Cleomenes cabrasae, Barševska & Barševskis, 2020

Barševska, Zeltīte & Barševskis, Arvīds, 2020, Two new species of Cleomenes Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 20 (2), pp. 201-205 : 203-205

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12520776

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scientific name

Cleomenes cabrasae

sp. nov.

Cleomenes cabrasae View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 View Fig )

Type material. HOLOTYPUS, male: Philippines: Negros isl. , / Don Salvador Benedicto, / 03.2020, loc. coll. leg. [white handwrited label] ; HOLOTYPUS: / Cleomenes / cabrasae sp. n. / Z.Barševska, A.Barševskis / desc. 2020 [red handwrited label] ( DUBC) .

General distribution: Philippines, Negros Island.

Description. Body black, elongated, narrow, dorsal surface of elytra with yellow longitudinal band. Body length: 11.8 mm, maximal width: 2.1 mm.

Head slightly elongated, flattened, with convex eyes, coarse microsculpture and extended antennal bases. Dorsal surface of head with coarse punctures, dense and grey pubescence, and with very short and thin longitudinal line between eyes. Labrum dark brown, slightly pubescent, shiny. Clypeus brown, transverse, with light luster. Mandibles dark brown with darkened and sharp apex, very massive, curved, shiny, relatively short, with dense pubescence and coarse punctures. Cheeks with sparse pubescence. Antennae unicolor, black, thickened stridens almost completely covered with apically, covered with very fine and sparse pronotum.

pubescence and coarse punctures, especially in first antennomere. Elytra almost parallel-sided, very narrow, black, flattened dorsally, with indistinctly raised, black

Pronotum red, subcylindrical, emarginated with shoulder hump, with keel-shaped, narrow sutural narrow, dark brown band, slightly impressed. elevation. Each elytron with narrow longitudinal

Pronotum with very dense punctures. yellow band, beginning behind shoulders and extending toward apical part, but not reaching

Scutellum small, with dense golden pubescense. apex of elytron. Basal and apical parts of yellow

Apical edge of the scutellum heart-shaped. Pars band on each elytron slightly widened. Elytral yellow band located between fourth and fifth rows of punctures. Elytra moderately evenly cover ed with coar se pun ctation. Dor sal punctures forming rows, and irregularly arranged in basal portion. Apex of elytra with two sharp extensions of about equal length.

Ventral surface of body especially along lateral sides, covered with dense, white pubescence. Legs unicolor, black, slightly shiny, covered with very fine pubescence, but apical part of tibia with dense golden pubescence. Tarsomeres black, covered with pubescence.

Differential diagnosis. Regarding the shape of the body, the new species is somewhat similar to C. hefferni Huedepohl, 1998 ( Fig. 3), which also distributed in Negros Island. The yellow elongated band on elytra of C. hefferni reaching apical extensions, with outer extensions larger and more acute than inner, while the new species has different shapes of the elytral yellow band (not reaching apex of the elytra) and two apical extensions (equal in size). The elytral yellow band of C. hefferni is situated between third and fourth rows of punctures, while that in C. voitsekhovskii sp. n. is located between fourth and fifth rows. Antennomeres of C. hefferni are tricolor (black, with brown antennomere 6 and yellow antennomeres 7–8), while that in new species are black. Besides that, the new species has distinctly coarser punctation of the basal antennomere.

Daugavpils, Latvia) for help in preparation of photographs of beetles.













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