Carlota, Arias-Bohart, Elizabeth T., 2014

Arias-Bohart, Elizabeth T., 2014, Carlota, a new genus of Agrypnini from the Valdivian Forests of Chile (Elateridae, Agrypninae, Agrypnini), ZooKeys 417, pp. 57-69 : 59-60

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scientific name


gen. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Elateridae

Carlota gen. n.

Type species.

Carlota coigue sp. n., here designated.


The generic name Carlota (gender feminine) is dedicated to my mother Carlota Tobar Vega, who has always encouraged me in my study of nature and insects.


This genus differs from all other elaterid genera by the following characters: antennal grooves short, pronotum subquadrate; mesepisternum forming part of mesosternal cavity, mesosternal cavity shape oval; mesosternal posterior region pointed; mesocoxal distance about 4.6 times mesocoxal cavity. Wing venation with R cell short MP3+4 bent towards MP1-2 not branching towards MP4+CuA1.


Body about 3.72-4.22 times as long as wide, sides subparallel from anterior pronotal sides towards elytral sides, slightly narrowing posteriorly towards elytral apices. Dorsal vestiture short dense, fine, with some erect short well distributed hairs.

Head declined at base, transverse, ratio of median length to greatest postocular width 0.24. Eyes medium sized, protuberant in both sexes, facetted, lacking interfacetal hairs. Supra-antennal ridges strong, fossa shallow. Frontoclypeal region flattened and frontally carinate. Labrum small, transverse, sclerotised, sinuate basally. Antennae in male with antennomeres 3-10 strongly serrate, antennomere 11 elongate, much longer than preceding ones; all antennomeres clothed with long and short semi-erect and erect gold hairs. Female antennae shorter than male antennae.

Prothorax subquadrate, about 0.70-0.90 times as long as greatest width. Sides almost straight or slightly expanded posteriorly, carinate and emarginate, not visible for their entire length viewed dorsally. Posterior angles short and stout, produced posterolateraly. Posterior edge with scutellar notch broad and sharply defined. Disc punctate, clothed with dense hairs. Prosternum more or less flat with deep punctures. Notosternal suture complete, straight for most of its length, open anteriorly; curved posteriorly. Prosternal process narrow near base, then gradually expanded posteriorly, following procoxae in lateral view, extending well behind procoxae. Hypomeron simple, with deep punctures. Procoxae subglobular.

Elytra dark brown or black, about 2.79-3.18 times as long at midline as greatest width and 4.09-4.90 times as long as pronotum. Humeri well developed; parallel-sided anterior 2/3rds, gradually converging posteriorly, apices rounded. Disc with 10 weakly defined puncture rows. Mesoventrite on same plane as metaventrite. Mesocoxae slightly projecting, mesocoxal cavities narrowly separated, open laterally to mesanepisternum. Metacoxae obliquely oriented, with plates not extending to lateral edges of coxae.

Hindwing about 2.83 times as long as wide. Apical field about 0.6 times as long as total wing length, with 2 lightly pigmented oblique linear sclerites. Radial cell well developed, elongate, 3.4 time as long as wide, with inner posterobasal angle forming a right angle. Cross-vein r3 moderately short, horizontal and arising distally from r4, which is mostly linear and complete. Base of RP very long, extending to wing base. R-M loop forming a narrowly acute angle; medial spur slightly curved. Medial field with five free veins. MP3+4 not branching in 2 veins (Figs 14, 16, 17).

Tarsomeres. 1-3 elongate, tarsomere 4 smaller than precedents. Pretarsal claws simple; empodium short, not extending between claws.

Female genitalia: bursa copulatrix globular, 1.51 mm in diameter, with one sclerotised internal structure comb-shape, with numerous spinules, mostly shorts and few longs (Fig. 21).

Aedeagus. Symmetrical, attached to parameres both dorsally and ventrally.


Chile provinces: Curicó, ñuble, Malleco, Cautín.