Otumbini Cadena-Castañeda, 2025

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando, Infante, Ivette Coque, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins & Tavares, Gustavo Costa, 2025, Studies on pygmy grasshoppers: On the current Metrodorinae sensu lato classification (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with emphasis on American and Malagasy taxa, Zootaxa 5597 (1), pp. 1-265 : 148

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Plazi (2025-03-04 12:56:25, last updated 2025-03-04 13:25:28)

scientific name

Otumbini Cadena-Castañeda

trib. nov.

Tribe Otumbini Cadena-Castañeda , trib. nov.

Type genus: Otumba Morse, 1900 .

Description. Body generally slender (few taxa robust), small to medium-sized (6–15 mm.). Head moderately exerted above pronotum; upper margin of the vertex slightly lower than the level of the upper margin of the compound eye. In frontal view, face ovoid or subrectangular, taller than wide; fastigium rounded or truncate; medial carina of the vertex, slightly elevated or not; lateral carinae moderately elevated, not exceeding the eye level, and usually as long as the medial carina or shorter; vertex narrower or as wide as one eye ( Figs. 98C View FIGURE 98 , 104C View FIGURE 104 , 105C View FIGURE 105 ). In lateral view, medial carinae not protruding beyond the eyes. Anterior margin of the vertex rounded or truncated, fastigium of the vertex not forming a long horn and dorsum without fossulae. Antennae groves located at the level of the lower margin of the eyes, rarely lower or in the middle of the face. Antennae usually long, exceeding the middle femur, and sometimes as long as the hind femur, with 12 to 14 segments. Scutellum narrow, or moderately widened, not exceeding the width of the scape; frontal costa mid-sized, with bifurcation usually in the middle of the eyes. Eyes rounded, slightly straight at lower margin, medium-sized or conspicuous, protruding slightly above the vertex, occupying a quarter or a third of the cephalic capsule. Lateral ocelli between the middle part, or close the lower margin of the eyes, near the base from where each branch of the fascial carinae diverges; medial ocellus close to the lower margin of the scutellum; palpi with last three segments flattened, first two segments short and nearly cylindrical ( Figs. 98C View FIGURE 98 , 104C View FIGURE 104 , 105C View FIGURE 105 ). Thorax. Pronotum generally slender, reaching or exceeding the tip of the abdomen. Pronotal disc with a straight or rounded anterior margin and a pointed posterior margin, rarely truncated, dorsally almost flat; median carina not very elevated and, if elevated, only sub-elevated in the anterior third of the pronotal disc, looking like a small curvature in lateral view. Lateral lobes of pronotum rectangular in lateral view, lower edge moderately or well projected to the sides, with rounded ( Figs. 104A View FIGURE 104 , 105B View FIGURE 105 , 114B View FIGURE 114 , 115B View FIGURE 115 ) or acute apex ( Figs. 98B View FIGURE 98 , 99B View FIGURE 99 , 101B View FIGURE 101 , 102B View FIGURE 102 , 108C View FIGURE 108 , 116C View FIGURE 116 ); humeral angle wide, obliquely concave; infrascapular thin and projecting between the second or third abdominal segment (only wide in Platythorus , possibly due to its wingless condition ( Fig. 120A View FIGURE 120 )); lateral area narrow with similar thickness or broader than the infrascapular area, arising on the dorsal undulation of the infrascapular area ( Fig. 119B View FIGURE 119 ). Wings. Most species winged, with ovoid tegmina ( Figs. 117A View FIGURE 117 , 119B View FIGURE 119 ) (except Otumba with narrow and lanceolate tegmina ( Figs. 104A View FIGURE 104 , 114A View FIGURE 114 )) and hind wings reaching the apex of the pronotum or surpass it. Legs. Fore and mid-femora compressed, elongated, and thin, with undulations on the dorsal and ventral margins, although some taxa have almost straight dorsal and ventral margins ( Fig. 108D View FIGURE 108 ). Mid femur carinated above ( Fig. 108E View FIGURE 108 ). Hind femur unmodified, without tubercles or lappets; genicular and antegenicular teeth moderately or well-developed. Hind tibia scarcely ampliated near the apex; the first and third segments of the hind tarsi equal in length (rarely, first tarsomere slightly longer than the third). Abdomen. Male: last segments, between the seventh and ninth segments moderately constricted ( Figs. 108F View FIGURE 108 , 110E View FIGURE 110 ). Subgenital plate cupuliform, as long as or longer than the last abdominal sternite; apex of subgenital plate rounded or angled and with a pointed apex ( Figs. 108H View FIGURE 108 , 110E View FIGURE 110 ). Cerci conical and reduced ( Figs. 108G View FIGURE 108 , 110F View FIGURE 110 ). Female: Epiproct triangular or ovoid, with or without medial groove ( Fig. 109C View FIGURE 109 ). Subgenital plate mainly rectangular, with a small prolongation at the apex ( Fig. 109E View FIGURE 109 ). Ovipositor valves moderately robust, with serrulations of medium length; inferior valves, without being conspicuously covered by the lateral edges of the subgenital plate ( Fig. 109D View FIGURE 109 ).

Genera included. Otumba Morse, 1900 , Plesiotettix Hancock, 1907 , Platythorus Morse,1900 , and Brunneritettix gen. nov.

Distribution. Mainly in South America, but with some species from Central America, in southern Nicaragua. The taxa are found mainly in areas of Andean influence, between Peru and Colombia, with few taxa in the Amazon region (Maps 4 and 7).

Remarks. This new tribe groups the remaining Neotropical Metrodorinae with brown, grayish, or blackish colorations. Unlike Garciaitettigini trib. nov., the species of this tribe do not camouflage themselves among bryophytes, and the ovipositor valves are typical shape for the family.

Hancock, J. L. (1907) Orthoptera Fam. Acridiidae. Subfam. Tetriginae. Genera Insectorum, 48, 1-79.

Morse, A. P. (1900) Orthoptera. The Acrididae. Subfamily Tettiginae. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 2, 3-9.

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FIGURE 98. Otumba aciculata Hebard, 1924. Male paratype. A. Habitus in lateral and, B. Dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 99. Otumba aciculata Hebard, 1924. Female paratype.A. Habitus in lateral and, B. Dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 101. Otumba dentata Hancock, 1907. Male habitus. A. Lateral and, C. Dorsal view. Photos. J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 102. Otumba dentata Hancock, 1907. Female. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 104. Otumba scapularis Morse, 1900 (Scabrotettix biolleyi Bolívar, 1909 syn. nov.). Female type. A. Habitus in lateral and, B. Dorsal view. C. Frons.g J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 105. Otumba quadrata Hancock, 1907. Male lectotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 108. Otumba dengi Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Male holotype. A. Frons. B–C. Head and thorax in lateral and dorsal views respectively. D. Fore femur. E. Mid femur. F–H. Terminalia in lateral, dorsal and ventral views respectively.

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FIGURE 109. Otumba dengi Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Female paratype. A. Habitus in lateral and, B. Dorsal view. C–E. Terminalia in axial, lateral and ventral views respectively.

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FIGURE 110. Otumba dengi Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Male paratype.A. Habitus in lateral and, B. Dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Squamiferous wings. E–F. Terminalia in lateral and dorsal views respectively.

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FIGURE 114. Otumba marcapata Hancock, 1907. Male paratype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Frons. C. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.

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FIGURE 115. Otumba basalis Bruner, 1910. Male holotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels.

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FIGURE 116. Plesiotettix katerinae Cadena-Castañeda & Cardona, 2015. Male holotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Frons. C. Habitus in dorsal view.

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FIGURE 117. Plesiotettix uncinatus Hancock, 1907. Male holotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels.

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FIGURE 119. Brunneritettix fuscipennis (Bruner, 1910) comb. nov. Male lectotype. A–B. Habitus in lateral view. C. Habitus in dorsal view. D. Frons. E. Labels.

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FIGURE 120. Platythorus camurus Morse, 1900. Female holotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.









