Psoralea schutteae C. H. Stirt., 2024

Stirton, Charles H., Bello, Abubakar & Muasya, A. Muthama, 2024, Ten new species and notes on the genus Psoralea L. (Psoraleeae, Fabaceae) from South Africa, Plant Ecology and Evolution 157 (3), pp. 291-312 : 291-312

publication ID 10.5091/plecevo.120171


persistent identifier

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by Pensoft

scientific name

Psoralea schutteae C. H. Stirt.

sp. nov.

1. Psoralea schutteae C. H. Stirt. sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2


SOUTH AFRICA – Western Cape Province: 3322 (Oudtshoorn) • Road from Cango Caves to Prince Albert (– AC); 33 ° 23 ’ 51.9 ” S, 22 ° 11 ’ 37.18 ” E; 11 Nov. 1986; Stirton & Žantovská 11565; holotype: NBG; isotype: PRE GoogleMaps .


Psoralea schutteae has been included in Psoralea candicans Eckl. & Zeyh. but is distinguished by its densely branched compact spreading habit ( P. candicans an erect laxly branched shrub up to 1.5 m tall with long virgate spreading branches); leaflets 8–9 × 2–4 mm, glands visible when fresh, drying reddish brown ( P. candicans leaflets 10–20 × 3–4 (– 6) mm, glands scarcely visible when fresh but drying orange-red); flowers 5–6 mm long, stumpy in appearance, bracteate, bracts 2 mm long ( P. candicans flowers 7–10 mm long, ebracteate or minute); standard petal scarcely reflexed, dull white to pale lilac, nectar patch reddish violet but scarcely visible from the front ( P. candicans standard petal bright white, nectar patch purplish, triangular, and violet flecked with white, and tapering towards apex); calyx teeth as long or slightly longer than the tube, equal, incurving, narrowly triangular with broad base, acute, teeth 3–4 × 0.5 mm, tube not constricted in middle, not suffused with purple ( P. candicans calyx teeth 2–3 times longer than tube, subequal, slightly falcate to straight, linear-lanceolate, taper-pointed, teeth 4–8 × 1 mm, tube strongly constricted in middle, suffused with purple); fruiting calyx scarcely longer than the largely exposed fruit ( P. candicans fruiting calyx 2–3 times longer than the fruit).


Small rounded compact shrub up to 60 cm tall, facultative-reseeder. Stem branches numerous, dense, greyish brown, rough; young seasonal shoots canescent, laxly leafy, otherwise leaves smaller and overlapping in older plants. Leaves digitately trifoliolate, petiolate. Leaflets 8–9 × 2.0–4.0 mm, narrowly obovate to obovate (basal ones of shoot), recurved mucronate, mucro short straight to slightly hooked, apex emarginate, base cuneate; conduplicate, flatter in younger leaflets; stiff, veins prominent, glands visible when fresh, drying reddish brown, surfaces sparsely pubescent, thicker along margins and on veins; surfaces nitid, dark green; petiole 1.0–2.0 mm long; petiolules 0.5 mm long. Stipules 1–2 mm long, broadly subulate, fused to lower third of petiole, semi-patent, rapidly senescent, persistent. Inflorescences axillary, sessile; comprised of 1 triplet of distinctly pedicellate flowers, each triplet bracteate, triplet bract oblong up to 2 mm long, canescent. Flowers 5–6 mm long, white; bracteate, bract narrowly oblong up to 2 mm long; pedicel up to 1 mm long. Calyx teeth as long or slightly longer than the tube, equal, incurving, narrowly triangular with broad base, acute, lobes 3–4 × 0.5 mm, vexillar lobes scarcely fused above the tube; appressed hairy, glands evenly dispersed on teeth and tube; characteristically strongly accrescent in fruit, lobes erect, caging the clearly visible pod, veins ridged and prominent. Standard petals 6 × 6 mm, whole blade not folded tightly backwards but scarcely reflexed, dull white to pale lilac, nectar patch reddish violet but scarcely visible from the front, apex broadly emarginate; claw narrow, 3 × 1 mm, auricles scarcely developed. Wing petals longer than keel petals but not attached, 6.0 × 1 mm, claw 2 mm long; blade billowy, hiding the keel, distal portion folded downwards; sculpturing upper basal and upper left central, comprising up to 20 transcostal lamellae, becoming smaller towards the centre, auricle swollen and rough; claw 2 mm long. Keel petals 3.5–4.0 mm long, blade 2.0 × 1 mm, apex acute, most of blade purple with darker veins; claw 3 mm long. Androecium 4 mm long, pseudomonadelphous, non-fenestrate. Pistil 4.0 mm long; ovary 1.3 mm long, shaggy; height of curvature 1.2 mm, entasis well-developed at point of flexure, style glabrous, forward sloping; stigma capitate, penicillate. Fruits 3 × 2 mm, obliquely obovate, papery, finely pubescent, distinctly reticulate. Seeds 3 × 2.3 mm, chestnut brown, hilum round, subcentral.

Distribution and habitat.

Psoralea schutteae is a widespread species ranging from the Tulbagh region though Montagu to the Groot Swartberg mountain range (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ) occurring predominantly in Kango Limestone Renosterveld (FRI 1) but also in Swartberg Shale Renosterveld (FRS 15) but also other types of renosterveld and renosterveld – fynbos transitions. It is a facultative-reseeder setting copious seed but once established sprouts commonly after burns. It occurs between 550 and 750 m a. s. l.

Phenology and ecology.

Flowering takes place in October and fruiting in November.


The species is named in honour of the taxonomist and conservationist Dr Annelise Schutte-Vlok who has contributed significantly to modern revisions of the Cape genera of the tribe Podalyrieae ( Fabaceae ).

Preliminary IUCN conservation assessment.

No assessment has been made of this species. As most of the known collections have been made along roadsides, they are now very threatened by roadside works. Few collections have been made beyond such localities so it should be looked for in remaining vegetation away from roads. However, as it is widespread and commonly colonial, it is preliminary considered as Least Concern: LC.

Additional material examined.

SOUTH AFRICA – Western Cape Province: 3319 (Worcester) • Tulbagh (– AC); Ecklon s. n.; MEL [ MEL 1542103 ], NBG [ SAM 15414 ] Nuwekloof Pass (– AC); 30 Nov. 2007; Muasya & Stirton 3369; BOL Nuwekloof Pass (– AC); 18 Oct. 1941; Barker 2374; NBG Cogmanskloof dam, Kanetvlei (– AD); 1 Jan. 2008; Muasya & Stirton 3559; BOL Along roadside near Karoo Poort (– BA); 29 Nov. 1908; Pearson 4805; BOL, K, NBG Hex River Valley near De Doorns (– BC); 30 Oct. 1974; Goldblatt 3203; BR, MO Hex River Valley, De Doorns (– BC); 1 Oct. 1893; Bolus 8005; NBG Hex River ; 1 Oct. 1983; Bolus 3056; NBG Hex River East ; Oct. 1893; Tyson 3104; SAM Between Hottentots Kloof and Karoo Poort (– BC); 29 Nov. 1908; Pearson 4811; K Bokkeveld Flats (– BC); Oct. 1923; M. Levyns & J. Levyns 527; NBG 27.5 km from Worcester to Villiersdorp (– BD); 30 Nov. 2011; Muasya & Stirton 3911; BOL Rabiesberg, Worcester (– CA); 26 Sep. 1935; Compton 5823; BOL, NBG ibid.; 27 Sep. 1935; Lewis s. n.; BOL [ BOL 32219 ] Karoo Gardens (– CB); 26 Sep. 1953; Compton 24365; NBG Karoo Gardens (– CB); Jan. 1977; Perry 24; NBG Worcester (– CB); 28 Oct. 1948; Liebenberg 4200; PRE Worcester (– CB); 14 Nov. 1962; Olivier 207; PRE Langeberge, Robertson (– DB); Nel s. n.; NBG [ NBG 254651 ] Karoo Koppie, Robertson (– DD); Sep. 1934; Kuum s. n.; NBG [ NBG 254655 ] 3320 (Montagu): Lower Gannaga Pass , Tanqua National Park (– AA); 19 Sep. 2008; Rosch 601; NBG 22 km from Montagu to Barrydale (– CA); 26 Oct. 1986; Stirton & Žantovská 11283; K, NBG Klipbokkraal (– CC); 26 Oct. 1961; Van Breda 1494; PRE Warmwaterberg (– CD); 1 Jan. 2008; Muasya & Stirton 3563; BOL 2 km S of Bonnievale on road to Stormsvlei (– CD); 29 Jul. 1988; Bean & Viviers 2029; BOL, NBG 55 km from Montagu to Barrydale (– CD); 26 Oct. 1986; Stirton & Žantovská 11282; K, NBG Anysberg Mountain, near farm Touwsfontein (– DA); 31 Dec. 1986; Vlok 1823; PRE Ruggens, Zuurbraaks (– DC); 11 Sep. 1897; Galpin 3960; PRE Near start of the Barrydale Hiking Trail (– DC); 22 Aug. 2015; Du Preez 102; BOL 3321 (Ladismith): on top of pass to Gamkaskloof , Swartberg Mountains (– BC); 2 Oct. 1986; Vlok 1632; NBG, NU, PRE In Karoo near Gauritzrivier (– DC); Zeyher s. n.; K, S, SAM, W . – 3322 (Oudtshoorn) • Swartberg Pass (– AC); 12 Dec. 1981; Stirton 10332; K, NBG, PRE Swartberg Pass (– AC); Stirton 11565; K, NBG Between Kliphuisvlei and Die Hell (– AC); 2 Mar. 1986; Goldblatt 7993; MO Foot of Swartberg Pass on road to Oudtshoorn (– AC); 4 Oct. 1974; Goldblatt 1974; NBG 3 km from Cango caves on Oudshoorn – Prince Albert Road (– AC); 1 Jan. 2008; Muasya & Stirton 3575; BOL Rus-en-Vrede (– AC); 12 Dec. 1981; Stirton 10332; BOL, K, NBG, PRE Rus-en-Vrede (– AD); 28 Sep. 2010; Muasya & Stirton 5587; BOL Swartberg Pass, near Forester’s House (– CC); 11 Dec. 1981; Stirton 10321; K, NBG, PRE . – 3420 (Bredasdorp) • Van Rheenen’s Crest farm, above Dam, nr. Heidelberg (– AA); 25 Nov. 2011; Stirton & Muasya 13544; BOL .











