Poecilosomella hayashii, Papp, 2002

Papp, L., 2002, Eighteen New Oriental Species Of Poecilosomella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (2), pp. 107-156 : 125-126

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587600

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scientific name

Poecilosomella hayashii

sp. nov.

Poecilosomella hayashii View in CoL sp. n.

Holotype female ( ROM): PHILIPPINES, Negros , Oriental: Cuernos de Negros, 7 km W. Valencia, 29 JUN – 8 JUL 1987. DC Darling, E. Mayordo. ROM 873061 – 1 About ROM ° rainforest edge, 700 m, Malaise w/pans.

Measurements: body length 2.18 mm (holotype), wing length not measurable (wing perpedicularly curved at middle), breadth 1.00 mm. eral view. Scales: 0.2 mm for Fig. 22 View Figs 20–23 , 0.1 mm for Figs 20–21, 23 View Figs 20–23

Body dark brown, less pictured than in the other species of the genus. Wings uniformly dark brown.

Frons dull dark brown with silvery orbitalia and interfrontal stripes, silvery dots at bases of vti, vte and a pair of silvery dots on uppermost part of occiput. Orbital setae close to each other and reduced: thin and the posterior one is only 0.28 mm long. Face bright reddish, dark brown above mouth edge. First flagellomere enlarged, 0.21 mm long, scape plus pedicel 0.155 mm long. Arista medium long, aristal cilia 0.055 mm long, cilia on flagellomere dense but much shorter. Only 2 pairs of short ifr. Genal bristle extremely long, 0.24 mm, ventrally placed (arising just above peristomals), gena below eye 0.14 mm broad.

Mesonotum shiny dark brown, silvery dots only at bases of the 2 pairs of strong dc and of the scutellar setae. Scutellum broader than long. Only 1 (posterior) katepisternal, 0.26 mm long.

Legs shiny dark brown with yellowish rings on the middle and apices of mid and hind tibia. Fore basitarsus wholly dark brown but tarsomeres 2–5 are clear white. Fore tibia thickened 0.53 mm long and 0.10 mm thick. No ventral or anteroventral setae on mid tibia, no strong ventroapical on mid tibia, 3 rather thin setae instead. Mid tarsomeres 1 and 2 dark brown, tarsomeres 3 to 5 white, shortened, their length combined less than length of mid basitarsus. Hind basitarsus and second tarsomere enlarged and extremely thickened: thickness of basitarsus is larger than that of the hind femur. Apical three tarsomeres of hind tarsus white and shortened, shorter than mid apical three tarsomeres.

Wing almost uniformly dark brown, only cross-veins and a small spot amidst cell r2+3 lighter. Costa of wing with long dense but comparatively thin fringe and without vein appendage on R 2+3. Second costal section only 0.465 mm, third section 0.825 mm, ratio 0.56

Female abdominal sternites rather narrow. Epiproct very small and almost quadrate. Cerci short, round with 2 pairs of long, wavy bent hairs.

Male unknown.

Etymology. I name this species in honour of Dr. Toshihiko HAYASHI, for his achievement in studies on Poecilosomella and other species of Sphaeroceridae .

Distribution: Known only from the Philippines.

P. hayashii sp. n. is a peculiar species. Despite the reduced pattern on its body, this is probably the most beautiful species of the known Poecilosomella . I think it is closely related to the P. borboroides species group, based on the structures of wing (long dense but thin fringe, rather short second costal section, etc.), with the similar armature of mid tibia. The coloration of body and legs make it easily identifiable.


Royal Ontario Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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