Echinolaophonte mordoganensis, Kuru & B & B, 2019

Kuru, Seher, B, Serdar Sönmez & B, Suphan Karaytuğ, 2019, A new species of the genus Echinolaophonte Nicholls, 1941 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae) from the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology 43 (2), pp. 171-184 : 172-182

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1809-20

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Echinolaophonte mordoganensis

sp. nov.

Echinolaophonte mordoganensis View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figures 1–9 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 )

3.2. Material examined

Type material: Holotype ♀ ( ZMADYU 2012 /185), dissected on 7 slides, allotype ♂ ( ZMADYU 2012 /186), dissected on 7 slides, collected at Küçükbahçe Beach , Mordoğan, İzmir, Turkey (38°33′26.8″N, 26°22′13.8″E), 27.10.2012. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 152 ♀♀ (7 ovigerous, 35 copepodids) ( ZMADYU 2012 /187) and 99 ♂♂ ( ZMADYU 2012 /188) in ethanol . 3 ♀♀ ( ZMADYU 2012 /189) and 2 ♂♂ ( ZMADYU 2012 /190); each specimen dissected on 7 slides . 4 ♀♀ and 4 ♂♂ specimens from these samples were critical point-dried for SEM.

Other paratype materials examined: 8 ♀♀ ( ZMADYU 2012 /191) and 2 ♂♂ ( ZMADYU 2012 /192), Özdere Beach , Ortamahalle, İzmir, Turkey (38°02′40.3″N, 27°03′14.1″E), 26.10.2012. 1 ♀ ( ZMADYU 2012 /193), Denizgiren Beach, İzmir, Turkey (38°34′02.7″N, 26°21′45.4″E), 27.10.2012. Coll. Serdar SÖNMEZ GoogleMaps .

3.3. Etymology

The specific name refers to the Mordoğan district where the type specimens were collected.

3.4. Description

Female: Body length, from the tip of rostrum to distal edge of the caudal rami, 445 µm, gradually narrowing from cephalothorax to caudal rami ( Figures 1a and 1b View Figure 1 ). Dorsal body surface ornamented with folds forming polygonal cell-like structures ( Figure 2b View Figure 2 ), distal margin of the somites with tooth-like protrusions and hyaline fringes ( Figure 2c View Figure 2 ). Cephalothorax rectangular, with numerous tube sensilla, few pores, and numerous small setules on the dorsal surface ( Figure 2a View Figure 2 ). Squared dorsal process on cephalothorax ornamented with numerous spinules as in

Figure 2a View Figure 2 , bearing strong spiniform extensions distally ( Figure 2d View Figure 2 ). All somites except the penultimate somite with 2 strong spiniform processes and spinules arising from a pedestal on both sides at the midline of dorsal surface ( Figures 1c, 1d View Figure 1 , and 2e View Figure 2 ).

Pseudo-operculum ( Figure 7a View Figure 7 ) variable, with different numbers of strong spikes (twin, triple, or quadruple) and spinules arising from a pedestal on the outside of the protrusions. Anal operculum convex, difficult to observe, and ornamented with a thin set of setules at the distal edge ( Figure 4e View Figure 4 ).

Caudal rami ( Figures 4f View Figure 4 , 7a, 7b View Figure 7 ) almost cylindrical, twice the width of its length, with 7 elements: seta I located dorsolaterally, short and naked; setae II and III located near outer distal corner, seta II about 2.5 times longer than seta I, naked; seta III slightly longer than seta II and naked; seta IV located at outer terminal; seta V located at the inner terminal, longer and thicker than seta IV; seta VI located in the inner subdistal corner, about as long as seta II, naked; seta VII located distally on dorsal surface, naked, and 3-articulated at base.

Rostrum ( Figure 3a View Figure 3 ) with a small notch in the middle of the distal edge, bears a ventral tube pore and 2 sensorial setae in the proximal portion, almost reaching to the middle of the first segment of the antennule.

Antennule ( Figures 3a View Figure 3 , 4a View Figure 4 ) 6-segmented, ornamented with folds forming a polygonal cell-like pattern ( Figure 4a View Figure 4 ), fourth segment with an aesthetasc fused basally to 2 naked setae, arising from a pedestal. Last segment with an acrothek consisting of 1 short aesthetasc fused to 2 short and naked setae. Setal formula: 1-[1], 2-[8], 3-[6], 4-[2+ae], 5-[1], 6-[8 + acrothek].

Antenna ( Figures 3b View Figure 3 , 4d View Figure 4 ) with coxa, allobasis, free unisegmented endopod and exopod. Allobasis length 3× the width, ornamented with a row of spines on the inner edge, and bearing a short spinulose seta at inner margin. Exopod unisegmented and with 4 pinnate setae. Endopod slightly shorter than the allobasis, ornamented with 2 transverse rows of spinules and a row of course spinules; bears a strong pinnate seta and 2 naked setae laterally, with 2 naked spines on the apical edge, 3 geniculate setae, and with a thin seta basally connected to outermost geniculate seta.

Mandible ( Figures 3c–3f View Figure 3 ). Gnathobase cutting edge ( Figure 3d View Figure 3 ) surrounded by numerous sharp teeth and 1 pinnate seta on the dorsal edge. Palp ( Figures 3e, 3f View Figure 3 ) small, exopod and endopod reduced and fused to basis, with 3 pinnate and 2 naked setae.

Maxillule ( Figure 3g View Figure 3 ). Arthrite well developed, ornamented with short rows of spinules on anterior and posterior surface; with 1 naked seta laterally, 4 naked spines and 1 pinnate spine, and 1 pinnate seta apically. Coxa ornamented with few spinules at outer distal corner; coxal endite slightly elongated and fused to coxa at base, bears 1 bare and 1 bipinnate spiniform setae. Basal endite and endopod fused to basis; basal endite cylindrical, bears 2 bare setae and 1 strong bipinnate spine apically; endopod bears 1 short naked and 1 relatively thicker bipinnate setae. Free exopod unisegmented, slightly elongated, bears 1 short bare seta and 1 relatively longer bipinnate seta.

Maxilla ( Figure 3h View Figure 3 ). Syncoxa ornamented with long spinules at outer margin, bears 2 endites. Proximal endite with 2 naked setae and 1 distally unipinnate seta; distal endite with 2 naked setae and 1 unipinnate spine. Allobasis transformed into a strong, distally unipinnate,

KURU et al. / Turk J Zool slightly curved claw, bears a naked seta at posterior surface; endopod reduced, represented by 2 closely set naked setae.

Maxilliped ( Figure 3i View Figure 3 ). Syncoxa narrow and elongated, about 5× longer than wide, with a row of spinules near outer distal corner and with 2 short bipinnate setae at outer distal corner. Basis elongated, about 3× longer than wide and slightly shorter than syncoxa, ornamented with a very short row of spinules at the midline of outer margin.

KURU et al. / Turk J Zool

Endopod transformed into a very long, curved, naked, strong claw, bears an accessory seta near base of posterior surface ( Figure 4b View Figure 4 ).

P1 ( Figure 5a View Figure 5 ) coxa elongated, 2× longer than wide and with spinules on the lateral margins, bears a tube pore near outer distal corner. Basis narrow and elongated

KURU et al. / Turk J Zool slightly longer than coxa; bears 1 short plumose inner seta and 1 short plumose outer seta located at distal corner. Exopod 2-segmented, reaching about one-third of endopod segment; first segment short, with a plumose seta at inner margin; second segment slightly elongated, bears 3 plumose setae laterally and 1 naked and 1 spinulose setae apically. Endopod 2-segmented, prehensile; first segment elongated, about 7× longer than wide at the midline of anterior surface, naked; second segment short, bears a very long and serrate claw ( Figure 4c View Figure 4 ) terminally and a minute seta at outer distal corner, ornamented with short spinules at the distal half of inner margin.

P2–P4 ( Figure 5b–5d View Figure 5 ). Coxa ornamented with thin spinules at outer lateral margin. Basis with very long, strong, thick, and plumose spiniform seta (P2) or with a relatively short and naked seta (P3–P4) arising from an outer distal pedestal, with a tube pore on anterior surface. Exopod 3-segmented, first segment slightly elongated, bears a pinnate spine at outer distal corner, ornamented with setules at outer margin; second segment with a plumose seta at the inner margin and with a pinnate spine at outer distal corner; third segment slightly elongated; inner margin naked (P2) or armed with a short plumose seta (P3–P4), bears a spinulose seta and a strong spine (P2, P3) or with 2 spinulose setae (P4) distally, with 2 (P2, P4) or 3 (P3) outer spines. Endopod 2-segmented, extends to about the end of the second segment of exopod (P2, P3) or two-thirds of first exopod segment (P4); first segment elongated (P2), slightly elongated (P3) or very short (P4), unarmed, inner margin ornamented with setules (P2, P3) or naked (P4); distal segment slightly elongated, with 3 (P2), 4 (P3), or 2 (P4) plumose setae.

P5 ( Figure 8a View Figure 8 ). Baseoendopod and exopod distinct; outer basal seta naked; endopodal lobe bears 2 naked setae at the inner margin, anterior surface ornamented with coarse spinules as figured, bears a tube pore set closely to the base of outermost seta at anterior surface. Exopod slightly elongated, about 1.5× longer than wide; bears coarse spinules on two-thirds distal part of anterior surface; ornamented with long setules at outer margin and with a few short spinules at inner margin, with 3 plumose setae.

P6 ( Figure 7b View Figure 7 ) reduced to a very small and squarish plate, located on each side of ventral surface of genital, double somite with 2 minute setae.

Male: Antennule, dorsal process in cephalothorax, body ornamentation, P3, P4, P5, and P6 sexually dimorphic. Body ( Figure 6a View Figure 6 ) length from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of caudal rami 410 µm. Dorsal process on cephalothorax and dorsal midline of the first prosomite different from that of female, ornamented with numerous long surface spinules on body somites. Folds form polygonal cell-like pattern on the body surface limited at the top of the cephalothorax and antennule ( Figures 8b, 8c View Figure 8 ). Cephalothorax rectangular, with numerous tube sensillum on the dorsal surface, and numerous small setules on the distal sides. In the midline of the dorsal part of all somites except for the penultimate somite, 2 strong spiniform structures and spinules arising from a pedestal on both sides ( Figures 8d, 8e View Figure 8 ).

Antennule ( Figures 7c–7f View Figure 7 ). Eight-segmented subchirocer with geniculation between fifth and sixth segment; aesthetasc arises from the fourth and eighth segments. Antennule surface ornamented with folds forming polygonal cell-like pattern ( Figure 8f View Figure 8 ). Fifth segment swollen, bears 1 pinnate seta and 1 strong ornamented seta. Sixth segment with 3-dimensional spinous process as in Figure 7e View Figure 7 . Eighth segment with acrothek comprising 2 thin setae and an aesthetasc, distal margin with triangular extension. Setal formula: 1-[1], 2-[9], 3-[8], 4-[2], 5-[8 + 1 pinnate + 1 modified + (2 + ae)], 6-[4 spinous processes], 7-[1], 8-[7 + acrothek].

P3 ( Figure 8d View Figure 8 ). Exopod segments and all spines more elongated and robust than the female. Second segment of exopod with a minute seta on inner edge. All exp-3 setae naked. Endopod 3-segmented, extending to one-third of second exopod segment; second segment longer than the first and has a strong apophysis fold bending outward. Third segment the shortest, with 2 plumose setae at the inner edge and 2 pinnate spines apically.

P4 ( Figure 8e View Figure 8 ). More robust than in the female, exopod segments with a row of setules on the outer edge, second segment of exopod with a short straight seta on inner edge. The third segment of exopod bears 3 pinnate setae, 1 naked robust seta, and 1 minute seta (arrowed in

Figure 8e View Figure 8 ). Endopod extends to half of the exopod second segment; 2-segmented, second segment 3× longer than the first, bears long spinules on the inner and outer edges, and with 3 plumose setae.

P5 ( Figure 8b View Figure 8 ). Baseoendopod and exopod distinct; endopodal part of baseoendopod reduced and unarmed, bears a tube pore on anterior surface, outer basal seta long and naked. Exopod narrow and slightly elongated, ornamented with coarse spinules near inner, outer, and apical margins; bears 3 well-developed plumose setae.

P6 ( Figure 8c View Figure 8 ). Baseoendopod and exopod fused, ornamented with a few coarse spinules; bears a naked outer basal seta and a well-developed relatively longer plumose seta.

Variability: Pseudo-operculum of the female and male can bear different numbers of strong spikes (twin, triple, or quadruple) ( Figures 9a–9d View Figure 9 ).

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