Phylloicus paprockii, Prather, 2003

PRATHER, AYSHA L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214 : 82-83

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-06-23 16:33:30, last updated by Guilherme 2025-02-14 13:12:59)

scientific name

Phylloicus paprockii

sp. nov.

Phylloicus paprockii , new species

Figs. 82 View FIGURE 82 , 83 View FIGURE 83 , 112 View FIGURES 109-112. — 109

This species is similar to P. amazonas , fenestratus , and obliquus . Phylloicus paprockii is distinguished by forewing color and pattern ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 109-112. — 109 ), the deep rounded notch of tergum X ( Fig. 82B View FIGURE 82 ), the shape of the harpago, which is sharply tapered ( Fig. 82A, B View FIGURE 82 ), and the morphology of the phallic endotheca and phallotremal sclerites ( Fig. 82D, E View FIGURE 82 ).

Adult. Forewing length 10.1­11.4 mm, n = 3.

Head chestnut brown. Maxillary palps dark brown, covered with golden setae. Antenna twice forewing length; chestnut brown, with narrow patches of pale sensilla on anteromesal surface of each flagellomere. Dorsal pterothorax chestnut brown, lateral margins dark; ventrolateral thorax golden. Femora golden; foretibiae golden; mesotibiae golden; metatibiae dark brown; foretarsi golden; mesotarsi golden; metatarsi dark brown. Metathoracic leg of male without posterior fringe. Tibial spur formula 2,4,4. Forewing flat; dark brown; with two transverse bands; proximal band ivory, reaching posterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing; distal band ivory, not reaching either wing margin, 1/2 width of wing or less, oval; with single basal stripe, white; basal cells clear ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 109-112. — 109 ). Hind wing basal brush present in female.

Male. Preterminalic abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Corematic structures absent, terga III­V unmodified, without membranous lobes or sclerotized processes. Sternum VII with short, acute anteromesal process. Sternum VIII similar to anterior sterna, sternum IX not elongate. Tergum IX with short mesal ridge extending from anterior notch; posterior margin smoothly rounded ( Fig. 82B View FIGURE 82 ); lateral ridge absent; dorsal pleural setae approximately 10, ventral pleural setae approximately 8 ( Fig. 82A View FIGURE 82 ); sternum IX without mesolateral ridges; sternum IX ( Fig. 82C View FIGURE 82 ). Preanal appendage approximately length of tergum X, of uniform diameter throughout length, setae long, but not filamentous or longer than appendage ( Fig. 82A, B View FIGURE 82 ). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process absent; basolateral processes absent; apex, in lateral view, acute, in dorsal view, notched, notch deep and round; with short, rounded setose basolateral paired projections ( Fig. 82A, B View FIGURE 82 ). Harpago long, curving mesally and tapering apically; peglike setae many, mesoventral ( Fig. 82A, C View FIGURE 82 ). Phallic endotheca with single long apical lobe and paired basolateral lobes, basolateral lobes large and round and with digitate apical lobe; phallotremal sclerites very large, longest dimension twice diameter of phallobase; dorsal sclerite two­armed, in lateral view U­shaped ( Fig. 82D, E View FIGURE 82 ).

Female. Preterminal abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Sternum VII with short pointed anteromesal process. Tergum VIII without posterolateral brush; sternum VIII cleft posteromesally to anterior ridge; sternum VIII ( Fig. 83C View FIGURE 83 ). Tergum IX with very short mesal ridge ( Fig. 83B View FIGURE 83 ). Sternum IX anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and striate, punctate, with shallow pockets anterolateral to vaginal opening ( Fig. 83A View FIGURE 83 ). Tergum X appendage longer than mesal lobe, base marked by faint suture line, apex triangular; mesal lobe lightly sclerotized; digitate lateral processes absent ( Fig. 83B View FIGURE 83 ). Sternum X with patches of short fine setae posterolaterally to anal opening ( Fig. 83A View FIGURE 83 ). Vaginal apparatus posterior sclerite elongate; anterior sclerite rounded anteriorly, posterolateral projections absent; posterior sclerite ovoid; posterior end of spermatheca a tiny sclerotized sphere ( Fig. 83A View FIGURE 83 ).

Holotype male: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Aldeia de Cachoeira das Pedras, 20°06'49”S, 44°01'25"W, 925 m, 9.x.2000, Paprocki & Isaac ( MZUSP). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: BRAZIL: Bahia: Camacá , 400­700 m, 21 Sep­ 30.ix.1991, Becker — 1 male ( NMNH) ; Minas Gerais: Aldeia de Cachoeira das Pedras, 20°06'49”S, 44°01'25"W, 925 m, 9.x.2000, Paprocki & Isaac — 1 female ( UMSP) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Brazil.

Etymology. It is with great pleasure that I name this species for Henrique Paprocki, who collected the type specimen on his family’s land in Minas Gerais.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 82. Phylloicus paprockii. Male (holotype): A—lateral view; B—dorsal view; C—sternum IX and inferior appendages, ventral view; D—phallus, lateral view; E—phallus, ventral view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 83. Phylloicus paprockii. Female (UMSP000068392): A—sterna IX, X and vaginal apparatus, ventral view; B—terga IX and X, dorsal view; C—sternum VIII, ventral view.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 109-112. — 109. Phylloicus elegans (composite of UMSP000000172 and UMSP000022365). Forewing. — 110. Phylloicus flinti (UMSP000010104). Forewing. — 111. Phylloicus iridescens (composite of UMSP000009750 and UMSP000009751). Forewing. — 112. Phylloicus paprockii (composite of UMSP000068390-2). Forewing.


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