Phylloicus cressae, Prather Table Of Contents, 2003

Prather Table Of Contents, Aysha L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214 : 43-44

publication ID

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Felipe (2021-06-23 16:33:30, last updated by Tatiana 2021-07-07 19:58:02)

scientific name

Phylloicus cressae

new species

Phylloicus cressae , new species

Figs. 38 View FIGURE 38 , 39 View FIGURE 39

Phylloicus cressae is most similar to P. abdominalis , perija , and pirapo . It differs in the morphology of the proximal abdomen, having short lateral sclerites and only a lateral pair of coremata, and in the wing pattern: in P. cressae the second distal band of pale setae is absent, and a small patch of tan setae is present at the base of Cu 1.

Adult. Forewing length 11.1­14.9 mm, n = 68.

Head chestnut brown, with dorsomesal crest of chestnut brown setae. Maxillary palps chestnut brown, covered with golden setae. Antenna twice forewing length; chestnut brown, with narrow patches of pale sensilla on anteromesal surface of each flagellomere. Dorsal pterothorax chestnut brown; ventrolateral thorax golden brown. Legs golden brown. Metathoracic leg of male with posterior fringe of long setae, setae golden brown. Tibial spur formula 2,4,4. Forewing flat; dark brown; with single transverse band; proximal band tan, reaching posterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing; with two basal stripes, tan; small patch of tan setae at proximal end of wing coupling hairs; with small golden spot marking nygma. Hind wing basal brush present in male and female, dark brown.

Male. Preterminalic abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Corematic structures present. Tergum IV with paired posterior processes and paired lateral sclerites, lateral coremata; posterior process truncate; lateral sclerite narrowed apically; lateral coremata with basal globose lobes and long tubular posterior lobe. Tergum V apodemes heavily ridged, with patch of stiff setae posteriorly ( Fig. 38F View FIGURE 38 ). Sternum VII with short, acute anteromesal process. Sternum VIII enclosing base of elongate sternum IX; posteromesal process short and notched, notch narrow and parallel­sided ( Fig. 38A, C View FIGURE 38 ). Tergum IX deeply notched anteriorly, margins of notch ridged; posterior margin with irregular mesal projection; thinly sclerotized anteromesally ( Fig. 38B View FIGURE 38 ); lateral ridge present; dorsal pleural setae approximately 5, ventral pleural setae approximately 5 ( Fig. 38A View FIGURE 38 ). Preanal appendage at least 11/2 times length of tergum X, widest apically, setae filamentous, longer than appendage ( Fig. 38A, B View FIGURE 38 ). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process short and digitate; basolateral processes long, length at least twice diameter; apex, in lateral view, truncate, in dorsal view, entire or notched, notch shallow ( Fig. 38A, B View FIGURE 38 ). Harpago rounded; peglike setae many, apical ( Fig. 38A, C View FIGURE 38 ). Phallic endotheca with paired basolateral lobes, basolateral lobes large and round; phallotremal sclerites average size, longest dimension less than diameter of phallobase; dorsal sclerite ovoid, in dorsal view horseshoe­shaped ( Fig. 38D, E View FIGURE 38 ).

Female. Preterminal abdominal terga without anteromesal notches. Sternum VII with short pointed anteromesal process. Tergum VIII without posterolateral brush; sternum VIII with shallow posteromesal notch, or posterior margin entire; sternum VIII ( Fig. 39C View FIGURE 39 ). Tergum IX with very short mesal ridge ( Fig. 39B View FIGURE 39 ). Sternum IX anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and striate, with patch of lightly sclerotized cuticle lateral to vaginal opening ( Fig. 39A View FIGURE 39 ). Tergum X appendage shorter than mesal lobe, base indistinct, apex triangular; mesal lobe lightly sclerotized; digitate lateral processes very short, length less than diameter ( Fig. 39B View FIGURE 39 ). Sternum X with patches of short fine setae posterolaterally to anal opening ( Fig. 39A View FIGURE 39 ). Vaginal apparatus anterior and posterior sclerites equal in length; anterior sclerite truncate anteriorly, posterolateral projections absent; posterior sclerite ovoid; posterior end of spermatheca a sclerotized expanded tube ( Fig. 39A View FIGURE 39 ).

Type material. Holotype male: VENEZUELA: Lara: Parque Nacional Dinira, Quebrada Las Pinetas , 09°46'19”N, 70°01'45"W, 1889 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa ( UMSP). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: BOLIVIA: La Paz: Coroico , 2200 m, 23­24.xi.1984, Peña G. — 1 male ( NMNH) ; Yungas Range, Circuata to Cajuata , 3­5.xii.1984, Peña G. — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) ; ECUADOR: Napo: Río Jondachi , 30 km N Tena, 950 m, 10.ix.1990, Flint — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) ; Pichincha: Río Umachaca, For. Sta. Maquipucuna , ca. 5 km E Nanegal, 00°07'30”N, 78°37'00"W, 1250 m, 4­5.ix.1990, Flint — 2 males ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; VENEZUELA: Aragua: 1 km E Estacion Biologica Rancho Grande , 10°21'07”N, 67°40'48"W, 1100 m, 27.i.1994, Holzenthal, Cressa, & Rincón — 4 males ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 3 females, 11 males ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Rancho Grande , 1100 m, 24­31.x.1966, Duckworth — 1 male ( NMNH) ; Río El Limon, fish hatchery, Maracay , 10°14'49”N, 67°35'45"W, 22­23.x.1974, Weibezahn — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; 18­19.xii.1974, Weibezahn — 2 females, 2 males ( NMNH) ; 12­13.ii.1975, Weibezahn — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) ; Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Quebrada Guamitas on road to Rancho Grande , 13­14.ix.1979, Savage — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) ; Río La Trilla , 22.5 km N of Rancho Grande on road, 17­ 19.ix.1979, Savage — 1 male ( NMNH) ; Guarico: P. N. Guatopo, Queb. Guatopo, 0.5 km N Est. La Colina , 10°00'50”N, 66°21'47"W, 600 m, 22.i.1994, Holzenthal, Cressa, & Rincón — 2 males ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 4 males ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Lara: Parque Nacional Dinira, Quebrada Las Pinetas , 09°46'19”N, 70°01'45"W, 1889 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 2 females, 2 males ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; — 4 females, 4 males ( UMSP) ; Parque Nacional Yacambú , 13 km SE Sanare, 1560 m, 4­7.iii.1978, Heppner — 3 females, 3 males ( NMNH) ; Mérida: La Pedregosa, 21.ii.1976, C & O Flint — 2 males ( NMNH) ; Miranda: P. N. Guatopo, Queb. Macanilla @ La Macanilla, 10°06'47”N, 66°30'58"W, 550 m, 23.i.1994, Holzenthal, Cressa, & Rincón — 1 male ( UMSP) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela.

Etymology. I am pleased to name this species for its collector, Dr. Claudia Cressa.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 38. Phylloicus cressae. Male (UMSP000067653): A—lateral view; B—dorsal view; C —sterna VIII, IX, and inferior appendages, ventral view; D—phallus, lateral view; E—phallus, ventral view; F—terga IV and V, dorsal view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 39. Phylloicus cressae. Female (UMSP000067660): A—sterna IX, X and vaginal apparatus, ventral view; B—terga IX and X, dorsal view; C—sternum VIII, ventral view.


University of Minnesota Insect Collection


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History