Craniophora draudti, Han & Kononenko, 2010

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2010, New species of the genera Acronicta Ochsenheimer, 1816 and Craniophora Snellen, 1867 from China with notes on synonymy and checklist (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Acronictinae), Zootaxa 2678 (1), pp. 48-68 : 62-63

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2678.1.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Craniophora draudti

sp. nov.

Craniophora draudti , sp. n.

( Figs. 11 View FIGURES 11–16 , 17 View FIGURES 17–20 , 24 View FIGURES 21–24 )

Type material. Holotype: male, with label: CHINA: “ Tapaishan in Tsinling, Sued Shensi [Shensi = Shaanxi Prov.]. Ca. 1700 m 20.v.1936 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1869 About ZFMK . Paratypes: China, 14 males, same locality, 1700–3000m, 16, 17,, 10, 11.vii, 12.ix 1936 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1998 About ZFMK . The holotype and paratypes are deposited in Zoological Research Institute and Museum Alexander Koenig (Germany, Bonn [ ZFMK]) .

Diagnosis. The new species externally is similar to its allied C. simillima ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–16 ) and C. tapaishana ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–16 ) (all three are similar to C. pacifica ( Figs. 14, 15 View FIGURES 11–16 ), but differs by somewhat smaller size, brownish tint of ground colour, brownish hindwing and a somewhat paler area between reniform and postmedial line; the latter formed by single line, its inner line indistinct, while in related species it is regularly formed by double line. In male genitalia ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–20 ) it differs by somewhat shorter and more massive uncus, and structure of vesica, which is more similar to C. tapaishana ( Figs. 21, 22 View FIGURES 21–24 ), but shorter, more slender, arch-like curved, without broadening at arch; like in C. tapaishana it is armed by patch of cornuti in arch, but the patch is formed smaller and the cornuti are not so strong as in C. tapaishana ; the distal part of vesica in C. draudti is broadened and finely scobinated, while it is not much extended and covered by minute spine-like cornuti in C. tapaishana . Two other species, C. simillima ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 21–24 ) and C. pacifica (fig. 25) also differ well by structure of vesica.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11–16 , 17 View FIGURES 17–20 ). Wingspan 30–32 mm. Ground colour of head, thorax and forewing grey, with somewhat brownish tint; wing pattern dark brownish-grey; basal line indistinct, marked in costal area; basal streak diffused; antemedial line formed by thin line on diffused brownish grey background, not double as in related species; orbicular rounded, bordered outside by thin black line, with brownish-grey filling inside; black mark between orbicular and costa (like in related species) absent; antemedial line similarly to related species curved from costa outward, then inward and again outward; from inner part below Cu-trunk antemedial outlined by whitish dash, more distinct than in related species; part of wing outward from antemedial with dark brownish-grey suffusion, darker in cell between orbicular and reniform and around vein Cu2 and paler between reniform and postmedial line; reniform indistinct, marked by black from inner side; subterminal line traceable, double, less distinct than in related species; subtornal streak whitish, indistinct; subterminal line double, indistinct; cilia grey with whitish between veins. Hindwing uniformly grayish, somewhat darker toward edge, cilia grey, basally yellowish-grey.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 21–24 ). Genitalia armature somewhat smaller compared with related species; uncus straight, basally curved, somewhat broader than in C. tapaishana and C. simillima ; tegumen thin, scaphium heavily sclerotised, juxta broad, bilobate; vinculum broad; valva weakly sclerotised, lobe-like, slightly broader basally than in related species; aedeagus slightly curved; vesica tubular, about 2 times longer than aedeagus but shorter and somewhat more slender than in C. tapaishana , arch-like curved, arch; not broadened as in C. tapaishana ; armed with patch of cornuti distally of beyong arch, cornuti much smaller, and weaker and form smaller field of cornuti than in C. tapaishana ; the apical part of vesica in C. draudti is broadened and finely scobinated; in C. tapaishana it is only slightly brroadened and covered with minute spine-like cornuti.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name is dedicated to Prof. M. Draudt.

Distribution. ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 31–32 ). The species is known from the type locality, Tapaishan Mts.[= Taibaishan Mts.] in Shaanxi Prov. of China. It occurs there in sympatry with C. tapaishana and C. pacifica .


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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