Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László, 2020

Yakovlev, R. V., László, Gy. M., Müller, G. C. & Kravchenko, V. D., 2020, Brief review of the Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 species group (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) with descriptions of three new species from western Africa, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (3), pp. 289-294 : 291-293

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.3.08

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scientific name

Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László

sp. nov.

Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László , sp.n.

Figs 8 View Figs 1–8 , 12 View Figs 9–12 , 13 View Fig .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂, Muquitixe [10.416667°S / 14.95°E], Angola, 23.iv.1971, P. de Carvalho ( NHMZ). GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Length of forewing 12 mm. Antenna half as long as the length of fore wing. Head, thorax and abdomen densely covered in lemon-yellow scales. Fore wing relatively wide, lemon-yellow with dense blackish transverse streaks throughout the wing surface except in the radial zone (from root to submarginal area); fringe lemon-yellow with a slight brownish shade. Hindwing pale yellow with diffuse reticulated pattern of thin pale grey streaks throughout the wing, fringe lemon-yellow.

Male genitalia. Uncus very short, robust, gradually narrowing from base to apex, apically rounded; gnathos arms very thin, short, unfused, without medial plate of gnathos; valvae relatively broad, leaf-shaped, costal margin evenly arcuate, slightly convex, ventral margin with a short, broad depression in its proximal third; juxta robust, basally semicircular, with long lanceolate posterio-lateral processes, direct- ed caudad; saccus semicircular, broad; phallus robust, three-quarters as long as the length of valva, with long spindle-like carinal process.

Female unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species clearly differs from the closely related species of the A. legraini species group by its pale, diffuse reticulated pattern of the hindwing, the very short uncus, the arcuate costal valval margin and the presence of a shallow depression on the basal third of the ventral margin of the valve.

ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after Elliot Charles Gordon Pinhey (1910–1999), renowned entomologist who spent most of his life in Africa studying Lepidoptera and Odonata. He joined the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria as assistant professional officer in entomology and later became the Museum’s Odonata specialist. He had been working in the Coryndon Museum in Nairobi from 1949 to 1955 under Dr. LSB Leakey, during this period he was able to collect insects extensively in eastern and central Africa, developing an interest also in Orthoptera and Hemiptera. Pinhey was invited in 1955 to take up the position of the Keeper of Invertebrate Zoology at the National Museum in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He was awarded a D.Sc. title by the University of London in 1962 for his publications in entomology. He served as the President of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa from 1974 to 1975.

Species content of the

Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 species group

Azygophleps adamsonae Yakovlev et László , sp.n. TYPE MATERIAL: holotype male in coll. ANHRT, examined. TYPE LOCALITY: Cameroon, North Region, Wack (La

Falaise). DISTRIBUTION: Cameroon, North Region.













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