Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick

Pogue, Michael G., 2006, Nomenclatural validation of three North American species of Heliothinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the adult description of Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick, Zootaxa 1283 (1283), pp. 25-36 : 32-33

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Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick


Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick View in CoL

( Figs. 4–5, 12–13, 18–19)

Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick 1996: 203 View in CoL .

Diagnosis. Heliolonche joaquinensis resembles H. pictipennis (Grote) with the black hindwing and white angular band. The forewing is longer in H. joaquinensis than in H. pictipennis and the white angular band in the forewing in H. joaquinensis becomes more of an enlarged angular patch than a band in H. pictipennis .

Description. Male: Head: Vertex cream mixed with black hair­like scales; frons bulging, ventral lip not produced, concolorous with vertex. Labial palp with basal and middle segment cream, apical segment black, long black hair­like scales ventrally. Antenna filiform, scape and a few scales at base white, front black, back white. Eye ellipsoid. Thorax: Patagium, tegula, and mesothorax with hair­like scales cream mixed with black; metathorax cream. Venter cream. Foreleg femur cream with long cream ventral fringe; tibia shorter than basitarsus, cream mixed with black, inner side with 1 large spine, outer side with 1 short spine; tarsi black, mixed with white, white apical rings. Middle and hind legs white mixed with black; tarsi black with white apical rings. Forewing: Male length 8.5–9.0 mm (n = 3). Ground color cream with a faint orange tinge overlaying black; orbicular spot small, round, white overlain with ground color; reniform spot and trapezoidal patch below Cu vein coalesced into an angular band, white overlain with ground color; fringe mixed black and white. Underside ground color white with dark gray horizontal band below Cu vein at base, reniform spot round, dark gray. Hindwing: Ground color black; angular band white; fringe white. Abdomen: Black mixed with cream hairlike scales, lateral fringe cream mixed with black, genital tuft cream; hair pencils and scent pockets present.

Genitalia ( Figs. 12–13): Uncus elongate (0.41 X valve length), gradually narrowing from base to pointed apex. Valve moderately elongate (length 6.7 X width), costal margin straight; posterior margin straight, then slightly curved at 4/5 length; ampulla absent; corona present; sacculus well developed and slightly produced. Juxta rectangular with ventral margin indented medially, with lateral projections, dorsal margin gently curved. Aedoeagus curved at middle, dorsal patch of dense minute spicules; vesica swollen basally, curved dorsad, with minute spicules.

Female. As in male except forewing length 8.0–9.5 mm (n = 10). Genitalia ( Figs. 18–19): Papillae anales semi­circular, apex round. Ovipositor telescopic. Anterior and posterior apophyses wide and robust. Ninth and distal 1/5 to 1/4 of eighth segment finely rugose; a band of short, stout setae below rugose area of eighth segment. Ostium bursae membranous, minute spicules absent. Ductus bursae wide, approximately 0.32 X length. Appendix bursae a small projection, not coiled. Corpus bursae ovate; signa composed of 2 scobinate bars.

Holotype ♀, in CNC, with the following labels: 1) Edison , 8 mi ESE, Kern Co., California, 4 IV 1978, V. J. Hardwick; 2) FIG L17 [hand written in black ink]; 3 ) Holotype Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick, 1995 , CNC Type 22048 .

Paratypes. 5♂, 19♀. Same data as holotype (2♂, 11♂ ♀), D. F. Hardwick ( CNC) , 2 ♂ genitalia slides MGP 1199,1202, ♀ genitalia slide MGP 1201. CALIFORNIA: Kern Co., Taft, 31 Mar. 1943 (3♂, 5♀) ( CNC); Maricopa, Monolopia , 10 Apr. 1943 (1♀), W. C. Cook ( CNC) . San Benito Co., nr. Pinnacles National Monument , 1 May 1991 (2♀), D. & V . Hardwick ( CNC) .

Flight period. Middle of March to early May.

Distribution. Found in the San Joaquin Valley from San Benito and Fresno counties in the north and Kern and Santa Barbara counties in the south ( Hardwick 1996).

Discussion. Although Hardwick (1996) did not describe the adult moth, he did describe the larva, thus validating the name according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The species has become extinct at the type locality from a flood that occurred in the spring of 1983 ( Hardwick 1996).


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick

Pogue, Michael G. 2006

Heliolonche joaquinensis

Hardwick, D. F. 1996: 203
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF