Euops porulosus, Riedel, 2001

Riedel, Alexander, 2001, The pygmaeus-group of Euops Schoenherr (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Attelabidae), weevils associated with Nothofagus in New Guinea, Journal of Natural History 35 (8), pp. 1173-1237 : 1195-1197

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Felipe (2021-08-27 00:14:37, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 22:36:18)

scientific name

Euops porulosus

sp. nov.

Euops porulosus sp. n.

(®gures 3, 44, 57, 58, 66, 73, 74, 96, 112, 124, 128, 132, 145, 161, 175, 187, 203, 214, 225)

Diagnosis. Colouration blue. Integument dull (microporose at high magni®cation). Pronotum transversely rugose. Elytral striae deeply impressed. Female: Abdominal sternite VI with one simple row of nonmodi®ed setae. Male: TA as in ®gure 145.

Range. Figure 225. Paniai Prov. (Bilogay, Sinak). Altitude: 2000±2100 m.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: Irian Jaya : Paniai Prov., Sinak, 2000±2200 m, 14± 17 December 1995, leg. A. Riedel ( ARC) . PARATYPES: eight males, four females (one marked as`allotype’), same data as holotype; Paniai Prov .: two males, two females, Sinak, 2000±2200 m, 14 December 1995, leg. A. Riedel ( ARC) ; one male, one female, Bilogay, 2100±2200 m, 29 December 1995, leg. A. Riedel ( ARC) .


Holotype, male. Length, pronotum 1 elytron: 2.00 mm. Colouration. Deep blue, except pronotum and head with slight greenish shine. Head. As in ®gure 73; short, with gena 0.83 Ö as long as width of head behind eyes; contours of genae parallel in dorsal view; vertex dull (microporose at high magni®cation), with shallow punctures, laterally sparsely transversely striolate, dorsally with few wrinkles curving behind eye towards middle becoming deeper impressed; eyes evenly rounded, dorsally distant, separated by c. 0.33 Ö basal width of rostrum; frons smooth except row of punctures along mesal margin of eye, anteriorly with median longitudinal impression, centre without median costa; ventrally in front of gular region shining, except medially sparsely shallowly punctate, without median furrow, with long median submental carina extended to shortly before posterior tentorial pit. Rostrum 1.50 Ö as long as mouthparts, at widest point 1.36 Ö wider than at base; clypeus with median process apically concave; antennal insertion at base, approximatel y within basal ®fth of rostrum; in lateral aspect with dorsal contour above antennal insertion weakly rounded, then in straight line to apex; ventral contour at base continuous with contour of head, weakly concave to apex; dorsal and ventral contour converging from base to apex; ventral surface with submentum before hind level of maxillary cavities ¯at, posteriorly towards sides steeply rising to postgenal recesses, margins of ¯at median area converging basad, continued by median submental carina. Antenna as in ®gure 96. Prothorax. Sides subparallel, straight, rounded towards apex; with very indistinct preapical constriction; disc dull (microporose at high magni®cation), with shallow transversely conūent punctures, anteriorly with shallow transverse wrinkles. Elytron. At humerus simple; 2.62 Ö longer than wide; striae moderately deeply impressed. Thoracic venter. Prepectus c. 0.5 Ö as long as postpectus. Height of pterothorax 0.73 Ö length of elytron. Legs. Procoxa anteriorly simple. Profemur with ventral surface smooth. Protibia (®gure 112) with dorsal contour weakly curved, ventral contour subparallel, weakly sinuate; ventral surface densely granulate, densely setose. Mesotibia (®gure 128) with dorsal edge subapically with weak, broadly rounded extension. Uncus of metatibia curved ventrad, at base with di cult to see, mesad curved accessory tooth (®gures 57, 58). Abdomen. Ventral contour in lateral view weakly concave; venter sparsely setose; sternite VII with apex evenly concave; pygidium c. 1.30 Ö wider than long, dull, smooth, subglabrous, with base not overlapped by elytral apex. Genitalia. Sternite VIII (®gure 161) with apex bilobed, apically setose with moderately long setae, subapically with pair of less sclerotized areas. Tegminal plate (®gure 187) with sides diverging before apex; apex subtruncate, weakly rounded, evenly setose. Aedeagus as in ®gure 132. Apical scoop of pedon (®gure 175) with lateral margins straight and converging, with apex acute. TA as in ®gure 66, 145.

Allotype, female. Same as holotype except: Length, pronotum1 elytron: 2.06 mm. Head. As in ®gure 74; eyes separated by c. 0.32 Ö basal width of rostrum. Rostrum. Apically more strongly compressed dorsoventrally; in lateral view with dorsal contour sinuate, shortly in front of antennal insertion concave, in straight line continued to apex. Elytron. 2.64 Ö longer than wide. Thoracic venter. Height of pterothorax 0.77 Ö length of elytron. Legs. Protibia (®gure 124) in anterior view with dorsal contour weakly curved, ventral contour strongly sinuate, convex at base, concave at apex; apex of pro-, meso- and metatibia with uncus and premucro; uncus of metatibia without accessory tooth. Abdomen. Patch of modi®ed setae c. 0.62 Ö as long as wide; sternite VI with simple row of nonmodi®ed setae. Genitalia. Sternite VIII as in ®gure 214. Spermatheca (®gure 203) slender; with membranous spermathecal gland.

Intraspeci W c variation. Length, pronotum1 elytron: 2.00± 2.39 mm (n 5 16, xÅ 5 2.18 Ô 0.11). Elytron. 2.54± 2.70 Ö longer than wide (n 5 16, xÅ 5 2.61 Ô 0.03). Thoracic venter. Height of pterothorax in males 0.70± 0.74 Ö length of elytron (n 5 9, xÅ 5 0.72 Ô 0.01), in females 0.72± 0.78 Ö length of elytron (n 5 6, xÅ 5 0.76 Ô 0.02). Abdomen. Males with venter subglabrous to moderately setose. Female patch of modi®ed setae c.0.60± 0.67 Ö as long as wide (n 5 5, xÅ 5 0.63 Ô 0.03).

Etymological note

This epithet is based on the Latin adjective porosus (porose) in diminutive form and refers to the integument of the species which is densely perforated by small pores.

Biological note

This species was collected along with E. nothofagi and E. bicolor on the extensive leaf ¯ush of a Nothofagus perryi seedling.


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