Moutabea excoriata Mart.

Silveira, João Barros Da & Secco, Ricardo De S., 2018, Taxonomic studiesin Moutabea (Polygalaceae) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 365 (3), pp. 225-244 : 233-237

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.365.3.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Moutabea excoriata Mart.


5. Moutabea excoriata Mart. View in CoL exMiq., Fl. Bras. 7: 16. 1856. ( Fig. 3 h–m View FIGURE 3 )

Lectotype (here designated):— BRAZIL. Brasília: Goiás inter Carmo et Natividade, 1856 (fl.), J.B.E.Pohl 1979 (BR! [ BR0000008635716 ]; isolectotypes: K! [K000591160], L!, fragment [ U117423 ], probably W [without barcode]).

= Moutabea silvatica Taub., Bot. Jahr. View in CoL für Syst. 21: 441. 1896. Lectotype (here designated):— BRAZIL. “ Habitat in silva ad fluvium Passa Tempo, September 1892, E. Ule 2998 (HBG [ HBG506557 ]; isolectotypes: MG!, R), syn. nov.

Liana, erect or scandent shrubs to trees, 2 ‒ 20 m tall. Bark with papyraceous laminae, epidermis glabrous, light brown. Leaf blades 11.3 ‒ 17.5 × 3.7 ‒ 4.3 cm, greenish (sharply olive on the adaxial surface), subcoriaceous, oblanceolate, obovate to oblong, glabrous, apex acute, rounded to slightly acuminate, base cuneate, margin thin, surface discreetly wrinkled, midrib plain, secondary veins sulcate on both surfaces; petioles 5 ‒ 7 mm long, glabrous. Racemes usually a monad, glabrous, rachis 1.4 ‒ 2 cm long; flowers 1.7 ‒ 2 cm long, pedicels 1.2 ‒ 3 mm long, sepal lobes 5 ‒ 9 mm long, 2 ‒ 3 mm wide, externally glabrous or incanous, internally pubescent, tips 6 ‒ 8 mm long, 1.6 ‒ 2 mm wide, staminal sheath with hood medium, pubescent on dorsum, group of 4 anthers ca. 2 mm long; ovary 1 ‒ 1.5 mm long, 1.2 ‒ 2 mm diam., tetra-to pentalobed, style 10 ‒ 13 mm long, stigma capitate. Fruit with granular surface, brown when immature, orange when mature, pericarp ca. 0.7 mm thick, appearing woodyin cross-section; seeds 1.4 ‒ 1.7 cm long, glabrescent, raphe imperceptible.

Notes:—This species resembles M. aculeata and M. angustifolia in its subcoriaceous leaves with sulcate secondary veins on both surfaces and glabrous seeds. However, it is easily distinguished from both species by its bark with papyraceous laminae, sharply olive leaves, and group of 4 anthers ca. 2 mm long (vs. rough bark, opaque green leaves, and group of 4 anthers ca. 1.5 mm long in M. aculeata ; rough bark, adaxially greenish leaves, and group of 4 anthers ca. 15 mm long in M. angustifolia ). It also differs from M. angustifolia by the staminal sheath with hood medium, fruits with a medium thick pericarp and seeds with an imperceptible raphe (vs. staminal sheath with hood connate at the base, pericarp ca. 1.5 mm thick, and seeds with a depressed raphe).

Moutabea excoriata has strongly colored leaves, sharply olive on the adaxial surface, and branches with apparent detachment from the bark (in papyraceous laminas). These features are easy to observe and, together with the geographic distribution (easternmost in the genus) and habitat, make the species relatively easy to recognize.

Taubert (1896: 441) proposed Moutabea silvatica , from Goiás and noted that it was similar to M. excoriata , but differed by its larger calyx and dorsally glabrous petals. However, after studying the diagnosis and type collection (Ule 2998) of M. sylvatica , it was found that the morphological characteristics mentioned by Taubert (1896: 441) are also found in M. excoriata . Therefore, the synonymization of M. silvatica under M. excoriata is proposed here. According to Borges & Pirani (2014) most of E. Ule’s collections are deposited in Hamburg (HBG) and duplicates of these collections were never found in Berlin (B). The specimen E. Ule 2998, deposited in the HBG herbarium, is probably the original cited in the description of Taubert (1896: 441), hence it was chosen here as the lectotype of M. silvatica .

The name Moutabea excoriata was originally proposed by Martius, who wrote it on a specimen of the collection Pohl 1979 that is deposited in the BR herbarium. Miquel (1856: 16), in his treatment about Ebenaceae that includes Moutabea , only cited the same specimen (Pohl 1979) when validly describing Moutabea excoriata Mart. ex Miq. Thus, Pohl 1979 (BR[0000008635716]) is here designated as the lectotype of this name. Duplicates of this collection were found at K[000591160] and, naturally, at W[without a barcode], which houses the main collection of J.B.E. Pohl; a fragment was found at L [U0117423]. According to Dr. Bruno Wallnöfer, a curator at W, this specimen was probably loaned to the TEX herbarium. In addition, the specimen J.B.E. Pohl 2331 at NY[00846556] is probably an isolectotype since it is annotated as “In via a Carmo ad Natividade.” This coincides with the locality of J.B.E. Pohl 1979, which is “ Tocantins, ad Monte do Carmo et Natividade, Vila do Carmo” 29–30 August, “Natividade” 4 September 1819. The J.B.E. Pohl collection has two numerical sequences, as observed on a specimen of Eugenia ( Myrtaceae ) collected by Pohl in the same locality, “In via a Carmo ad Natividade” “D.1020,” “Kat. n° 2328,” W[0016671], which could explain the distinct numeration on the Pohl 2331 specimen at NY. We did not see the specimen J.B.E. Pohl 1979 at W. Thus, it was not possible to verify if this isolectotype possesses the same two numbers on the J.B.E. Pohl collection.

Distribution and habitat:— Occurs in Brazil, in the states of Pará, Mato Grosso , Tocantins, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, and Bahia, and as a new record for Pará, Maranhão, and Bahia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Collected in gallery forest, várzea forest, forest edges and cerradão vegetation.

Conservation status: — Moutabea excoriata is a well-collected species in Brazil. Its extent of occurrence (EOO= 1,086,536 Km 2) is large and includes states of the Northeast (Bahia and Maranhão), Central-West (Distrito Federal, Goiás, and Mato Grosso ) and North (Pará and Tocantins) regions. It has an area of occupancy (AOO= 108 Km 2) that contains many protected areas, which probably contribute to maintaining this species in nature. Due to its wide distribution and abundance, this species falls within the Least Concern (LC) category according to IUCN (2017) criteria.

Specimensexamined: — BRASIL. Bahia: Formosa do Rio Preto, 490 m, 02 November 2007, G. Araújo et al. 300 (HUEFS). Distrito Federal: Brasília, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 21 September 2001, M.C. Marques et al. 444 (HUEFS, RB); Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 6 October 1997 (fl.), M. A. da Silva & B. A. S. Pereira 3351 (RB, SPF); bacia do Rio São Bartolomeu, 10 January 1997 (fl.), B. A. S. Pereira & D. Alvarenga 3327 (RB); área do Cristo Redentor, 4 January 1990 (str.), M. P. Neto & F. C. A. Oliveira 557 (RB); Colinas da Chapada da Contagem, 14 September 1965 (fl.), H. S. Irwin et al. 8289 (SP); Parque Municipal do Gama, 10 November 1965 (fr.), H. S. Irwin et al. 10145 (SP); próximo a Sobradinho, 30 September 1965 (fl.), H. S. Irwin et al. 8840 (SP, UB); Córrego torto, 8 April 1989 (fr.), J. E. De Paula 3176 (UB); Brasília, Rio Torto, 16 August 1963, B. Maguire et al. 56209 (IAN, MG, NY, UB). Goiás: Parque Ecológico da Terra Ronca, Pico do São Mateus, 20 October 1994 (fl.), Alfeu & Sebastião 7 (RB); São Domingos, próximo ao povoado de São João, 13 November 2000 (fl.), M. A. da Silva et al. 4594 (RB); Alto Paraíso, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, 15 November 1996 (fr.), F. C. A. Oliveira et al. 693 (RB); Ilha do Bananal, Parque Nacional do Araguaia, 10 September 1980 (fl./fr.), J. A. Ratter et al. s. n. (UB); Tocantinópolis, Ribeirão do Córrego, 27 February 1980 (fr.), T. Plowman et al. 9259 (INPA, MG, NY). Maranhão: Mirador, Parque Estadual do Mirador, 26 September 1988 (fl.), F. Norberto et al. 136 (MG). Mato Grosso : Floresta próxima ao Rio Aripuanã, 19 October 1973 (fr.), C. C. Berg at al. 8687 (MG); Floresta próxima ao Rio Aripuanã, 19 October 1973 (fr.), C. C. Berg et al. 8687 (INPA, K, MG, MO, NY, R); Serra do Roncador, 11 October 1964 (fl.), G. T. Prance & N. T. Silva 59376 (RB); cerrado da Barra do Itapirapé, 10 September 1945 (fl.), O. Machado 310 (RB); Serra do Roncador, 1 October 1964 (fl.), G. T. Prance et al. s.n. (UB); Serra do Roncador, 11 October 1964 (fr.), G. T. Prance & N. T. Silva 59376 (UB); Xavantina, 4 November 1968 (fr.), R. M. Harley 10936 (UB); Nova Xavantina, Reserva Biológica Mário Viana, 15 September1999 (fl.), B. S. Marimon 431 (UB); Novo Santo Antônio, Parque Estadual Araguaia, September 2008 (fl.), A. Solórzano et al. s. n. (UB); margem do Rio Aripuanã, 30 December 1979 (fr.), M. Gomes & S. Miranda 461 (INPA); Rio Aripuanã, 19 October 1973 (fr.), C. C. Berg et al. 8687 (INPA). Pará: Conceição do Araguaia, 10 February 1980 (fr.), T. Plowman et al. 8626 (INPA, MG, NY); Conceição do Araguaia, 12 September 2001 (fl.), L. C. B. Lobato et al. 2892 (MG). Tocantins: Formosa do Araguaia, Bacia do Araguaia, 9 October 2008 (fr.), R. C. Mendonça et al. 6183 (UB); Lagoa da Confusão, Fazenda Lago Verde, 31 October 2006 (fr.), L. L. Fernandes 18 (MG).

6. Moutabea floribunda Huber ex J.B. Silveira & Secco, Phytotaxa View in CoL 202(4): 259–265. 2015. ( Fig. 3 n–q View FIGURE 3 ) Type:— BRAZIL. Amapá: 4 November 1895 (fl.), J. Huber s.n. (holotype: MG n. 1200!).

Liana, scandent shrub or small tree, 12 ‒ 20 m tall. Branch rough, epidermis glabrous, light brown. Leaf blades 12.5 ‒ 26.5 × 5 ‒ 9.5 cm, opaque green adaxially, coriaceous, glabrous, obovate, oblong to oblanceolate, rarely narrow-elliptic, apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate, rarely rounded, surface smooth on both faces (nitid adaxially), midrib plain, secondary veins slightly sulcate on both surfaces (on the abaxial surface, they give the false impression of being prominent); petioles 0.8 ‒ 1.8 cm long. Racemes with rachis usually a triad or tetrad, incanous to glabrous, 1.5 ‒ 2.5 cm long; flowers 1.3 ‒ 1.6 cm long, pedicels 0.5 ‒ 1 cm long, sepal lobes 4 ‒ 6 mm long, 2 ‒ 3 mm wide, externally incanous to glabrous, internally pubescent, tips 5.2 ‒ 8 mm long, 1.8 ‒ 2.2 mm wide, staminal sheath with hood connate at the base, pubescent on dorsum, group of 4 anthers 1.2 ‒ 1.3 mm long, ovary 1 ‒ 1.5 mm long, 1.2 ‒ 2 mm diam., tetralobed, style 9 ‒ 11 mm long, stigma capitate. Immature fruit with smooth surface, brown to blackened, pericarp ca. 7 mm thick, appearing woodyin cross-section; seeds 1.7 ‒ 1.9 cm long, velutinous, raphe imperceptible.

Notes:—This species resembles M. angustifolia by its leaves with sulcate secondary veins on both surfaces and staminal sheath with hood concrescent at the base. However, it is easily distinguished by its nitid foliar surface, raceme with rachis usually a triad or tetrad, and velutinous seeds with an imperceptible raphe (vs. opaque foliar surface, raceme with rachis generally a monad, and glabrous seeds with a depressed raphe).

Moutabea floribunda has more inflorescences per axil than M. angustifolia , however, this is not the only feature supporting this taxon. When dehydrated, the leaves have a smooth texture and are bright and lustrous (nitid). This is common only in M. floribunda , along with the thin bracteoles and staminal sheath with hood concrescent at the base. Another peculiarity is the false prominent veins on the abaxial surface of the leaves (i.e., the secondary veins form furrows with elevated margin that at first glance give the impression of being prominent).

Distribution and Habitat: —Occurs in Guyana, Peru and the Brazilian states ofAcre, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso , Pará, and Rondônia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Collected in upland, campinarana, and slope forests.

Conservation status:— Moutabea floribunda is a non-endemical species of the Brazilian flora. Extent of occurrence is wide in Brazil (EOO = 2.349. 807 km ²), and it is found in the states of Amapá, Pará, Mato Grosso , Rondônia, Acre, and more often Amazonas. Because the genus is poorly known and the lianescent habits make it difficult to collect branches with flowers and fruit in the highest forest layers, the species probably shows a small area of occupation (AOO = 104 km ²) compared to its extent of occurrence, which reflects low collection efforts. Restricted to the Amazon domain, it is observed in large areas of preserved forests, some of which are protected areas, which provide the conditions for its maintenance in nature. Due the widespread and abundant distribution of this species, we assign it a category of Least Concern (LC), according to the criteria of IUCN (2017).

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Acre: Rio Juruá, Juruá Miri, September 1901 (fl.), Ule MG 5746 (MG). Amazonas: Reserva Ducke, floresta de platô, 12 September 1995, M.A.D. Souza et al. 94 (INPA, K, MG, NY, RB); Reserva Ducke, Igarapé do Tinga, 12 October 1995, J.E. L. S. Ribeiro et al. 1732 (INPA, K, MG, NY); Maués, Rio Maués, 13 July 1983, J.L. Zarucchi et al. 3007 (INPA, MG, NY); Presidente Figueiredo, Rio Pitinga a 2 h. acima da confluência com Rio Uatumã, 21 March 1986, fr., C. A. Cid. Ferreira et al. 6935 (MO); Coari, Projeto Radam, ponto 17. SB. 20 VD, 20 September 1976 (fl.), T. R. Bahia 109 (INPA, MG, NY); Estrada de Manaus-Porto Velho (BR 319), Km 270–275, 20 September 1979 (fr.), A. S. Silva et al. 1362a. (INPA, MG, NY); Humaitá, Rio Madeira, 23 November 1966 (fr.), G. T. Prance et al. s.n. (INPA); Rio Aripuanã, Nova Prainha, Projeto RADAM/ BRASIL SB-ZO-ZD-PTO. 23, 18 July 1976 (str.), J. Ramos et al. s. n. (INPA); BR 319, Estrada Manaus-Porto Velho, 20 September 1979 (fr.), A. Sergio et al. 1362b. (INPA, MG, NY); Tapauá, Floresta Estadual Tapauá, 10 September 2010 (fl.), E. M. B. Prata et al. 454 (INPA); Manaus, fundos da Colônia João Alfredo, 23 June 1940 (fl.), A. Ducke s. n. (IAN); Rio Negro, Curucuhy, 17 April 1947 (fr.), R. L. Fróes 22158 (IAN); Juruá Miry, Rio Juruá, September 1901 (fl.), Ule 5842 (MG); Tefé, Rio Solimões, 18 October 1982 (fr.), I. L. Amaral et al. 128 (INPA, MG, NY, UB). Mato Grosso : município de Apiacás, Rio Juruena, November 2007 (f.), M. Sobral et al. 11266 (BHCB). Pará, região do Rio Jari: margem direita entre Monte Dourado e S. Melitão, 20 March 1968 (fr.), E. Oliveira s.n. (IAN); Rio Xingu, Vitória, 05 August 1918, A. Ducke MG 17162 (MG); Sto. Antônio do Içá, 27 September 1906, s/col., MG 7705 (MG). Rondônia: Porto Velho, sub-base de Aeroporto, 17 September 1975 (fl.), C. D. Mota & L. Coêlho 195 (INPA); Porto Velho, 8 September 1923 (fl), J. G. Kuhlmam399 (RB); sub-base projeto RADAM, próximo do Aeroporto, 16 September 1975 (fl.), M. R. Cordeiro 800 (IAN, MG); Porto Velho, Ramal Arrependida, 31 August 2011, A.A. Santos et al. 3499 (HUEFS); Rio Jaci Parana, margem da BR-364, 22 October 2011, B.M. Gomes et al. 532 (HUEFS); Porto Velho, Jirau Sto. Antônio, 22 October 2010, G. Pereira-Silva et al. 15711 (HUEFS). GUIANA. San Gabriel, 10 October 1929 (str.), N. Y. Sandwith s. n. (RB). PERU. Madre de Dios: Shoreline of Laguna Cocacocha, 5,2 Km down Main Trail, explorer’s Inn, near the confluence of Rio Tambopata and Rio La Torre, 39 Km SW of Puerto Moldonato, 23 January 1989 (fr.), S. F. Smith et al. 1517 ( US).














Moutabea excoriata Mart.

Silveira, João Barros Da & Secco, Ricardo De S. 2018

Moutabea floribunda Huber ex J.B. Silveira & Secco, Phytotaxa

J. B. Silveira & Secco 2015: 259

Moutabea silvatica

Taub. 1896: 441
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