Phylloicus Müller
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Felipe (2021-06-23 16:33:30, last updated by Guilherme 2025-02-14 13:12:59) |
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Phylloicus Müller |
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Genus Phylloicus Müller View in CoL
Phylloicus Müller, 1880a:113 View in CoL , 131 [Type species: Phylloicus major Müller 1880a View in CoL , subsequent selection of Flint 1964, not Fischer 1965]. — Müller 1880b:8082 [adults, cases]. — Müller 1888:275 [larva]. — Ulmer 1905a:77, 1907:120 [adults]. — Lestage 1925: 42 [checklist, key]. — Betten 1934:236 [adults]. — Roldán Pérez 1988:146 [larva]. — Wiggins 1996:224 [larva]. — Flint et al. 1999a:16 [checklist].
Homoeoplectron Ulmer, 1905b:33 [Type species: Homoeoplectron assimile Ulmer 1905b , subsequent selection of Fischer 1965]. — Ulmer 1905a:77 [to synonymy].
Notiomyia Banks, 1905:18 [Type species: Heteroplectron mexicanum Banks 1900 , original designation]. — Flint 1967:17 [to synonymy].
Murielia Hogue and Denning, 1983 View in CoL (in Denning et al. 1983:187) [Type species: Phylloicus farri Flint 1968b View in CoL , original designation]. — Flint et al. 1999b:73 [to synonymy].
Generic description, adult. Forewing length 7.018.5 mm.
Antennae usually twice wing length or longer (in some very large species relative antennal length may be reduced); scape shorter than head length, but shape somewhat variable. Maxillary palps 5segmented in both sexes; first, second, third and fifth segments 45 times longer than wide; fourth segment short, length no more than twice width. Labial palps 3segmented. Head with anterior, anteromesal, posterior and posterolateral setal warts; central setal area bare or marked by patches of fine setae only; anterior setal warts small, with few stout setae; anteromesal setal warts prominent and single or paired. Posteromesal ridge present at posterodorsal margin of head ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 13. —1 ). Mesoscutum without distinct setal warts, with setae arranged in two anteriorposterior sublateral lines, each line one to several setae wide; in some species additional setae scattered between these lines. Anterior margin of mesoscutellum straight; without warts or prominent setae ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 13. —1 ). Tibial spur formula 2,4,4/2,4,3/2,4,2; metathoracic leg of males often with posterior fringe of long setae. Forewing color (membrane and setae) variable, overall color ranging from golden brown to black, with, in some species, patterns formed by white, orange, or yellow hairs and lighter pigmentation of membrane or by bare patches ( Figs. 105118 View FIGURES 105-108. — 105 View FIGURES 109-112. — 109 View FIGURES 113-116. — 113 View FIGURES 117-118. — 117 ). Forewing venation typical for family: forks IV present, discoidal and medial cells closed; R 1 recurrent onto R 2 or free to wing margin; Cu 2 and A 1 free to wing margin ( Figs. 48 View FIGURES 45 View FIGURES 68. —6 ). Hind wing with forks II, III, and V present, discoidal and medial cells open ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 45 ).
Male. Posterior margin of tergum IV may be modified into sclerotized lateral or mesolateral processes; coremata may be present as membranous erectile evaginations of pleural or tergal intersegmental membrane. Anterior margin of tergal sclerites may be notched. In most species, pointed mesal process present on anterior margin of sternum VII. Sternum VIII may be modified, with notched or emarginate posterior process of posterior margin enclosing anterior portion of sternum IX. Tergum IX approximately equal in length to sternum IX; posterior margin of tergum variously modified by projections or processes. Sternum IX narrower mesally than laterally, internal ridges may be present mesally or mesolaterally; patch of stout setae present at posterolateral margin of pleural region. Preanal appendages of varying length and shape, bearing most setae on apical twothirds. Tergum X may be fused to tergum IX or distinctly separated, often with digitate process arising basomesally, approximately equal in length to inferior appendages, posterior margin of X variously modified; lateral portions folded mesally to varying degree. Inferior appendages 2segmented, not highly modified; coxopodite covered with stout setae, particularly on lateral and ventral surfaces; harpago cylindrical or tapered apically, bearing short, pointed, peglike setae on mesal and apicoventral surfaces; some short fine setae may be present basally on harpago; base of inferior appendages occupies 1/2 to 2/3 length of sternum IX. Phallobase a simple curved tube, curvature consistent throughout genus, except in P. fenestratus ; with phallotremal sclerites of varying size and shape, at apex when endotheca everted; endotheca may consist of multiple membranous lobes with speciesspecific arrangement.
Female. Anterior margin of tergal sclerites may be notched. In most species, pointed mesal process present on anterior margin of sternum VII. Sternum VIII more darkly sclerotized than anterior segments, anterior margin may be notched or with an anteriorposterior mesal ridge; posterior margin bearing many stout setae, mesal margin entire or cleft to base of segment; lateral margins indistinct beyond lateral apodemes extending from anterior margin. Tergum IX with anterior margin entire or notched posteriorly; mesally without clear junction with tergum X. Sternum IX with striated regions anterior and lateral to vaginal opening; between these regions there may be an invaginated sclerotized “pocket” or patch of lightly sclerotized cuticle. Tergum X bearing paired posterolateral appendages, varying in shape, length and degree of distinctness from tergite; these appendages bearing many stout setae apically; posteromesal portion of tergite membranous or semisclerotized; small, sclerotized digitate posterolateral processes may be present, although the completeness of their production varies from specimen to specimen and may not be bilaterally symmetrical within a specimen. Sternum X lateral and posterior to anal opening membranous except for bases of dorsal appendages; a few short fine setae may be present in this membranous area. Vaginal apparatus consisting of anterior and posterior sclerites; duct leading to spermatheca arises from within sclerotized pocket on ventral surface of anterior sclerite; duct leading to bursa copulatrix arises from anterior margin; posterior sclerite tapered posteriorly, connected to anterior sclerite by ventral mound of membranous tissue; posterior end of spermatheca may be sclerotized, forming a cone or ball.
Although I have not done a phylogenetic analysis of Phylloicus , I have identified groups of species recognized by certain diagnostic characters, some of which are possible synapomorphies. These groups are not meant to be mistaken for monophyletic clades; my intent is only to simplify identification. The largest group ( P. abdominalis , adamsae , angustior , auratus , bicarinatus , brevior , cressae , elegans , elektoros , ephippium , flinti , hansoni , holzenthali , lituratus , llaviuco , maculatus , major , monticolus , passulatus , paucartambo , perija , pirapo , quitacalzon , and spectabilis ) are distinguished by the secondary withdrawal of sternum IX within sternum VIII, although in some cases ( P. spectabilis , for example), sternum VIII lacks the posterior projection and the modification is detectable only as a tiny anterior projection of sternum IX. A group of six species of predominantly Antillean distribution have a tibial spur formula of 2,4,2, a long digitate basodorsal process of male tergum X, characteristic enlarged phallotremal sclerites; four of these species ( P. cubanus , iridescens , pulchrus , and superbus ) have bright orange forewing bands ( Figs. 108 View FIGURES 105-108. — 105 , 111 View FIGURES 109-112. — 109 , 114, 115 View FIGURES 113-116. — 113 ); P. chalybeus lacks forewing ornamentation, and P. amazonas has white bands. A group of generally Mesoamerican (with northern range limits in Arizona and Texas) species consists of P. aeneus , nigripennis , mexicanus and panamensis , which fold the forewings characteristically (as in Fig. 118 View FIGURES 117-118. — 117 ) and have nearly identical male terminalia.
Banks, N. (1900) New genera and species of Nearctic neuropteroid insects. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 26, 239 - 259.
Banks, N. (1905) Descriptions of new Nearctic neuropteroid insects. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 32, 1 - 20, 22 plates.
Betten, C. B. (1934) The caddis flies or Trichoptera of New York state, New York State Museum Bulletin, Vol. 292, 576 pp.
Denning, D. G., Resh, V. H. & Hogue, C. L. (1983) New species of Phylloicus and a new Neotropical genus of Calamoceratidae (Trichoptera). Aquatic Insects, 5, 181 - 191.
Fischer, F. C. J. (1965) Calamoceratidae, Philorheithridae, Odontoceridae, Leptoceridae Pars 1, Trichopterorum Catalogus, Vol. 6. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging, Amsterdam, vi + 242 pp.
Flint, O. S., Jr. (1964) The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Puerto Rico, Technical Paper, Vol. 40. University of Puerto Rico, Agricultural Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 80 pp.
Flint, O. S., Jr. (1967) Studies of Neotropical caddis flies, V: Types of the species described by Banks and Hagen. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 123, 1 - 37.
Flint, O. S., Jr. (1968 b) The caddisflies of Jamaica (Trichoptera). Bulletin of the Institute of Jamaica, Science series, 19, 1 - 68.
Flint, O. S., Jr., Holzenthal, R. W. & Harris, S. C. (1999 a) Catalog of the Neotropical caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). Ohio Biological Survey, Special Publication, Columbus, Ohio, iv + 239 pp.
Flint, O. S., Jr., Holzenthal, R. W. & Harris, S. C. (1999 b) Nomenclatural and systematic changes in the Neotropical caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). Insecta Mundi, 13, 73 - 84.
Lestage, J. A. (1925) Notes Trichopterologiques (7 me Note). Bulletin & Annales de la Societe entomologie de Belgique, 65, 35 - 44.
Muller, F. (1880 a) [for 1878] Sobre as casas construidas pelas larvas de Insectos Trichopteros de provincia de Santa Catherina. Archivos do Museu nacional do Rio do Janeiro, III, 99 - 134, 210 - 215, 134 plates.
Muller, F. (1880 b) Uber die von den Trichopterenlarven der provinz Santa Catharina verfertigten Gehause. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftligen Zoologie, 35, 47 - 87.
Muller, F. (1888) Larven von Mucken und Haarfluglern mit abwechselnd thatigen Athemwerkzeugen. Entomologische Nachrichten, 14, 273 - 277.
Roldan Perez, G. (1988) Guia para el Estudio de los Macroinvertebrados Acuaticos del Departamento de Antioquia. Universidad del Antioquia, Antioquia, xi + 217 pp.
Ulmer, G. (1905 a) Neue und wenig bekannte aussereuropaische Trichopteren, hauptsachlich aus dem Wiener Museum. Annalen des kaiserlich-koniglich naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 20, 59 - 98.
Ulmer, G. (1905 b) Zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Trichopteren (Neue Trichopteren des Hamburger und Stettiner Museums und des Zoologischen Instituts in Halle, nebst Beschreibungen einiger Typen Kolenati's und Burmeister's). Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 66, 1 - 119.
Ulmer, G. (1907) Trichoptera, Wytsman, P. (Ed), Genera Insectorum, Vol. 60. L. Desmet Verteneuil [etc.], Bruxelles, 259 pp.
Wiggins, G. B. (1996) Larvae of the North American caddisfly genera (Trichoptera), 2 nd edition. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 457 pp.
FIGURES 13. —1, Phylloicus aeneus (UMSP000034901). Head, lateral. —2, Phylloicus mexicanus (UMSP000041378). Head, dorsal; — 3, Phylloicus mexicanus (UMSP000041378) Pro and mesothorax, dorsal.
FIGURES 105-108. — 105. Phylloicus aeneus (composite of UMSP000068398, UMSP000068399, UMSP000068400). Forewing. — 106. Phylloicus amazonas (composite of UMSP000005724-5, UMSP000068383-9). Forewing. — 107. Phylloicus bicarinatus (composite of UMSP000068393 and UMSP000068394). Forewing. — 108. Phylloicus cubanus (composite of UMSP000009806 and UMSP000009807). Forewing.
FIGURES 109-112. — 109. Phylloicus elegans (composite of UMSP000000172 and UMSP000022365). Forewing. — 110. Phylloicus flinti (UMSP000010104). Forewing. — 111. Phylloicus iridescens (composite of UMSP000009750 and UMSP000009751). Forewing. — 112. Phylloicus paprockii (composite of UMSP000068390-2). Forewing.
FIGURES 113-116. — 113. Phylloicus paucartambo (composite of UMSP000010031-8). Forewing. — 114. Phylloicus pulchrus (composite of UMSP000009766 and UMSP000068395). Forewing. — 115. Phylloicus superbus (UMSP000009816 and UMSP000009824). Forewing. — 116. Phylloicus yolandae (holotype). Forewing.
FIGURES 117-118. — 117. Phylloicus abdominalis (UMSP000000285). A— male habitus, lateral; B— antenna, scape and basal flagellomeres, anterior view. — 118. Phylloicus aeneus (composite of UMSP000068398, UMSP000068399, UMSP000068400). Habitus, dorsal.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Phylloicus Müller
Murielia Hogue and Denning, 1983
Flint, O. S., Jr. & Holzenthal, R. W. & Harris, S. C. 1999: 73 |
Denning, D. G. & Resh, V. H. & Hogue, C. L. 1983: 187 |
Ulmer, G. 1905: 33 |
Ulmer, G. 1905: 77 |
Flint, O. S., Jr. 1967: 17 |
Banks, N. 1905: 18 |
Phylloicus Müller, 1880a:113
Flint, O. S., Jr. & Holzenthal, R. W. & Harris, S. C. 1999: 16 |
Wiggins, G. B. 1996: 224 |
Roldan Perez, G. 1988: 146 |
Betten, C. B. 1934: 236 |
Lestage, J. A. 1925: 42 |
Ulmer, G. 1907: 120 |
Ulmer, G. 1905: 77 |
Muller, F. 1888: 275 |
Muller, F. 1880: 113 |
Muller, F. 1880: 80 |
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