Saiva formosana Kato, 1929

Lin, You-Sheng, Liao, Jhih-Rong, Shiao, Shiuh-Feng & Ko, Chiun-Cheng, 2023, Lanternflies (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) of Taiwan., Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) 62 (7), pp. 1-37 : 27-29

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2023.62-07

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scientific name

Saiva formosana Kato, 1929


Saiva formosana Kato, 1929 View in CoL

( Figs. 22 View Fig , 23 View Fig , 24 View Fig , 25 View Fig )

Saiva formosana Kato, 1929: 549 View in CoL ; Kato, 1933: pl. 3, fig. 4; Metcalf, 1947: 179; Lallemand, 1963: 67; Nagai & Porion, 1996: 23.

Type locality: Kuraru, Formosa [= Kueitzuchiao, Hengchun, Pingtung, Taiwan].

Description of adult: Measurements: body length, male (n = 7) 23.6 mm (22.3–25.9 mm), female (n = 7) 28.1 mm (26.3–29.3 mm); tegmen length, male (n = 7) 20.0 mm (19.1–21.8 mm), female (n = 7) 23.8 mm (22.3–25.3 mm); cephalic process length, male (n = 7) 6.0 mm (4.6–7.1 mm), female (n = 7) 8.0 mm (6.5–9.1 mm).

Head: general color reddish brown; cephalic process very slender and long, protruding forward and upward, narrowing suddenly beyond eyes, lateral sides black, dorsal and ventral sides yellowish brown and concave ( Fig. 22A–D View Fig ); vertex broader than long, lateral margins slightly carinate ( Fig. 22A, C, D View Fig ); frons longer than broad, with 2 rows of white powdery spots side by side between 2 longitudinal carinae extending from ventral side of cephalic process ( Fig. 22B View Fig ); genae with 1 black transverse band passing through eye ( Fig. 22C View Fig ); antennae black ( Fig. 22C View Fig ); clypeus longer than frons ( Fig. 22B View Fig ); labium dark brown, elongate, not reaching apex of abdomen ( Fig. 22B View Fig ).

Thorax: ( Fig. 22A, C, D View Fig ) general color reddish brown; pronotum with a transverse series of 4 black spots on disc; propleuron with 1 black spot along anterior margin; prosternum with 1 black spot along anterior margin and ventral margin, respectively; mesonotum with 1 pair of black reverse-subtriangular patch between 1 pair of black semicircular patch along anterior margin, 1 black teardrop-shaped patch and 1 small black spot along each lateral side, and 1 black suboval patch on posterior angle.

Tegmina: ( Fig. 22A, D View Fig ) basal 3/4 yellowish green to salmon pink, with several yellow spots with black border and numerous small black spots; apical 1/4 dark brown, with veins and several spots colored as basal 3/4 of tegmen.

Hindwings: ( Fig. 22A, D View Fig ) general color dark brown, with 3 bluish white long bands arising from base, middle one bifurcate at apex, sometimes not connected.

Legs: ( Fig. 22A–D View Fig ) general color yellowish brown to reddish brown; mesotibiae with black rings at apex and base; metatibiae with 6 lateral spines; fore- and mesotarsomeres black; metatarsomeres yellowish brown, sometimes black.

Abdomen: tergites black ( Fig. 22A, D View Fig ); sternites black in disc and yellowish brown in each lateral area with black spots, posterior margins yellowish brown ( Fig. 22B View Fig ).

Male genitalia: 9th abdominal segment, in lateral view, with anterior margin flat, dorso-anterior margin obtuse, dorso-posterior margin rounded, ventro-posterior margin with a small obtuse projection ( Fig. 23A View Fig ); 10th abdominal segment with ventral margin slightly concave at 1/3 from apex in lateral view ( Fig. 23A View Fig ), apical margin about 2 times broader than basal margin, medially concave as “U” shape dorsally and ventrally in dorsal view ( Fig. 23B View Fig ); 11th abdominal sternite about 2 times longer than 11th abdominal tergite ( Fig. 23B View Fig ); genital styles as long as 10th abdominal segment in lateral view ( Fig. 23A View Fig ), subtriangular or suboval, with a hook on each lateral margin between 1/3 and 1/2 from base in ventral view ( Fig. 23C View Fig ); ventral pair of lateral phallobasal lobes slightly sclerotized, dorsal pair of lateral phallobasal lobes membranous ( Fig. 23D, E View Fig ); phallobasal conjunctival processes not exposed ( Fig. 23D, E View Fig ).

Description of fifth-instar nymph: Measurements: body length (n = 1) 18.4 mm; cephalic process length (n = 1) 7.0 mm.

Head: cephalic process long, broad and flat, protruding forward, dorsal side greenish brown, with concave on disc, lateral sides greenish brown, ventral side reddish white with numerous small brown spots, apex arrowheaded, with several small white granules along lateral margin ( Fig. 24A–C View Fig ); vertex reddish white, longer than broad, with black band along each lateral side and numerous small brown spots on disc ( Fig. 24A View Fig ); frons reddish white, longer than broad, with 2 longitudinal carinae extending from ventral side of cephalic process and numerous small brown spots ( Fig. 24B View Fig ); genae with 2 black transverse bands passing through eye and 1 orange patch behind eye ( Fig. 24C View Fig ); antennae yellowish brown ( Fig. 24A, C View Fig ); clypeus black, longer than frons ( Fig. 24B View Fig ); labium elongate, basal 2/3 dark brown, apical 1/3 yellowish brown, apex dark brown, not reaching apex of abdomen ( Fig. 24B View Fig ).

Thorax: ( Fig. 24A, C View Fig ) general color olive green, with numerous small brown spots; anterior wing pads olive green, with several yellow spots and numerous small brown spots, extending to 3rd abdominal segment; posterior wing pads white, with small brown spots on apex.

Legs: ( Fig. 24A–C View Fig ) forecoxae and foretrochanters black, other coxae and trochanters dark brown; tibiae and femora reddish white, with numerous small brown spots, fore- and mesotibiae with 2 white rings; hindtarsus with 3 tarsomeres; tarsomeres black, 2nd segments of fore- and mesotarsomeres white.

Abdomen: tergites greenish brown, with numerous small brown spots ( Fig. 24A, C View Fig ); sternites dark brown in disc and yellowish white in each lateral area ( Fig. 24B View Fig ).

Materials examined: Holotype: female of Saiva formosana Kato, 1929 (examined from photographs, Fig. 25 View Fig ) [Kuraru, Formosa (Apr. 1925) Col. M. Kato] [ Saiva formosana n. sp. det. M. Kato] [Type No. 168, M. Kato coll.] ( UMUT).

Other materials: 1 male, Huisun Experimental Forest Station, Nantou, IV-20-2021, leg. C. A. Liao & J. F. Tsai ( NMNS); 1 male, 1 female, Erbazi Botanical Garden (24°56'17.52"N, 121°30'3.34"E), Xindian, New Taipei City, Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsl. ex F.B. Forbes & Hemsl. , IV-29-2020, leg. Y. S. Lin ( NTU); 3 males, 1 female, 1 nymph, same locality, same host, V-13-2020, leg. Y. S. Lin ( NTU); 3 males, 5 females, same locality, same host, VI-03-2020, leg. Y. S. Lin ( NTU); 1 male, 1 female, same locality, same host, V-12-2021, leg. Y. S. Lin ( NTU); 1 male, Northern Cross-Island Highway 64K, Ilan, VI-02-1992, leg. C. C. Chen ( NTU); 1 male, Mt. Dongmao Trail 3K (( 24°10'52.17"N, 120°56'46.59"E )), Kukuan, Taichung, V-01-2022, leg. M. C. Chiu ( NTU).

Host plant: Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsl. ex F.B. Forbes & Hemsl. ( Elaeocarpaceae ).

Distribution: Taiwan.

Remarks: This species is similar to Saiva gemmata ( Westwood, 1848) but can be distinguished by the following characters: (1) S. formosana has vertex without a longitudinal black stripe on the median carina ( Fig. 26A View Fig ), while S. gemmata has vertex with a longitudinal black stripe on the median carina ( Fig. 26B View Fig ); (2) S. formosana has 4 black patches along the anterior margin of mesonotum ( Fig. 26A View Fig ), while S. gemmata has 2 black patches along the anterior margin of mesonotum ( Fig. 26B View Fig ); (3) S. formosana has tegmina with general color yellowish green to salmon pink (some individuals with transitional color) ( Fig. 26C, D View Fig ), while S. gemmata has tegmina with three brilliant color, blue, green and red ( Fig. 26E View Fig ); (4) S. formosana has ventral pair of lateral phallobasal lobes of male genitalia without apexes distinctly inflated ( Fig. 26F View Fig ), while S. gemmata has ventral pair of lateral phallobasal lobes of male genitalia with apexes distinctly inflated ( Fig. 26G View Fig ). The fifth-instar nymphs of this species are similar to those of Pyrops species but can be distinguished by the concave on disc of cephalic process.


University Museum, University of Tokyo


National Museum of Natural Science














Saiva formosana Kato, 1929

Lin, You-Sheng, Liao, Jhih-Rong, Shiao, Shiuh-Feng & Ko, Chiun-Cheng 2023

Saiva formosana

Nagai S & Porion T. 1996: 23
Lallemand V. 1963: 67
Metcalf ZP 1947: 179
Kato M. 1929: 549
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