Pheidole jolalpanensis Vázquez-Franco, 2024

Vázquez-Franco, César Maximiliano, Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela, Ríos-Casanova, Leticia & Morrone, Juan J., 2024, Three new species of Pheidole Westwood, 1839 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Attini) from central Mexico, Zootaxa 5523 (2), pp. 192-210 : 195-198

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.2.3

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pheidole jolalpanensis Vázquez-Franco

sp. nov.

Pheidole jolalpanensis Vázquez-Franco sp. nov. 278D6DFF-5A77-4982-9A04-61A81817B8FC

Figures 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 and 10A View FIGURE 10 .

Diagnosis. Morphometric profile similar to P. erethizon Wilson 2003 , but head less wide. Major worker similar to P. crassicornis Emery 1895 , P. diversipilosa Wheeler 1908 (they are probably closely related) and P. vallicola Wheeler 1915 , distinguished by the longitudinal parallel carinae in frontal lobes without foveae between carinae; the other species have foveae between the longitudinal carinae, the longitudinal medial sulcus of head creates a groove in P. jolalpanensis sp. nov., P. vallicola has a similar groove, but P. jolalpanensis sp. nov. has no erect setae in the first gastral tergite compared with P vallicola . Promesonotal profile in dorsal oblique view with three convexities, P. crassicornis and P. diversipilosa have only two. The presence of a strong impress anapleural sulcus in the major worker is an autapomorphic character. The minor worker of P. crassicornis is similar, both species have completely foveolate minor workers, but P. jolalpanensis sp. nov. has no erect long setae in the first gastral tergite.

Pheidole bureni Wilson 2003 is close to P. jolalpanensis sp. nov. in the key of Wilson, but P. jolalpanensis has a rounded occipital lobe in frontal view and deeper promesonotal groove, compared with the angulate occipital lobes and less deep promesonotal groove of P. bureni Wilson 2003 .

Description and measurements.

Minor worker. Paratypes (n= 4): EL 0.14-0.15; HL 0.65-0.70; HW 0.55-0.58; PPW 0.17-0.18; PSL 0.04-0.06; PTW 0.12; SL 0.72-0.78; WL 0.84-0.89; CI 78.13-84.75; PPI 136.36-145.45; PSLI 6.25-7-81; SI 130-140.

Head: Rectangular in full-face view, with parallel sides; clypeus smooth and shiny, with medial longitudinal carina accompanied by some longitudinal carinae, anterior margin with small notch; posterior margin of head slightly concave, occipital carinae absent; scape surpassing occipital border; head sculpture foveolate except between frontal lobes and middle of head, longitudinal carina in head’s sides; head covered by appressed setae.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal groove in lateral view present; pronotum evenly concave; propodeal spine small, one third length of basal surface of propodeum; basal face of propodeum flat. Promesonotum oblique in dorsal view, with tree discrete convexities; mesosoma foveolate except for longitudinal patch in promesonotum dorsum, where sculpture is less impressed; mesosoma with some stiff, erect setae. Tibia with at least three erect sensorial setae.

Metasoma: Petiole in lateral view longer than wide; petiolar node triangular, with two erect setae. Postpetiole in lateral view concave; ventral margin flat; with pair of erect stiff setae; oval in dorsal view. First gastral tergite shagreened, slightly impressed, sculpture almost invisible (see with oblique light); covered by disperse, appressed setae.

Color: Light brown to yellow; antennae, tarsi and gaster dark brown.

Major worker. Holotype: EL 0.18; HL 1.28; HW 1.13; PPW 0.33; PSL 0.08; PTW 0.25; SL 0.69; WL 1.10; CI 88.24; PPI 130.43; PSLI 6.04; SI 61.60. Paratypes (n= 2): EL 0.18; HL 1.28-1.35; HW 1.13; PPW 0.21-0.31; PSL 0.08-0.09; PTW 0.25; SL 0.67-0.69; WL 1.08-1.09; CI 83.33-88.24; PPI 82.61-121.74; PSLI 6.04-6.52; SI 59.64-61.60.

Head: Rectangular in full-face view with subparallel sides; mandibles smooth and shiny; clypeus smooth and shiny, without medial longitudinal carinae, anterior border crenated; four hypostomal teeth ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ); occipital cleft small and concave; occipital lobes concave and curved; scape not surpassing occipital lobes, flat at base; longitudinal parallel carinae cover anterior two thirds of head; rugoreticulate patch present between eye and antennal fossa; foveolate pattern present between carinae, except in parallel carinae of frontal lobes; last posterior third of head smooth and shiny except for longitudinal pair of carinae, starts in occipital cleft and down to center of head, not reaching posterior frontal triangle’s margin; small transversal carinae cover posterior space between longitudinal parallel carinae. In lateral view, small foveolate path present below the eye and extends posteriorly; head covered by short, appressed setae.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal groove in lateral view present, convexity shaped in a 90° angle; pronotum foveolate with small smooth patch below humeri; anapleural suture present on mesopleuron; katepisternum foveolate; dorsal face of propodeum flat; spine one third length of propodeum. Pronotum smooth and shiny. Humeri angulate in dorsal view; promesonotum with three angulate convexities; mesosoma with some stiff, erect setae, two in pronotum, at least two pairs in mesonotum and one pair in propodeum.

Metasoma: Petiole in lateral view slightly longer than wide; petiolar lobe rounded, with two stiff, erect setae. Postpetiole in lateral view triangular, apex rounded; ventral margin convex, with four stiff, erect setae; in dorsal view lenticular, sides angulate. First gastral tergite smooth and shiny; covered by dense, appressed, setae. Color, body yellow brown, with dark yellow brown spot on vertex (not visible in the photographs due to lighting, which confuses it with a sculpture).

Color: Concolorous light brown to yellow.

Queen. Unknown.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is an eponym and a noun in genitive case derived from the municipality’s name of the type locality, Jolalpan. The municipality name is formed by the náhuatl words “xotlal” (to heat up a lot) and “pan” (on or above), meaning “place of burning heat” (Secretaría de Gobernación y Gobierno del Estado de Puebla 1988).

Geographic range. Mexico (Puebla). Only known for the municipalities of Jolalpan and Santa María Coyomeapan. Neotropical and Mexican Transition Zone (sensu Morrone 2019).

Biology. Some specimens of the type series were collected in an agricultural area, close to a tropical deciduous forest during the dry season and were recruited on tuna bait. Probably this species has some tolerance to synanthropic ecosystems.

Variation in type series. The major worker from Santa María Coyomeapan (CASENT0649698) has darker coloration with a less evident central darker spot in the head.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE: 1 major worker. “ MÉXICO, Puebla / Jolalpan , Rancho el Salado / 18.337099 N, - 98.959474 W / 939 m, 6mar2017 / col, Vázquez-Franco C. M. // Área agrícola / suelo / trampa atún” [ CASENT0649713 , CNIN] GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: 2 major, 4 minor workers. Same data as holotype [2w, CASENT0649714 , CASENT0649715 , CNIN; GoogleMaps 1s, 1w, CASENT0649716 , CASENT0649717 , IEXA]; GoogleMaps Santa María Coyomeapan / 18º14’18.91 N, 96º56’55.69’’ W / 2224 m, 07-X-2019 / Carrillo Ruíz, R. col.” [1s, 1w, CASENT0649698 , CASENT0649699 , CCMVF] GoogleMaps




Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico














Pheidole jolalpanensis Vázquez-Franco

Vázquez-Franco, César Maximiliano, Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela, Ríos-Casanova, Leticia & Morrone, Juan J. 2024

P. jolalpanensis

Vázquez-Franco & Castaño-Meneses & Ríos-Casanova & Morrone 2024

P. jolalpanensis

Vázquez-Franco & Castaño-Meneses & Ríos-Casanova & Morrone 2024

Pheidole bureni

Wilson 2003

P. bureni

Wilson 2003
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