of dense and long erect yellowish setae on the anterior third of the elytra and on scutellar shield. In P. flavovittata , the central orange band of the pronotum reaches the posterior margin, prosternum and scutellar shield are orange brown (the scutellar shield is darker), apex of the gena is acuminate, and the anterior third of the elytra and scutellar shield have long, erect yellowish setae.













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