Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841

Rukmane-Bārbale, Anita, 2020, A New Synonym Of Pachyrhynchus Speciosus Waterhouse, 1841 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) From The Philippines, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 20 (1), pp. 35-38 : 36-37

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12649262

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scientific name

Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841


Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841 View in CoL

( Fig. 1 View Fig )

Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841: 314 View in CoL Pachyrhynchus absurdus Schultze, 1919: 550 View in CoL syn. nov.

Type material examined: Holotype of Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841 , female: Type (round white label, circumscribed by red circle) // 75. / 36. (round white label) // Pachyrhynchus / speciosus W. (white rectangular label) ( BMNH).

Lectotype of Pachyrhynchus absurdus Schultze, 1919 , male: Bucas Island / G. Boettcher (white rectangular label, printed) // Pachyrrhynchus / absurdus ♂ / Det. W. Schultze. Schultze / Type (white rectangular label) // Coll. W. Schultze / Ankauf 1942 (yellow rectangular label) // Staatl. Museum fur / Tierkunde Dresden (white rectangular card, printed) // HOLOTYPUS (red rectangular card, printed); left antenna missing ( SMTD) ( Fig. 2 View Fig )

Diagnosis. Body coppery red, old specimens almost black. Scally markings pale green, with metallic luster. Impression on head between eyes broad and deep, continuous with excavation on base of rostrum. Head with three longitudinal markings; one median, and one under each eye. Thorax indistinctly punctured, with three elongated longitudinal scally markings, one oval on each side and one dorsal arrow-shaped marking, slightly longer than broad. Elytra short ovate, striate-punctate, at the basal portion of each elytron with transverse area, enclosed by a narrow band of scales, and extending from outer margin nearly to the suture; apical portion with curved area, with two narrow transverse bands, that become confluent near outer margin of each elytron and run backwards to the apical curved marks; in some cases two dorsal bands are combined at suture of elytra. Line of scales on prosternum nearly encircles base of anterior legs. Femora with scally markings on subapical part, more or less interrupted on the upper surface of each femur. Habitus of male is illustrated in ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

Remarks. Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841

Waterhouse (1841) described this species from one female specimen, without exact location of the species. Never less, together with Type specimen available in BMNH, collection include number of specimens that morphologically correspond type, collected from Mindanao Island. Schultze (1919) described and figured Pachyrhynchus absurdus based on one male and one female specimen. According to the original description, the type specimens were deposited in Schultze private collection ( Schultze, 1919), but actually the types are now deposited in SMTD. The type series contain two males and one female. Later, the same author ( Schultze 1922) added note, that male of P. absurdus is a form of P. speciosus Waterh. and the true P. absurdus is a female from the original description. Schultze, consequently, considered the male of P. absurdus as a synonym of P. speciosus (but the formal synonymization was not provided by him), and the female as P. absurdus ( Schultze, 1923) . Despite this, the male of P. absurdus was never described, despite the fact, that one male corresponding features of the female from this type serie.

Type material, considered as P. absurdus : Bucas Island / G. Boettcher (white rectangular label, printed) // Coll. W. Schultze / Ankauf 1942 (yellow rectangular label) // Staatl. Museum fur / Tierkunde Dresden (white rectangular card, printed) // Pachyrrhynchus / absurdus ♂ / Det. W. Schultze. Schultze / Type (white rectangular label) (1♂, 1♀) ( Fig. 3 View Fig ) .

All three specimens has type labels, and one male have additional red label ‘’HOLOTYPUS’’, which apparently was pinned after the original description. According to regalement of International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, holotype is a single specimen expressly designated as the name-bearing ‘’type’’ by the original author of the species. We can’t ignore the fact, that there is always a possibility, that this additional label was added to type specimen after the original description, with my own considerations, it was done by Schultze during his later revision of the genus. As we can’t prove this fact, there is a need in establishing a new lectotype, as the single type specimen for species originally described from a set of syntypes. According to the gender preference and considering the presence of ‘’HOLOTYPE’’ label, I considered this specimen as a lectotype in order to fix the identity of the name.An additional red rectangular label ‘’LECTOTYPE’’ was added by me on the same pin with specimen. A comparison of P. speciosus of several museums (DUBC, SMTD, BMNH) from Mindanao, Samar, Siargao and Bucas islands with the lectotype of P. absurdus revealed that they are morphologically conspecific. Thus, I synonymized P. absurdus with P. speciosus . Two other specimens, based on shapes of the rostrum with similar impression, elytra with markedly elongate apex in female, and characteristic scally markings of the body, are conspecific with P. orientalis Rukmane, 2017 . This species has extending distribution range from Mindanao to Bucas islands (Rukmane 2017).














Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841

Rukmane-Bārbale, Anita 2020

Pachyrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841: 314

Schultze W. 1919: 550
Waterhouse G. R. 1841: 314
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