Bauhinia corifolia L.P. Queiroz, 2020

Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci De, Oliveira, Filipe Gomes, Cedraz, Brena, Melchor-Castro, R. Briggitthe & Fernandes, Moabe Ferreira, 2020, A new species of Bauhinia from coastal areas in Northeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 435 (4), pp. 293-300 : 294-297

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.435.4.3


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scientific name

Bauhinia corifolia L.P. Queiroz

sp. nov.

Bauhinia corifolia L.P. Queiroz View in CoL , sp. nov.

Bauhinia corifolia View in CoL is more similar to Bauhinia acuruana Moricand (1840: 77) View in CoL , both presenting coriaceous and ovate leaflets with an entire, retuse to emarginate apex and a cordate base, but differing by the tall shrub or treelet habit (versus multi-stemmed shrubs in B. acuruana View in CoL ), larger leaves (leaflet 7–10.5 cm versus 4–6.8 (–7.5) cm long) with glabrous and glossy upper surface (versus densely pubescent), shorter bracts (1–2 mm long versus 2.5–3.2 mm long), and longer petals (1.3–3 cm versus 1–2 cm long) with glabrous surfaces (versus petals provided with sparse glandular trichomes).

Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Entre Rios, Fazenda Rio do Negro, ca. 15 km SE from Entre Rios , 12º53’S 37º57’W, 153 m elevation, 26 May 2007 [fl., fr.], A.V. Popovkin & D. Cardoso 72 (holotype HUEFS [ HUEFS000158455 About HUEFS ]; isotypes ( ALCB, HUEFS [ HUEFS000158419 About HUEFS ], P, RB). Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 . GoogleMaps

Shrub or small tree (1–) 2–8 m, DBH to 15 cm; indumentum of short, erect and soft simple trichomes intermixed with reddish, simple, boat-shaped glandular trichomes on the branches, inflorescence, petiole, lower surface of leaflet and outer surface of the sepals, becoming sparser on the old branches and inflorescences; branches with extrafloral nectaries 0.8–2.7 mm, close to the petioles. Stipules very early caducous, mostly lacking, 1.1–2.2 mm long, triangular, glabrous. Leaf unifoliolate; petiole 7–15 mm long, of which 4–5.3 mm are the pulvinus, canaliculate to terete, puberulent; leaflet 7–10.5 × 7–9.5 cm, rigid coriaceous, entire, base cordate to rounded, apex retuse to rarely truncate or emarginate, the sinus between the lobes (if present) 1.3–4.5 (–5.9) mm long, margins plane to slightly revolute, upper surface glabrous, glossy, lower surface densely puberulous with short and erect trichomes, primary veins 7–9, sunken in the upper surface, very prominent in the lower surface, secondary veins perpendicular to the primary veins, reticulate in both surfaces, tertiary veins strongly raised and intricately reticulate defining small and sunken areoles on the lower surface. Inflorescence a terminal pseudoraceme, 7.2–19.6 cm long, of which 1.5–3.3 (–4.6) cm belong to the peduncle, sparsely puberulous, the flowers arranged in pairs along the rachis; bracts (at the flower attachment) and bracteoles (from the middle to the base of the pedicel) 1–2 mm long, depressely ovate, persistent, pubescent; pedicel 3–8.5 mm long. Flower buds narrowly elliptical, 5-subcostate; flowers in anthesis 40–63 mm long; hypanthium cylindricaltubular, (8–) 11–16 mm long, internally glabrous, externally velutinous; sepals 5, (11–) 22–31 × 4–4.8 mm, velutinous at the outer surface, glabrous at the inner surface, becoming curled when the flower is open; petals 5, 13–30 × 2.3–2.8 mm, white, linear, glabrous; stamens 10, all fertile, filaments (15–) 17–22 mm long, joined at the base, staminal sheath up 2.5 mm, internally glabrous to sparsely pubescent with long hairs, externally densely pubescent; gynoecium (26–) 37–51 mm long, stipe 9–15 mm long, ovary 9–15 mm long, densely tomentose, style glabrous, wider at the apex, the stigmatic surface oblique and horseshoe shaped. Legume 8.5–16.2 × 1–2 cm, narrowly oblong, apex and base acute, stipitate by 2.2–2.7 cm long, explosively dehiscent; valves brown, woody, sparsely pubescent, the minor veins raised and reticulate. Seeds 7.2–15 × 3–7 mm, ovate to elliptical, compressed; testa brown, smooth, with fracture line conspicuous and encircling half of the seed circumference; hilum subterminal, concealed by the funicular remnant.

Phenology: —This species was collected in flower throughout the year, except on April and November. Fruiting specimens were collected in February, May to September and December.

Distribution and habitat: — Bauhinia corifolia occurs along the Atlantic coastal areas of the Brazilian states of Bahia and Sergipe ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It is found within a narrow strip to about 40 km from the shore line, associated with sandy oligothrophic soils in coastal low forests locally known as Restinga vegetation. It is a common element of forest borders and clearings.

Vernacular names: —miroró, mororó, pata-de-vaca.

Conservation status: —The new species was assessed as endangered (EN) according to IUCN (2017) criteria B2b ii and iii as it presents an AOO = 112 km 2 and EOO = 8,251 km 2. Additionally, it occurs in highly fragmented habitats that are currently under threats by tourism and urban expansion ( Queiroz et al. 2012).

Etymology: —The epithet “corifolia ” refers to the rigid leaflet texture.

Taxonomic notes: —Among the species of Bauhinia ser. Cansenia , B. corifolia is more similar to B. acuruana , both combining the entire and coriaceous leaflet and flowers in pairs or triads along the pseudoraceme. However, B. corifolia is mostly a tall shrub or treelet with larger leaves (leaflet 7–10.5 × 7–9.5 cm) and glossy and glabrous upper surface; their stipules are very early caducous, mostly lacking and triangular, and the petals are longer (1.3–3 cm long) and entirely glabrous. Bauhinia acuruana , on the other hand, is a spindly shrub mostly resprouting from underground xylopodium, with smaller leaves (leaflet 4–6.8 (–7.5) cm) and upper surface pubescent, stipules linear to lanceolate, bracts longer (2.5–3.2 mm long) and petals shorter (1–2 cm long) and provided with sparse glandular trichomes. Besides, B. corifolia occurs in coastal vegetation on sandy soil while B. acuruana is distributed in areas of seasonally dry climate on clay, sandy and stony soils, mostly in upland montane vegetation types as rupestrian grasslands, savannas (‘Cerrado’) and Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests and Woodlands (‘Caatinga’).

Bauhinia corifolia is the only species of Bauhinia ser. Cansenia found in the Restinga vegetation of northern Bahia and Sergipe. However, Bauhinia integerrima Martius ex Bentham (1870: 197) , a tall shrub or small tree of Bauhinia ser. Aculeatae Vaz and Tozzi (2003b: 143) is found in the same area. They could be differentiated by the branches lacking prickles in B. corifolia (versus braches with recurved infrastipular prickles in B. integerrima ), inflorescence a pseudoraceme (versus a 2–3-flowered fascicle), calyx splitting in 2 to 3 curled lobes at the anthesis (versus calyx spathaceous) and petals linear (versus petals obovate or oblanceolate).

Additional Specimens Examined:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Alagoinhas, Campus II - UNEB, 12°08’00”S 38°26’00”W, 26 September 2000 [fl., fr.], L.C. Lima & J.A. de O. Antunes 423 ( HUEFS, HUNEB) GoogleMaps ; Alagoinhas, entre Catu e Alagoinhas , 20 August 1993 [fr.], A. Fernandes & F.J.A. Matos s.n. ( EAC, RB) ; Araçás, estrada Alagoinhas a Araçás , Km 836, 27 July 2008 [fr.], R.D. Ribeiro et al. 1017 ( RB) ; Camaçari, rodovia Linha Verde , próximo km 90, 18 August 1995 [fr.], G. Hatschbach et al. 63123 ( MBM, RB) ; Conde, estrada de Sítio do Conde para Barra do Itariri , 11°45’S 37°36’W, 02 May 2015 [fl.], M.L.S. Guedes et al. 23450 ( ALCB, HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Conde , 11°48’S 37°36’W, 08 September 2004 [fr.], M.L.S. Guedes et al. 11245 ( ALCB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda Cezo , 11°53’21”S 37°36’04”W, 25 November 2011 [fl.], E.N. Matos & G. Vidal 848 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Conde, ca. 30 km pela estrada de Conde, 25 March 1995 [fl., fr.], F. França & E. Melo 1149 ( EAC, HUEFS, RB) ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata do Bebedouro , 12°02’26”S 37°42’26”W, 15 December 1995 [fr.], H.P. Bautista et al. 7 ( ALCB, HRB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata do Fundão , 12°01’00”S 37°42’45”W, 01 December 1994 [fr.], E. Rosas et al. 68 ( HRB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata do Fundão I, 12°00’58”S 37°43’28”W, 12 December 1996 [fr.], T. Jost et al. 143 ( HRB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata do São Miguel , 12°03’24”S 37°41’27”W, 21 June 1996 [fr.], T. Jost et al. 343 ( HRB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata de Areia Branca , 12°01’34”S 37°41’42”W, 24 October 1994 [fl.], E. Rosas et al. 48 ( HRB, HUEFS, MBM, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata da Maré , 12°02’07”S 37°43’43”W, 29 September 1994 [fl.], E. Rosas et al. 39 ( HRB, HUEFS, MBM) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata de Areia Branca , 12°02’34”S 37°42’28”W, 27 October 1994 [fr.], M.P.M. Lima et al. 338 ( ALCB, CEPEC, HRB, HUEFS, HUNEB, IPA, MBM, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata do Sobe e Desce , 12°02’34”S 37°42’28”W, 27 October 1994 [fr.], M.P.M. Lima et al. 344 ( HRB, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Bu, Mata da Maré , 12°02’07”S 37°43’43”W, 25 October 1994 [fr.], R. Marquete et al. 2065 ( HRB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Mata do Bu, trilha do Bebedouro , 12°01’21”S 37°41’35”W, 14 June 2000 [fr.], M. Alves et al. 2012 ( CEPEC, RB) GoogleMaps ; Conde, Fazenda do Conde, entre a sede e a rodovia Linha Verde , 19 June 2003 [fl.], G. Hatschbach et al. 75498 ( MBM, RB) ; Conde, Fazendinha , 20 June 2003 [fl.], G. Hatschbach et al. 75580 ( MBM, RB) ; Conde, ca. 1 km do povoado de Altamira na BA-233, 11°45’S 37°49’W, 21 December 1993 [fr.], L.P. Queiroz & N.G. Nascimento 3797 ( ALCB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, rodovia BA-093, 3 km antes de Entre Rios , 11°58’23”S 38°05’57”W, 27 July 2008 [fr.], H.C. Lima et al. 6938 ( RB) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, BA-093, ca. 5 km da Linha Verde ( Massarandupió ), 12°14’56”S 37°53’54”W, 20 June 1999 [fl., fr.], F. França & E. Melo 3016 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, Massarandupió , 12°18’00”S 37°52’46”W, 21 July 2010 [fr.], R.B. Pinto & T.C. Arantes 124 ( HUEFS, RB, UEC) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, estrada de Conde para Esplanada 13.5 km do entroncamento para Esplanada , 11°26’17”S 37°44’05”W, 23 January 2004 [fr.], M.N.S. Stapf & B.R.N. Araújo 222 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, Baixio , 23 April 2008 [fl., fr.], E.P. Queiroz 2765 ( HRB, HUEFS) ; Entre Rios, Massarandupió , 11°56’S 38°05’W, 29 March 2010 [fl.], M.L.S. Guedes & N.G. Jesus ( ALCB) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios , povoado de Aguazinha, 28 August 2009 [fl., fr.], N. Roque et al. 2199 ( ALCB) ; Entre Rios, Fazenda Boa Vista 1, 2010 [fl.], J.G. de Carvalho-Sobrinho & R.F. Machado 2701 ( HUEFS) ; Entre Rios, Fazenda Rio Negro , 12°01’S 38°02’W, 06 June 2008 [fr.], A. Popovkin 291 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, Fazenda Rio Negro , 12°01’04”S 38°02’55”W, 04 July 2009 [fl., fr.], C.N. Fraga et al. 2598 ( RB) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, próximo ao povoado do Imbé , 12°04’03”S 38°00’37”W, 07 June 2012 [fl., fr.], L.P. Queiroz et al. 15491 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, área de poços da Petrobrás , 11°53’08”S 37°57’13”W, 25 February 2005 [fl.], J.G. de Carvalho-Sobrinho & A.C. Assunção 357 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, RPPN Fazenda Lontra / Saudade , 12°54’55”S 40°12’56”W, 12 December 1999 [fl., fr.], N.G. Jesus et al. 1070 ( HUEFS, HUNEB) GoogleMaps ; Entre Rios, Subaúma , 12°14’19”S 37°36’53”W, 28 January 2011 [fl., fr.], F.S. Gomes et al. 873 ( ALCB) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, ca. 7 Km E do entroncamento para Conde com a BR-101, na BA-233 ( Conde-Esplanada ), 11°45’S 37°52’W, 21 December 1993 [fl., fr.], L.P. de Queiroz & N.S. Nascimento 3792 ( ALCB, HUEFS, RB) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, estrada para Conde ca. 4 km da BR-101, na BA-233 ( Conde-Esplanada ), 11°46’36”S 37°54’23”W, 03 February 2002 [fl.], M. Groppo Jr. et al. 1006 ( HUEFS, K, SPF) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, Linha Verde Km 123.5, depois da Fazenda Morro da Garça , 12°02’13”S 37°42’17”W, 17 August 2001 [fl., fr.], K.R.B. Leite & A.S. Conceição 326 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, Fazenda Limoeiro , 12°08’S 37°50’W, 15 January 2005 [fr.], L. Freire & M.B. Figueiredo 32 ( ALCB) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, BR-101, divisa Bahia / Sergipe, km 20, 24 July 1980 [fl.], L. Coradin 3369 ( CEN, HUEFS, RB) ; Esplanada, ca. 11 Km E da BR-101 na estrada para Conde, rio Itariri (BA-233, Conde-Esplanada ), 28 August 1996 [fr.], L.P. de Queiroz & N.S. Nascimento 4675 ( ESA, HUEFS, RB) ; Esplanada, logo após a entrada para Conde , 11°47’S 37°55’W, 15 February 1978 [fr.], R.P. Orlandi 130 ( HRB, RB) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, Fazenda Chapada, caminho para Sítio do Conde , 11°46’33”S 37°51’05”W, 09 May 2000 [fr.], T. Ribeiro et al. 87 ( ALCB, HUEFS, HUNEB) GoogleMaps ; Esplanada, Fazenda do Bu , 12°01’08”S 37°44’41”W, 18 June 1996 [fl.], T. Jost et al. 316 ( HRB, HUEFS, MBM, RB) GoogleMaps ; Jandaíra, Est. Costa Azul , 11°53’57”S 37°49’35”W, 27 July 2011 [fr.], E.N. Matos et al. 280 ( HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Jandaíra, caminho para Marcanaí , 11°38’57”S 37°32’32”W, 01 March 2012 [fr.], M.L.S. Guedes & F.S. Gomes 19363 ( ALCB) GoogleMaps ; Salvador, Dunas de Itapuã , 12°56’17”S 38°21’08”W, 21 September 1986 [fr.], L.P. Queiroz 953 ( CEN, HUEFS) GoogleMaps ; Salvador, Itapuã , 15 May 1961 [fl.], A.L. Costa s.n. ( ALCB, HUEFS) ; Salvador, Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu, 12°57’20”S 38°24’46”W, 07 December 1996 [fl., fr;]. M.L.S. Guedes et al. 3905 ( ALCB, RB). Sergipe: Itabaiana , Parna Serra de Itabaiana , 11 December 2011 [fl.], D. Araújo & G.M.A. Matos 1951 ( ASE) GoogleMaps ; Itabaiana, Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana , 10°45’08”S 37°20’28”W, 14 October 2007 [fl.], P. Gomes et al. 643 ( ASE) GoogleMaps ; Itaporanga d’Ajuda , 20 May 2014 [st.], F.B. Gonçalves 184 ( ASE) ; Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Faz. Trapsa , 28 March 2009 [fl.], J.P. Souza-Alves 3 ( ASE) ; Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Faz. Trapsa , 30 May 2012 [fl.], J.P. Souza-Alves 421 ( ASE) ; Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Faz. Trapsa , 23 October 2007 [fl., fr.], A.B. Sales et al. 50 ( ASE) ; Malhador (as Itabaiana), Vertentes , próximo a serra das Moças , 10°42’36”S 37°11’24”W, 22 July 2006 [fl.], E. Córdula et al. 165 ( HUEFS, UFP) GoogleMaps ; São Cristóvão, Mata de São Cristóvão , 26 September 1997 [fr.], A. Cruz 5 ( ASE, HUEFS) ; São Cristóvão, prox. rodovia João Bebe Água , 12 June 2006 [fl.], L.V. Ribeiro & E. Santos 107 ( ASE, RB) .


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


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EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco














Bauhinia corifolia L.P. Queiroz

Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci De, Oliveira, Filipe Gomes, Cedraz, Brena, Melchor-Castro, R. Briggitthe & Fernandes, Moabe Ferreira 2020

Bauhinia corifolia

L. P. Queiroz 2020

Bauhinia acuruana

Moricand 1840: 77

B. acuruana

Moricand 1840
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