Taygetis fulginia d'Almeida , 1922

Siewert, Ricardo Russo, Zacca, Thamara, Dias, Fernando Maia Silva, Freitas, Andre Victor Lucci, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2013, The " Taygetis ypthima species group " (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): taxonomy, variation and description of a new species, ZooKeys 356, pp. 11-29 : 20-21

publication ID


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scientific name

Taygetis fulginia d'Almeida , 1922

stat. r.

Taygetis fulginia d'Almeida, 1922 View in CoL stat. r. Figs 5 A–D; 6 U–Y; 7I, J

Type material.

Holotype male with the following labels: /HOLOTYPUS/ Taygetis fulginia d’Almeida, 1922 /M(#)/ 30-X-1921 Parada Caramujos, E. F. C. B. [ Estação de Ferro Central do Brasil] [Japeri] [22°38'34"S, 43°39'10"W] Estado do Rio [de Janeiro] Ferreira d’Almeida leg. /N°5163/ DZ 27.378/ (DZUP).

Additional examined material.

BRAZIL - Minas Gerais: Marliéria - Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, 250 m, 14-V-1974, 2 males, Ebert leg., ex-coll. Ebert, DZ 26.418, DZ 27.524 (DZUP); 17-V-1974, 1 male, Ebert leg., ex-coll. Ebert,DZ 26.821 (DZUP). Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro - Horto Florestal - 01-VIII-1932, 1 female, Gagarin leg., ex-coll. Gagarin,DZ 27.416 (DZUP). São Paulo: Ubatuba - Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba, 0-100m, 30-IX-2001, 1 male, Brown & Freitas leg. DNA voucher BLU 443 (ZUEC-AVLF).


Taygetis fulginia can be distinguished from Taygetis ypthima and other species of the genus by the following characters: in size it is slightly smaller, the forewing is only slightly pointed at the apex, the hind wing has smaller projections at M3, CuA1 and CuA2, similar to Taygetis servius stat. n., the dorsal wings lack suffused dark brown bands along the outer margin. The base of the gnathos presents a ventral pointed projection, as in Taygetis rectifascia and Taygetis servius stat. n., but Taygetis fulginia differs from the former by the absence of a developed dorsal projection on the valva, and from the latter by the longer and thinner distal projection of the valva, which is also longer and with a dorsally protruding area in Taygetis fulginia .


(Fig. 8). This species occurs in southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), from sea level to 250m.

Taxonomic comments.

The description of Taygetis fulginia was based on a single specimen in the D’Almeida collection, now deposited at DZUP (see above). This species was previously considered a synonym of Taygetis ypthima , but the morphological study confirms its specific status and indicates closer relationship with Taygetis rectifascia and Taygetis servius stat. n.













