Grebennikovius basilewskyi (Balthasar, 1960)

Montanaro, Giulio, Balhoff, James P., Girón, Jennifer C., Söderholm, Max & Tarasov, Sergei, 2024, Computable species descriptions and nanopublications: applying ontology-based technologies to dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 121562-e 121562 : e121562-

publication ID 10.3897/BDJ.12.e121562


persistent identifier

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Grebennikovius basilewskyi (Balthasar, 1960)


Grebennikovius basilewskyi (Balthasar, 1960) View in CoL


Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: ; recordedBy: V. Grebennikov; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: dry specimen; occurrenceID: D5993BB7-AB31-5808-BEF9-3D55E77CCD84; Taxon: taxonID:; scientificName: Grebennikovius basilewskyi ; family: Scarabaeidae ; genus: Grebennikovius ; specificEpithet: basilewskyi ; scientificNameAuthorship: (Balthasar, 1960); Location: country: Tanzania; locality: Uluguru Mountains, at Bunduki village ; verbatimElevation: 1592 m; decimalLatitude: - 7.021389; decimalLongitude: 37.652778; Identification: identifiedBy: G. Montanaro; dateIdentified: 2023; Event: samplingProtocol: litter sifting; eventDate: 11-22 - 10; habitat: forest; fieldNumber: sifting 21; Record Level: institutionID: MZH; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen


male organism Catalog Number CNCCOLVG 00001749

male organism Catalog Number

male organism has role in modeling TU denotes species species Taxon ID species Parent Name Usage ID

male organism, chitin-based cuticle: red brown;

male organism, ventral side: dark brown;

male organism, antenna: yellow brown;

male organism, gena: obtuse;

male organism, lateral clypeal tooth 1 lateral clypeal tooth 1: upturned; lateral clypeal tooth 1: sharp;

male organism, head margin at genoclypeal sulcus: notched;

male organism, head capsule, frons, interpunctural distance = 1.0, unit: diameter of setigerous cuticular puncture;

male organism, clypeus, anterior region, cuticular puncture: diameter smaller than diameter of setigerous cuticular puncture of frons

male organism, vertex, posterior region, medial region: smooth;

male organism, antenna with 9 antennomeres, antennal club antennal club, flagellomere 5: present; antennal club, flagellomere 6: present; antennal club, flagellomere 7: present;

male organism, glossa: present;

male organism, epipharynx: present;

male organism, insect maxilla: present;

male organism, maxillary palpus with 4 palpomeres: present;

male organism, labial palpus with 3 palpomeres: present;

male organism, pronotum pronotum, antero-lateral margin antero-lateral margin: curved; antero-lateral margin: obtuse; pronotum, posterolateral pronotal angle: curved; pronotum, posterior margin: curved; pronotum, postero-lateral margin: oblique orientation; pronotum, posterior region posterior region, longitudinal pronotal groove: present; posterior region, ocellate cuticular puncture: diameter larger than diameter of ocellate cuticular puncture of anterior region of pronotum pronotum, pronotal disc, interpunctural distance = 1.5, unit: diameter of ocellate setigerous cuticular puncture; pronotum, lateral region: interpunctural distance; pronotum: width width smaller than width of elytron with 9 striae elytron with 9 striae of male organism elytron with 9 striae, elytral stria, cuticular puncture, diameter = 3, unit: width of elytral stria; elytron with 9 striae, elytral interstria 8, cuticular carina cuticular carina medial _ to lateral region lateral region of elytron with 9 striae lateral region: sloped; cuticular carina, distal region: increased height; width of pronotum

male organism, pronotal disc: convex;

male organism, elytron with 9 striae

male organism, elytral interstria: convex;

male organism, elytral interstria 1, distal region: protruding;

male organism, elytral interstria 7, proximal region proximal region: protruding; proximal region: yellow brown;

male organism, elytral interstria 6, proximal region: yellow brown;

male organism, elytral interstria 5, distal region, cuticular tubercle: present;

male organism, scutellar shield: concealed;

male organism, hind wing hind wing of male organism * hind wing: atrophied; hind wing, length = 0.5, unit: length of elytron with 9 striae;

male organism, anterior hypomeral depression: present;

male organism, procoxal cavity, width = 0.375, unit: width of pronotum;

male organism, mesometaventral sulcus mesometaventral sulcus, medial region: curved; mesometaventral sulcus, lateral region: straight;

male organism, mesoventrite, cuticular puncture: present;

male organism, metaventrite metaventrite, punctate cuticle punctate cuticle, medial region, cuticular puncture: decreased magnitude; punctate cuticle, interpunctural distance = 1.5, unit: diameter of cuticular puncture; metaventrite: convex;

male organism, abdomen with 7 sternites: present;

male organism, abdominal tergite VIII abdominal tergite VIII, anatomical margin coincident with cuticular groove of abdominal tergite VIII abdominal tergite VIII, cuticle with setigerous punctures, ocellate setigerous cuticular puncture: present; abdominal tergite VIII, medial region: protruding;

male organism, anterior groove of tergite VIII: present;

male organism, protarsus with 5 protarsomeres: present;

male organism, mesotarsus with 5 mesotarsomeres: present;

male organism, metatarsus with 5 metatarsomeres: present;

male organism, protibia protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 1: present; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 2: present; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 3: present; protibia, antero-distal margin, cuticular seta cuticular seta: multiple; cuticular seta: increased thickness; protibia, postero-distal margin: obtuse; protibia: curved; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 4: absent;

male organism, mesotibia, distal region: dilated;

male organism, metatibia metatibia, distal region: dilated; metatibia, distal region: dilated; metatibia, dorsal margin, distal region: straight;

male organism, profemur, ventral margin, medial region, cuticular tooth: sharp;

male organism, metafemur metafemur, dorsal margin, cuticular carina: present; metafemur, ventral margin, proximal region, cuticular tubercle: present; metafemur, anatomical region anatomical region distal to cuticular tubercle anatomical region: dilated;

male organism, procoxa, ventral region, cuticular carina, cuticular tubercle: present;

male organism, phallobase, proximal region: curved;

male organism, parameres parameres, proximal region, ventral region ventral region: notched; ventral region: dilated; parameres, distal region: tapered; parameres: symmetrical;

male organism, left ventral conjunctiva of paramere: thickness similar in magnitude relative to thickness of right ventral conjunctiva of paramere of male organism

male organism, lamella copulatrix lamella copulatrix, distal margin distal margin, cuticular spine: present; distal margin: curved; lamella copulatrix: elongated;

male organism, fused axial and subaxial endophallites: present;

male organism: ovate;

male organism: flattened;

male organism, posterior longitudinal hypomeral carina: absent;

male organism, frontolateral peripheral endophallite: absent;

male organism, length = 3.8, unit: millimeter;


The asterisk (*) next to " hind wing of male organism " denotes an improper conversion to NL. The statement should not appear in the generated NL description, but does so due to similar errors elsewhere.


Tulane University, Museum of Natural History