Cycloneda boliviana (Mulsant), 2006
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.173868 |
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Cycloneda boliviana (Mulsant) |
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comb. nov. |
Cycloneda boliviana (Mulsant) new combination, status revised
( Figs. 2C View FIGURE 2 ; 3G; I View FIGURE 3 ; 5I–K View FIGURE 5 ; 7B View FIGURE 7 ; 8G View FIGURE 8 ; 9H View FIGURE 9 ; 11 View FIGURE 11 )
Coccinella boliviana Mulsant 1866: 75 ; Crotch 1874: 106 (as synonym of C. areata Mulsant ); Weise 1910: 21 (as synonym of C. areata Mulsant ); Gordon 1987: 12 (as synonym of C. areata Mulsant ).
Coccinella areata ab. boliviana Korschefsky 1932: 510 ; Blackwelder 1945: 454.
Diagnosis: Distinguished from similar appearing members of the genus by the combination of antenna composed of 11 antennomeres ( Fig. 9H View FIGURE 9 ), pronotum with an even creamcolored or yellow anterior and lateral border ( Fig. 3I View FIGURE 3 ), and elytron with a pale subapical mark centered relatively distant from the apex ( Fig. 5I–K View FIGURE 5 ). This species is the largest in the C. germainii species complex, and has a distinctly matt or pruinose appearance to the elytra. It is most closely related to C. sicardi (see diagnosis above), but has even creamcolored pronotal borders. The male genitalia of this species are distinctive ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ).
Description (Holotype female) ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ): Length: 4.6 mm, width 3.3 mm. Form ovoid, weakly convex, narrowly explanate, lateral margin broadly weakly arcuate, apically tapered, somewhat pointed, extreme apex rounded. Punctation on dorsal surfaces shallow, regular, each puncture separated by 1.5–2.5X its diameter; surface between punctures matt, strongly reticulate; punctures on head, pronotum easily discernable; punctures on elytra more shallow, nearly obsolete, more noticeable along lateral margins.
Dorsal color pattern as follows ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ): Head black with two creamcolored spots, one at inner margin of each eye extending from eye canthus to mid level of eye; eye dark with hint of silvery reflections; labrum very dark brown. Pronotum predominantly black; anterior, lateral margins with narrow even creamcolored border ( Fig. 3I View FIGURE 3 ), slightly wider in lateral than anterior margin. Elytron predominantly black, with narrow light tan to ferrugineous band along anterior, lateral borders; band abruptly angularly expanded near elytral apex ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ); sutural border much narrower, very dark reddish brown. 5 creamcolored irregularly rounded maculae disposed as follows: one resting on elytral base narrowly separated from scutellar notch; two in row near midline, outer macula just touching ferrugineous lateral band, inner macula closer to suture than to outer macula; one in apical third between sutural, lateral margins. Additional small commashaped creamcolored mark, resting on ferrugineous band, positioned between humeral bulge, lateral margin. Outer margins of all creamcolored maculae narrowly ferrugineous. Punctures in pale areas of elytron sometimes distinguished by pinpoint of brown pigmentation particularly noticeable along lateral edge of outer maculae, inner edge of lateral ferrugineous band. Blackish areas on dorsal surfaces appear pruinose, reflecting bluish tint when brightly illuminated.
Ground color of ventral surfaces black or very dark brown; elytral epipleuron ocher; lateral ½ of pronotal hypomeron, mesepimeron creamcolored; mouthparts, antenna, tarsi dark reddish brown. Ventral surfaces including appendages clothed in fine decumbent silvery pubescence.
Eyes finely facetted, separated by 2X eye diameter; inner orbits nearly parallel in lower half, diverging at upper level. Antenna of 11 antennomeres ( Fig. 9H View FIGURE 9 ), combined length distinctly greater than distance between eyes; third antennomere slightly longer than fourth. Pronotum weakly convex, lateral margin explanate beginining just before transparent border. Pronotal outline with basal margin subsinuate; lateral margin strongly arcuate in basal half, weakly arcuate beyond; anterior margin subtrapezoidally emarginate; medially linear; anterior angles subtriangulate, projecting anteroventrally. Elytron elongate ( Figs. 5I–K View FIGURE 5 ), in dorsal view with humeral angle rounded, evenly weakly arcuate for rest of length, broadest at apical 2/5, apex rounded, outer margin weakly explanate; epipleuron weakly concave, descending externally. Prosternum Tshaped, with lateral arms of transverse basal piece flat, weakly folded away from midline on each side, weakly convex at middle; intercoxal process nearly flat with median third weakly impressed. Mesosternum trapezoidal; anterior border nearly linear, indistinctly emarginate at middle, with faint raised margin. Metasternum broad, with postmesocoxal line reaching lateral margin; transversely rugulopunctate; discrimen present, distinct except for extreme ends. Abdomen shortened semioval, broadest at second ventrite; posterior margin of ventrites 1–4 linear, of 5 approximately linear but slightly wavy, weakly protuberant at middle, 6 rounded; postmetacoxal line of first abdominal ventrite curved posterolaterad, closely paralleling posterior margin for much of length, not attaining lateral margin. Tarsal claw with rectangular basal tooth.
Female genitalia (specimen from Molinos, Salta) as in figure 8G.
Male: Similar to female except head black with creamcolored band filling most of space between clypeal margin and level of upper 1/3 of eye including canthus; border separating black and creamcolored areas wavy; area near clypeus slightly infuscate. Abdomen with posterior margin of ventrite 5 linear, exposed portion of ventrite 6 rounded with shallow emargination in median third. Male genitalia as in figure 7B: basal lobe elongate, with greatest width at basal one fourth; tapered beyond with sides slightly sinuate; parameres slightly thick, reaching 4/5 distance to apex of basal lobe.
Variation: Length 4.2–4.6 mm. Elytral color pattern varies primarily in the width of the tan to ferrugineous band and size of the creamcolored maculae as shown ( Figs. 5I–K View FIGURE 5 ). Elytral ground color varies from deep maroon brown to black.
Type material: Lectotype of C. boliviana , designated Gordon 1987, “TYPE [blue paper]/TYPE, boliviana, Deyr. ” ( UCCC, specimen examined).
Remarks: Mulsant (1866) regarded this as a good species, but subsequent authors, until the present, treated it as a synonym or mere aberration of C. areata (= sicardi ).
Summary of data from specimens examined (Map, Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ): ARGENTINA: SALTA: Molinos , 21.I. 1950 (MonrosWillink), 2 specimens ; BOLIVIA: LA PAZ: Sorata , 21.II. 1953 (F. Monros), 1 specimen ; Sorata , II 1941 (W. Wittmer), 2 specimens ( BMNH, IML, UCCC)
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Genus |
Cycloneda boliviana (Mulsant)
González, Guillermo & Vandenberg, Natalia J. 2006 |
Coccinella areata
Blackwelder 1945: 454 |
Korschefsky 1932: 510 |
Coccinella boliviana
Gordon 1987: 12 |
Weise 1910: 21 |
Crotch 1874: 106 |