Numidotherium savagei, Court, 1995

Tabuce, Rodolphe, Delmer, Cyrille & Gheerbrant, Emmanuel, 2007, Evolution of the tooth enamel microstructure in the earliest proboscideans (Mammalia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 149 (4), pp. 611-628 : 616

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Numidotherium savagei



In a vertical section of a m3 tooth, the enamel thickness is around 2400 µm. The Schmelzmuster is threelayered. The outermost zone consists of radial enamel, but a thin zone of prismless enamel can also occur. In the middle zone, which reaches almost 30% of the enamel thickness, the enamel type is formed by HSB. In the inner zone, 3-D enamel represents about 45% of the entire enamel thickness ( Fig. 6B View Figure 6 ). The transition between the three enamel types (3-D enamel, HSB, and radial enamel) is gradual. At the prism level, the keyhole pattern, without any trace of IPM, is observed in 3-D enamel; rounded prisms characterized radial enamel; and in HSB, the prisms cross sections ranged from rounded to open. The diameter of the prisms is around 5 µm.

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