Calyssopora vasiformis, Grischenko & Gordon & Melnik, 2018

Grischenko, Andrei V., Gordon, Dennis P. & Melnik, Viacheslav P., 2018, Bryozoa (Cyclostomata and Ctenostomata) from polymetallic nodules in the Russian exploration area, Clarion - Clipperton Fracture Zone, eastern Pacific Ocean-taxon novelty and implications of mining, Zootaxa 4484 (1), pp. 1-91 : 46-51

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Plazi (2018-09-28 09:03:32, last updated 2024-11-26 04:34:29)

scientific name

Calyssopora vasiformis

sp. nov.

Calyssopora vasiformis n. sp.

( Figs 31 View FIGURE 31 , 32 View FIGURE 32 )

Material examined. Holotype: ZIRAS 1/50717, colony detached from nodule, YMG R.V. Gelendzhik cruise GLD4–11, Stn 203, 17 April 2012, 13.45102° N, 133.17315° W, 4812 m. Additional material: GLD4–11, Stns 201, 228. Total specimens examined three.

Etymology. Latin, vas, vessel, and forma, shape, alluding to the form of the colony.

Description. Colony erect, pedunculate, with autozooidal peristomes radiating outwards around periphery of radially symmetrical capitulum, up to maximum of six peristomes in single whorl ( Fig. 31A–E, G, H View FIGURE 31 ), with additional non-peristomate alveolar openings below. Column longer than capitulum, attached by disk-like ( Fig. 31A–D, H View FIGURE 31 ) or smaller base ( Fig. 32B–D, F–H View FIGURE 32 ), depending on size. Colony surface malleated ( Fig. 31A–D, G View FIGURE 31 ) except for proximal third or half of column, which has narrow ridges and furrows; each malleation (dimple) surrounded by distinct angular ridge ( Fig. 31J, K View FIGURE 31 ); pores simple, very sparse ( Fig. 31G, J, K View FIGURE 31 ). Surface ultrastructure generally of imbricated platy crystallites or these smaller, irregularly arranged and lacking preferred growth direction. Capitulum shallowly calyciform in immature colony ( Fig. 32H View FIGURE 32 ), calyx center with trabeculae and alveoli ( Fig. 32A, E View FIGURE 32 ).

Autozooidal peristomes short, in single series; apertures subrounded, facing obliquely outwards, their rims slightly irregular but entire. Inner surface of peristome tubes smooth to lightly textured, no pustules or spinules ( Fig. 31G, J View FIGURE 31 ).

Gonozooid solitary, capacious, occupying calyx center ( Fig. 31E, H, J View FIGURE 31 ), weakly domed ( Fig. 31A–D, G View FIGURE 31 ), ooeciostome almost non-existent, with proportionally large circular ooeciopore in center ( Fig. 31I View FIGURE 31 ). Gonozooid surface malleated frontally, with at least one pore in each dimple, periphery of chamber alveolate, each alveolus with pore ( Fig. 31E, F, J View FIGURE 31 ).

Ancestrula and very small colony stages not seen. Smallest colony encountered had perhaps four functioning peristomes and others developing, its center comprising small triangular shelf with small alveoli ( Fig. 32A View FIGURE 32 ).

Measurements (mm). Holotype, ZIRAS 1/50717 ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 ): Colony height 2.55; capitulum 1.08 × 0.85; base at substratum 0.73 × 0.66; stalk minimal diameter 0.28; ZL 0.275–0.325 (0.294 ± 0.019) (n = 6); PeL 0.188–0.238 (0.217 ± 0.020) (n = 6); PeD 0.151–0.178 (0.161 ± 0.009) (n = 6); ApL 0.148–0.173 (0.156 ± 0.009) (n = 6); ApW 0.103–0.125 (0.118 ± 0.008) (n = 6); OpL 0.064 (n = 1); OpW 0.061 (n = 1).

Remarks. The gonozooid in Calyssopora vasiformis n. sp. is similar to that in the type species C. volcano n. sp., but the colony surface is malleated, as in Rallocytus ridiculus n. gen., n. sp. (below).

Distribution. Recorded from three stations within coordinates 12.61497– 13.55908° N, 133.04948– 133.18555° W, at depth range 4806–4909 m.

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FIGURE 31. Calyssopora vasiformis n. gen., n. sp. Holotype, ZIRAS 1/50717. A–D, rotational views of fertile colony; E, H, apical and oblique-lateral views of calyx with gonozooid; F, two autozooidal peristomes, with part of dimpled and alveolate calyx surface; G, close-up of calyx in A; I, ooeciostome and ooeciopore; J, close-up of G, with autozooidal peristomes and small alveoli; K, honeycomb-like surface malleation. Scale bars: A–D, G, H, 200 µm; E, F, J, K, 100 µm; I, 25 µm.

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FIGURE 32. Calyssopora vasiformis n. gen., n. sp. Stages of colony development. A–D, specimen GLD4–11, Stn 228, at apparent four-zooid stage with large alveoli; E–H, specimen GLD4–11, Stn 201, at a later stage, with more-developed calyx center. Scale bars: 200 µm.