Leiochiton Curtis, 1831: 346

ROIG-JUÑENT, SERGIO, 2000, The Subtribes And Genera Of The Tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae): Cladistic Analysis, Taxonomic Treatment, And Biogeographical Considerations, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (1), pp. 1-90 : 29-32

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https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)255<0001:TSAGOT>2.0.CO;2

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Leiochiton Curtis, 1831: 346


Leiochiton Curtis, 1831: 346 View in CoL (type species Scarites arcticus Paykull, 1798 , by original designation).

Oncoderus Stephens, 1832: 377 View in CoL .

TYPE SPECIES (by monotypy): Scarites arcticus Paykull, 1798 .

DIAGNOSIS: Miscodera is distinguished from all Broscina genera in the following combination of characters: pronotum with one seta each side and without lateral bead, and two deep foveae on mentum.

DESCRIPTION: External morphology (figs. 72–73): Head with one supraorbital seta over each eye; head with a broad transverse impression behind eyes (fig. 72); temporal ridge complete; antenna with antennomeres 1–2 glabrous, 3–4 with apical ring of setae. Mandibles each with scrobal setae. Maxillar eustipes with two basal setae. Labium with seven or eight setae on submentum; mentum with two rounded paramedian foveae and a simple tooth; prementum with glossal sclerite bisetose apically, ventral surface without longitudinal carina. Pronotum constricted apically, with one setae each side and without lateral bead. Elytron with striole joined to the apical portion of stria 1; parascutellar setae present on basal portion of second stria; lateral umbilical series with three setae. Foreleg with trochanter having one seta; male with foretarsomeres 1–3 and middle tarsomeres 1– 2 with adhesive vestiture of articulosetae ventrally.

Male genitalia (figs. 74–79): Sternum 9 with sclerotized ring complete, with lateral margins narrow (fig. 74). Median lobe with dorsal surface sclerotized on the basal third (fig. 77) and basal orifice dorsally open (fig. 76, bo). Internal sac with sclerite X broad and curved, with lateroapical asymmetric upturned projections (figs. 78–79); apical plate of spiculae, without tooth. Left paramere setose on apical third (fig. 75).

Female genital tract (fig. 80): Rami of gonocoxite 9 long and thin. Nematiform setae of subapical setose organ present. Spermatheca long and thin (fig. 80, sp), entering the apical region bursa copulatrix independently from median oviduct; helminthoid sclerite thin and long, curved (fig. 80, hs); bursa copulatrix with accessory gland in central region, without basal sclerite; with sclerite on the base of oviduct.

LARVAE: The larval instars of Miscodera arctica were described by Andersen (1968) and Luff (1978).

HABITAT: Miscodera arctica is a xerophilous species, occurring on sandy moraines with mosses or lichens and few trees (Lindroth, 1961b).

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: The genus Miscodera is Holarctic, occurring in North America ( USA and Canada), north of Europe ( Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, north Germany, and Russia), and Asia (Siberia).


Broscodera Lindroth, 1961 Figures 81–92 View Figs

Broscodera Lindroth, 1961a: 150 View in CoL . Lindroth, 1961b: 171.

TYPE SPECIES (by original designation): Miscodera insignis Mannerheim, 1852 .

DIAGNOSIS: Broscodera differs from relat- ed Broscina genera by the combination of two characters: absence of parascutellar seta and head without ventral grooves.

DESCRIPTION: External morphology (figs. 81–82): Head with one supraorbital seta over each eye; temporal ridge complete; antenna with antennomeres 1 and 2 glabrous, 3 with apical ring, 4 setose on apical third; 5–11 setose throughout. Mandibles each with scrobal setae. Maxillar eustipes with two or three basal setae. Labium with six setae on submentum; ventral surface of mentum with a deep paramedian circular impression (fig. 82), with tooth simple; prementum with glossal sclerite bisetose apically, ventral surface without longitudinal carina. Pronotum constricted apically, with two setae each side. Elytron with parascutellar striole joined to the apical portion of stria 1; parascutellar setae present, on basal portion of second stria; lateral umbilical series with three setae. Foreleg with trochanter bisetose; male with foretarsomeres 1–3 and middle tarsomeres 1–2 with adhesive vestiture of articulosetae ventrally.

Male genitalia (figs. 83–89): Sternum 9 with sclerotized ring complete, with lateral margins narrow. Median lobe with dorsal surface of the median lobe sclerotized on the basal third (fig. 86), and basal orifice partially open dorsally (fig. 85, bo). Internal sac with sclerite X broad (figs. 88–89), with lateroapical asymmetric projections upturned (figs. 88–89); apical plate of long spiculae, without tooth (fig. 87, ap). Left paramere with few setae apically (fig. 83), right paramere setose on apical third (fig. 84).

Female genital tract (figs. 90–92): Rami of gonocoxite 9 long and thin. Nematiform setae of subapical setose organ present. Spermatheca long and thin (fig. 91), entering the apical region bursa copulatrix independently from median oviduct; helminthoid sclerite thin and long, curved (figs. 91–92, hs); bursa copulatrix with accessory gland near the spermatheca, without basal sclerite; with sclerite on the base of oviduct.

HABITAT: Lindroth (1961b) pointed out that some specimens were found on a steep mountain slope, near the forest limit.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: The monospecific genus Broscodera occurs in North America, in USA (Alaska, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming) and Canada.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: Broscodera insignis (AMNH, IADIZA) .

Broscosoma Rosenhauer, 1846 Figures 93–102 View Figs

Broscosoma Rosenhauer, 1846: 1 . Putzeys, 1846: 1; 1868: 353. Semenov, 1900: 74. Csiki, 1928: 12. Andrewes 1935: 44. Lindroth, 1961a: 146. TYPE SPECIES (by monotypy): Broscosoma baldense Rosenhauer, 1846 .

DIAGNOSIS: Broscosoma together with Miscodera are the only Broscina genera without lateral bead in the pronotum. It differs from Miscodera in lacking the foveae of mentum.

DESCRIPTION: External morphology (figs. 93–94): Head with one supraorbital seta over each eye; temporal ridge indistinct, distinct at the apical region; antenna with antennomeres 1 and 2 glabrous, 3 with apical ring; 4 setose on apical third; 5–11 setose throughout. Mandibles each with scrobal setae. Maxillar eustipes with two basal setae. Labium with 4–6 setae on submentum; tooth of mentum simple; prementum with glossal sclerite bisetose, ventral surface without longitudinal carina. Pronotum constricted apically (fig. 93), with one or two setae each side, and without lateral bead. Elytron with parascutellar striole joined to apical portion of stria 1; parascutellar setae present, on basal portion of second stria or absent (in B. gracile ); lateral umbilical series with three or four setae. Foreleg with trochanter with one or two setae; male foretarsomeres 1–3 and middle tarsomeres 1–2 with adhesive vestiture of articulosetae ventrally.

Male genitalia (figs. 95–101): Sternum 9 with sclerotized ring complete and lateral margins narrow. Median lobe with dorsal surface sclerotized on the basal third and basal orifice partially open dorsally (fig. 98). Internal sac with sclerite X broad with lateroapical asymmetric projections upturned (figs. 100–101); apical plate of long spiculae, without tooth (fig. 99). Left paramere asetose ( B. baldense , fig. 95) or setose ( B. deuvi , B. semenovi , B. convexum ); right paramere setose on apical half, with apex curved (figs. 96–97).

Female genital tract (fig. 102): Rami of gonocoxite 9 long. Nematiform setae of subapical setose organ present. Spermatheca long and thin (fig. 102), entering the apical region bursa copulatrix independently from median oviduct; helminthoid sclerite broad and short (fig. 102, hs); accessory gland near the spermatheca, without basal sclerite; with sclerite on the base of oviduct.

HABITAT: Most of the species are endemic in some valleys (Deuve, 1983; Belousov and Katayev, 1990), whereas some species are widespread, like Broscosoma ribbei that occurs between 3000 and 4000 m in the wet forest of Nepal and Sikkim. Broscosoma semenovi occurs in the lower alpine zones of the Caucasus (Belousov and Katayev, 1990), and constitutes an endemic species on the slope of the craggy mountains (Sigida, 1993). B. schawalleri Deuve inhabits alpine habitats with Rhododendron at 4600 m in Nepal (Deuve, 1990). Broscosoma moriturum inhabits alpine zones in China (Semenov, 1900), between 3000 and 4000 m; B. uenoi inhabits Taiwan at an altitude of 2320 m (Habu, 1973a).

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: The genus Broscosoma exhibits a markedly discontinuous distribution. One species is from the eastern Alps ( B. baldense ), one from Japan ( B. doenitzi ), one from Taiwan ( B. uenoi ), and one from the Caucasus ( B. semenovi ). The other species are from the Himalaya and Szechwan mountains in China.

REMARKS: This Palearctic genus has 15 species with little morphological variation among them (Deuve, 1983).


CUIC); B. ribbei (USNM) ; and B. doenitzi (USNM) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Cornell University Insect Collection












Leiochiton Curtis, 1831: 346



Lindroth 1961: 150


Stephens 1832: 377
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