Xoanodera curvitibialis Miroshnikov, 2019

Miroshnikov, A. I., 2019, The longicorn beetle tribe Cerambycini Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) in the fauna of Asia. 7. A new or little-known species of the genus Xoanodera Pascoe, 1857, Russian Entomological Journal 28 (4), pp. 383-388 : 385

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.28.4.07

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scientific name

Xoanodera curvitibialis Miroshnikov

sp. nov.

Xoanodera curvitibialis Miroshnikov View in CoL , sp. n.

Figs 3, 6 View Figs 1–6 , 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19–20, 22.

Xoanodera (Lajoyeia) interrupta View in CoL (non Pic, 1933): Heffern, 2013: 11 (Borneo).

Xoanodera interrupta View in CoL (non Pic, 1933): Nga et al., 2014: 439 (Borneo).

Xoanodera vitticollis View in CoL (non Gahan, 1891): Makihara, 1999: 54, pl. 7, fig. 60 (East Kalimantan, Bukit Soeharto).

? Xoanodera interrupta View in CoL (non Pic, 1933): Holzschuh, 1999: 24 (Sumatra); Nga et al., 2014: 439 (Sumatra).

? Xoanodera (Lajoyeia) interrupta View in CoL (non Pic, 1933): Heffern, 2013: 11 (Sumatra).

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂ (cAM) ( Figs 3, 6 View Figs 1–6 ), E Malaysia, Sabah, Nabawan Distr. , 7 km N Pensiangan, 530 m, 04°35´16´´N / 116°19´27´´E, 29.05.2014, leg. A. Klimenko. GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. Based on male characters, this new species is similar to X. interrupta , but differs clearly by the almost entirely white coloration of the recumbent setation; the darker coloration of the integument in general; the antennomeres being wider, starting from antennomere 3, but being shorter, starting at least from antennomere 5, as in Figs 3, 6 View Figs 1–6 (cf. Figs 1–2, 4–5 View Figs 1–6 ); the meso- and metatibiae being more strongly broadened towards the middle, starting from base, as in Figs 15, 17 (cf. Figs 14, 16); the much less strongly developed spots of white recumbent setae on the sides of elytra, as in Fig. 9 (cf. Fig. 8); the structure of genitalia, including the peculiar shape of the tegmen, as in Fig. 19 (cf. Fig. 18), the clearly more short parameres with the shorter erect setae apically, as in Figs 13, 19 (cf. Figs 12, 18), the penis being less sharply narrowed before the apex, as in Fig. 22 (cf. Fig. 21).

DESCRIPTION (see also Remarks below). Male. Body length 16.2 mm, humeral width 4 mm. Dorsum almost entirely and basal antennomeres black-brown; eyes black; remaining parts mainly combines dark reddish brown and reddish brown tones.

Head with moderately developed antennal tubercles; mostly with a coarse, very dense and confluent puncturation dorsally; between eyes visibly elevated, with a somewhat scabrous sculpture; genae short; eyes moderately convex; submentum with transverse wrinkles and more or less small irregular punctures; neck ventrally and gula with distinct transverse folds; antennae reaching beyond apex of elytra by last antennomere, strongly serrate from antennomere 4 until antennomere 10; length ratio of antennomeres 1–11, 28: 9: 24: 19: 31: 38: 42: 42: 41: 39: 51; antennomere 2 subequal in length and width; last antennomere with a distinct appendage.

Pronotum barely transverse, 1.03 times as wide as long, at base 1.18 times as wide as apex; slightly convex; with a coarse, very dense and confluent puncturation.

Scutellum strongly narrowed towards apex, rounded apically.

Elytra weakly narrowed towards apex, 2.59 times as long as humeral width; with a coarse and very coarse, dense, in places confluent puncturation; apical external and sutural angles obtusely angular; apical margin strongly hidden by dense setae.

Prosternum in apical half mostly with transverse wrinkles; prosternal process between coxae very clearly narrower than mesosternal process; meso- and metasterna and sternites with a dense, heterogeneous, partly weakly expressed puncturation; metasternum with a clear median groove; last (visible) sternite broadly truncate apically; last (visible) tergite barely emarginate at apex.

Legs relatively short; meso- and metatibiae of special structure, similar to X. interrupta , peculiarly emarginated and excavated, and, in addition, with a well-developed brush of dense, erect, long, yellowish setae, as in Figs 3, 6 View Figs 1–6 , 15, 17, 20; metatarsomere 1 clearly shorter than metatarsomeres 2 and 3 combined.

As noted above, recumbent dense setation almost entirely white (whereas in X. interrupta , recumbent dense setation mainly yellow or yellowish, partly grey-yellowish); its distribution, mainly like in X. interrupta , but with much less strongly developed spots on sides of elytra.

Genitalia as in Figs 11, 13, 19, 22.

REMARKS. The body length of the male belonging to this new species, but indicated as “ Xoanodera vitticollis Gahan ” [ Makihara, 1999], is 14.5 mm.

ETYMOLOGY. The formation of the name of this new species is related to the very peculiar in structure of the male´s meso- and metatibiae.

DISTRIBUTION. Borneo;? Sumatra.














Xoanodera curvitibialis Miroshnikov

Miroshnikov, A. I. 2019

Xoanodera interrupta

Nga C. T. Q. & Long K. D. & Thinh T. H. 2014: 439

Xoanodera (Lajoyeia) interrupta

Heffern D. J. 2013: 11

Xoanodera (Lajoyeia) interrupta

Heffern D. J. 2013: 11

Xoanodera vitticollis

Makihara H. 1999: 54

Xoanodera interrupta

Nga C. T. Q. & Long K. D. & Thinh T. H. 2014: 439
Holzschuh C. 1999: 24
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