Phylloicus hansoni Denning, 1983

Prather Table Of Contents, Aysha L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214 : 57-59

publication ID

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-06-23 16:33:30, last updated 2021-06-23 16:34:05)

scientific name

Phylloicus hansoni Denning


Phylloicus hansoni Denning

Figs. 55­56

Phylloicus hansoni Denning, 1983 in Denning et al. 1983:184 [Type locality: Trinidad, Simla Research Station; CAS; male]. — Botosaneanu & Flint 1982:24 [larva, as P. angustior ]. — Botosaneanu & Alkins­Koo 1993:38 [as synonym of P. angustior ].

Phylloicus hansoni is similar to P. quitacalzon , but is distinguished by the bi­lobed mesal coremata — ( Fig. 55F).

Adult. Forewing length 9­11.1 mm, n = 178.

Head dark brown. Maxillary palps dark brown. Antenna twice forewing length; dark brown, with narrow patches of pale sensilla on anteromesal surface of each flagellomere, basal segments with pale setae posteriorly. Dorsal pterothorax dark brown; ventrolateral thorax golden brown. Femora golden brown; foretibiae golden brown; mesotibiae golden brown; metatibiae dark brown; tarsi dark brown. Metathoracic leg of male with posterior fringe of long setae, setae dark. Tibial spur formula 2,4,4. Forewing flat; dark brown; with two transverse bands; proximal band ivory; distal band ivory, beginning at anterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing; with single basal stripe, ivory. Hind wing basal brush present in male, dark brown.

Male. Preterminalic abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Corematic structures present. Tergum IV with expanded lateral flanges, mesal coremata and lateral coremata; lateral coremata with basal globose lobes and long tubular posterior lobe; mesal coremata bilobed, mesal lobe wider at base and tapered apically, lateral lobe digitate. Tergum V without sclerotized modifications ( Fig. 55F). Sternum VII with short, acute anteromesal process. Sternum VIII enclosing base of elongate sternum IX; posteromesal process notched, notch deep and round ( Fig. 55A, C). Tergum IX deeply notched anteriorly, margins of notch ridged; posterior margin with round narrow mesal projection; thinly sclerotized anteromesally ( Fig. 55B); lateral ridge absent; dorsal pleural setae approximately 5, ventral pleural setae approximately 10 ( Fig. 55A). Preanal appendage at least 11/2 times length of tergum X, widest apically, setae filamentous, longer than appendage ( Fig. 55A, B). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process short and digitate; basolateral processes long, length at least twice diameter; apex, in lateral view, truncate, in dorsal view, entire or notched, notch shallow; with paired rounded apicolateral projections ( Fig. 55A, B). Harpago short, rounded; peglike setae few, apical ( Fig. 55A, C). Phallotremal sclerites average size, longest dimension less than diameter of phallobase; dorsal sclerite ovoid, in dorsal view horseshoe­shaped ( Fig. 55D, E).

Female. Preterminal abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Sternum VII with short pointed anteromesal process. Tergum VIII without posterolateral brush; sternum VIII posterior margin entire; sternum VIII ( Fig. 56C). Tergum IX without mesal ridge ( Fig. 56B). Sternum IX anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and striate, with patch of lightly sclerotized cuticle lateral to vaginal opening ( Fig. 56A). Tergum X appendage shorter than mesal lobe, base marked by faint suture line, apex rounded; mesal lobe lightly sclerotized; digitate lateral processes absent ( Fig. 56B). Sternum X with patches of short fine setae posterolaterally to anal opening ( Fig. 56A). Vaginal apparatus anterior and posterior sclerites equal in length; anterior sclerite rounded anteriorly, posterolateral projections absent; posterior sclerite triangular ( Fig. 56A).

Material examined. TRINIDAD: Arima R., Verdant Vale , 10°41'00”N, 61°18'00"W, 170 m,, Adams & Mathis — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Mount St. Benedict stream, 10°39'00”N, 61°24'00"W, 250 m, 20­, Flint & Adams — 1 female ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Simla Research Station , 2­, Hanson & Clemons — holotype male ( CAS) ; Simla, Arima Valley , 6­12.ii.1966, S & W Duckworth — 2 females ( NMNH) ; Saint George: Blue Basin River , 10°44'00”N, 61°32'00"W, 100 m,, Adams & Mathis — 3 males ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Blue Basin Waterfall , 10°44'00”N, 61°32'00"W, 120 m, Botosaneanu — 2 females ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; 17.iv.1991, Botosaneanu & Sakal — 2 males ( NMNH) ;, Flint — 4 males, 3 females ( NMNH) ; Maracas Falls , 10°44'00”N, 61°24'00"W, 270 m,, Flint — 1 female ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Tacarigua R., Caura Rec. area , 10°43'00”N, 61°17'00"W,, Flint & Adams — 5 males ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; VENEZU­ ELA: Aragua: El Limon, near Maracay, Quebrada Los Capuchinos , 550 m, 9.ix.1979, Savage — 1 female, 1 male ( NMNH) ; Río El Limon, fish hatchery, Maracay , 10°14'49”N, 67°35'45"W, 5­6.xi.1974, Weibezahn — 5 males ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; 19­20.xi.1974, Weibezahn — 2 males, 2 females ( NMNH) ; 4­5.xii.1974, Weibezahn — 3 males, 4 females ( NMNH) ; — 3­ 4.i.1975, Weibezahn — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) ; 30.i.1975, Weibezahn — 1 male, 2 females ( NMNH) ; 11­12.iii.1975, Weibezahn — 10 males ( NMNH) ; 23.iv.1975, Weibezahn — 2 males, 1 female ( NMNH) ; 7.v.1975, Weibezahn — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) ; 19­20.v.1975, Weibezahn — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) ; 3­, Weibezahn — 1 female ( NMNH) ; 12.viii.1975, Weibezahn — 1 female ( NMNH) ; 25­ 26.ix.1975, Weibezahn — 1 male ( NMNH) ; 3­6.ii.1976, C & O Flint — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) ; Falcón : Quebrada El Charo at cataratas, 10°46'46”N, 69°12'10"W, 425 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 4 males, 2 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Río Mitare near San Luís , 11°07'56”N, 69°39'11"W, 589 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 3 males ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; Río Ricoa near Dos Bocas , 11°17'19”N, 69°26'04"W, 157 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 1 male ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro, 10°49'35”N, 69°07'59"W, 530 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 11 males, 3 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Sierra de San Luís, Cataratas del Río Hueque , 11°10'42”N, 69°33'44"W, 583 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 3 males, female ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 10 males, 3 females ( UMSP) ; Lara: Yacambú , 1200 m, 10.v.1981, Townes — 2 males, 3 females ( NMNH) ; Parque Nacional Terepaima, Quebrada San Antonio , 09°51'45”N, 69°13'06"W, 631 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 3 males, 3 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Río Auro near Sabana Alta , 09°44'44”N, 69°16'37"W, 480 m,, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, & Cressa — 2 males ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 5 males, 2 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Mérida : 6 km N Mérida, 1524 m, 9.ii.1978, Heppner — 2 females, 3 males ( NMNH) ; Miranda: P. N. Guatopo, Agua Blanca , 7.ii.1976, C & O Flint — 1 male, 1 female ( NMNH) ; Sucre: Qbd. Zapateral, 1.5 km SE Las Piedras de Cocollar , 10°09'45”N, 63°47'35"W, 810 m, 9.iv.1995, Holzenthal & Flint — 2 males, 2 females ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 4 males, 10 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Rio Cocollar, 1.5 km SE Las Piedras de Cocollar , 10°09'37”N, 63°47'36"W, 810 m, 7­8.iv.1995, Holzenthal & Flint — 1 male, 2 females ( IZAM) GoogleMaps ; — 6 males, 9 females ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Rio el Pozo, Peninsula de Paria Puerto Viejo , 10°43'04”N, 62°28'34"W, 20 m, 4.iii.1995, Holzenthal, Flint, & Cressa — 1 male ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Zulia: Distrito Baralt, Río Paují betwen San Juan & San An , 9­11.x.1979, Savage — 1 male ( NMNH) .

Distribution. Venezuela, Trinidad.

Botosaneanu, L. & Flint, O. S., Jr. (1982) On some Trichoptera from northern Venezuela and Ecuador (Insecta). Beaufortia, 32, 13 - 26.

Botosaneanu, L. & Alkins-Koo, M. (1993) The caddis flies (Insecta: Trichoptera) of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 63, 5 - 45.

Denning, D. G., Resh, V. H. & Hogue, C. L. (1983) New species of Phylloicus and a new Neotropical genus of Calamoceratidae (Trichoptera). Aquatic Insects, 5, 181 - 191.


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