Hamadruas keralensis, Sen & Sudhin, 2022

Sen, Souvik & Sudhin, Puthoor Pattammal, 2022, A new species and a new record of Hamadruas Deeleman-Reinhold, 2009 (Araneae: Oxyopidae) from India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 122 (4), pp. 345-348 : 345-347

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26515/rzsi/v122/i4/2022/172386

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hamadruas keralensis

sp. nov.

Hamadruas keralensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1a–e and 3 View Figure 3 .

Type Material: Holotype: 1♀ (ZSI/ WGRC / I. R.INV.17220), India: Kerala, Kakkavayal , 11°38'34.27"N 76°08'07.80"E, h = 751 m, 30.xi.2019, Coll. S. Sen. GoogleMaps

Etymology: The species name is derived from the name of the state from where the species was collected.

Diagnosis: The female of H. keralensis sp. nov. can be separated from all other described congeners by its triangular spermathecae, thick, anteriorly broad, and posteriorly narrow fertilization ducts, and pot shaped epigynal atrium ( Figures 1b–e).

Description: Female (Holotype, ZSI/WGRC/ I.R.INV.17220) ( Figures 1a–e): Measurements: Body length 13.44. Carapace length 4.31, width 3.63. Abdomen Length 8.74, width 2.81. Eye diameters: AME 0.10; ALE

0.20; PME 0.18; PLE 0.18. Eye inter distances: AME-AME

0.08; AME-ALE 0.11; PME-PME 0.29; PME-PLE 0.40. The first eye row is 0.29 wide, the second eye row is 0.65 wide, the third eye row is 1.30 wide, fourth eye row is 0.62 wide. Clypeus height 0.53. Measurements of legs: I: 17.92 (5.20, 6.0, 5.0, 1.72) II: 17.40 (5.0, 6.0, 5.0, 1.40); III: 14.73 (3.98, 4.50, 4.85 1.40); IV: 16.50 (4.75, 5.60, 4.55, 1.60). Leg formula 1243. Carapace yellowish brown ( Figure 1a), with scattered grey hairs, margins with dense grey hairs, posteriorly broad, anteriorly narrowed, longer than wide, cephalic region little elevated, thoracic region with a longitudinal reddish brown fovea; clypeus brown, margins grey with two longitudinal median grey lines; eyes white, encircled by black rings, anterior row strongly recurved, posterior row procurved, ocular area grey; chelicerae yellow-brown, fangs brown, pro- and retro-margins with a single tooth; labium, maxillae longer than wide; labium anteriorly brown and posteriorly yellow; maxillae yellow, anteriorly scopulate; sternum yellow, anterior margin concave, longer than wide; legs brown, long, with spines and hairs. Abdomen long, anteriorly wider, dorsum grey, with yellow spots and median lanceolate marking ( Figure 1a), laterally yellow with irregular grey lines; venter yellow, with lateral black longitudinal lines and broad median black band; spinnerets black. Epigyne as shown in Figures 1b–e. Epigynal atrium almost pot-shaped, epyginal rim laterally concave, copulatory opening at the posterior end of its lateral edges, spermathecae triangular, copulatory ducts long, nearly ‘S’ shaped, fertilization ducts thick, anteriorly broad and posteriorly narrow.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ).

Souvik Sen and Puthoor Pattammal Sudhin Hamadruas hieroglyphica ( Thorell, 1887)

Figures 2a–e View Figures 2 and 3 View Figure 3 .

Oxyopes hieroglyphicus Thorell, 1887: 332 .

Tapponia hieroglyphica Thorell, 1895: 254 .

Hamadruas hieroglyphica Deeleman-Reinhold, 2009: 691 View in CoL , figs. 57–63; Tang & Li, 2012: 3, figs. 1A–C, 2A–B.

Material Examined: 2♀♀ (ZSI/ WGRC /I.R-INV. 17216-17217), India: Kerala, Idukki, Periyar National Park ,09°28'51.77'" N77°11'58.97" E, h = 1031m, 10.xi.1996, Coll. P. M. Sureshan.

Diagnosis: For the diagnosis of this species, see Deeleman-Reinhold (2009).

Description: Female (ZSI/ WGRC /I.R-INV. 17216) ( Figures 2a–e View Figures 2 ). Measurements: Body length 14.52. Carapace length 4.30, width 3.73. Abdomen length 9.33, width 4.03. Eye diameters: AME 0.10; ALE 0.23; PME

0.18; PLE 0.19. Eye inter distances: AME-AME 0.09; AME-ALE 0.10; PME-PME 0.31; PME-PLE 0.44. The first eye row is 0.33 wide, the second eye row is 0.73 wide, the third eye row is 1.35 wide, fourth eye row is 0.64 wide. Clypeus height 0.52. Measurements of legs: I: 18.15 (5.00,

6.30, 5.10, 1.75) II: 18.00 (4.80, 6.20, 5.20, 1.80); III: 16.70 (4.70, 5.50, 5.00, 1.50); IV: 17.5 (5.10, 6.00, 4.90, 1.50). Leg formula: 1243. Carapace brown ( Figure 2a View Figures 2 ), flat, anteriorly narrowed, longer than wide, thoracic region with a longitudinal brown fovea, radii faint; clypeus brown; eyes transparent, encircled by black rings, anterior row strongly recurved, posterior row procurved, ocular quad longer than wide, ocular area black with some silky hairs; chelicerae yellow-brown, promargin with two teeth and retromargin with a single tooth, fangs brown; labium, maxillae yellow-brown,longer than wide,faintly scopulate; sternum yellow, anterior margin straight, nearly cordate; legs brown, long, with spines and hairs. Abdomen broad anteriorly, narrowing posteriorly, dorsum brown, with numerous white spots throughout ( Figure 2a View Figures 2 ), median marking indistinct with a pair of small median sigilla; venter yellow-brown with a median ‘V’ shaped brown band; spinnerets brown. Epigyne as shown in Figures 2b–e View Figures 2 . Epigynal atrium is nearly apple-shaped with highly sclerotized rims, spermathecae globular, copulatory openings situated at the lateral edges, copulatory ducts thick, arching up, fertilization ducts long and thin.

Distribution: China, Myanmar ( World Spider Catalog, 2022), India (new record) ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Hamadruas keralensis

Sen, Souvik & Sudhin, Puthoor Pattammal 2022

Hamadruas hieroglyphica

Tang, G. & Li, S. Q. 2012: 3
Deeleman-Reinhold, C. L. 2009: 691

Tapponia hieroglyphica

Thorell, T. 1895: 254

Oxyopes hieroglyphicus

Thorell, T. 1887: 332
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF