Conostigmus nankunensis Qian and Wang, 2024

Qian, Chenzhengxin, Li, Fang, Huang, Yinxin & Wang, Xu, 2024, Conostigmus nankunensis (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea), a new species from China with a long facial sulcus, Zootaxa 5481 (1), pp. 141-145 : 142-144

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.1.9

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scientific name

Conostigmus nankunensis Qian and Wang

sp. nov.

Conostigmus nankunensis Qian and Wang sp. nov.

Material examined. Holotype: CHINA- Guangzhou Prov. • 1♂; Huizhou , Nankunshan National Forest Park; 23°38’N, 114°38’E; 1–6 Aug. 2011; yellow pan traps; Zaifu-Xu; SCAU 30452003 (deposited in AHNU) GoogleMaps . Paratype: CHINA- Guangzhou Prov. • 1♂; Huizhou , Nankunshan National Forest Park; 23°38’N, 114°38’E; 1–6 Aug. 2011; yellow pan traps; Zaifu-Xu; SCAU 30452002 (deposited in AHNU) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished from other Conostigmus species by the following characters: facial sulcus present; mesopleural suture straight; sternaulus present, elongate and exceeding 3/4 of mesopleuron length; transverse carina on petiole V-shaped; harpe slightly shorter than gonostipes and distal margin slightly concave in lateral view; S9 with two dispersed rows of 6 setae at the terminal part; gonossiculus with 3 spines.

Remarks. This new species is similar to C. neotubifer by the same body colouration, facial sulcus and preoccipital sulcus, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by characteristics of the antennae, notauli and the presence of a sternaulus. The scape is 4 times longer than its width in C. neotubifer , while the scape is 3.5 times longer than its width in C. nankunensis ; F2 is 4.8 times longer than its width in C. neotubifer , whereas F2 is 3.9 times longer than its width in C. nankunensis ; the notaulus of C. nankunensis does not form an angle with the transscutal area at its terminus, while notaulus of C. neotubifer forms an angle with the transscutal area at its terminus; a sternaulus is present in C. nankunensis , while a sternaulus is absent in C. neotubifer . This new species is also similar to C. abdominalis , C. pulchellus , and C. rosemaryae by the presence of a facial sulcus. However, it can be distinguished from those species by the shape of the harpe (harpe of C. abdominalis and C. pulchellus spatulate or spoon-shaped and longer than the gonostipes in lateral view; harpe of C. rosemaryae exhibits a convex shape at the distal end in lateral view; harpe of C. nankunensis slightly shorter than gonostipes in lateral view and exhibits an inwardly concave shape at the distal end in lateral view).


Male: Body length. 1.4–1.5 mm (N = 2).

Coloration ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Cranium, mesosoma and metasoma black.Mandibles brown and palps yellow.Scape, pedicel and F1 brown, F4 to F9 dark brown. Legs and joint brownish yellow. Syntergum black ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ); metasomagaster black. Pterostigma, costal vein, and radial vein light brown ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ). Body pubescence white; marginal fringes of wings light brown.

Head ( Fig. 1B, 1D, 1E View FIGURE 1 ). Slightly wider than mesosoma (about 1.3 × wider than mesosoma). HH: EHf = 1.9– 2.0. HH: HL = 1.5–1.6. HW: IOS = 1.5–1.7. HW: HH = 1.2–1.3. OOL longer than POL and ocellar triangle with narrow base. OOL: LOL = 2.8–3.0. POL: OOL = 0.6–0.7. Head oval with pubescence. Preoccipital lunula present. Preoccipital furrow present, ending inside ocellar triangle, but posterior to anterior ocellus. Median process on intertorular carina present, process not extending across intertorular area towards dorsal margin of clypeus. Facial sulcus present and extends from the median ocellus to the intertorular carina. Facial pit absent. Intertorular carina present.

Antennae ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ). Scape 1.0–1.1× longer than combined length of pedicel and F1. Scape length vs. pedicel length: 4.7–5.2. Scape length vs. F1 length: 1.2–1.4. F1 length vs. pedicel length: 3.8–4.0. F1 length vs. F2 length: 1.2–1.3. Antennae cylindrical. Setae on flagellomeres as long as width of flagellomeres.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 1B, D View FIGURE 1 ). Pronotum shorter than the mesoscutum along the midline. AscW/PscW = 0.9. Mesosoma 1.2× longer than wide (Length/width/height = 540/458/401 μm), densely pubescent. Mesoscutum 1.9× wider than long (Length/width = 239/458 μm). Transscutal articulation present. Notaulus present, foveate and extends the length of the mesoscutum (percurrent). Median mesoscutal sulcus present. Scutoscutellar sulcus present and foveolate. Scutoscutellar sulcus adjacent vs.toand transscutal articulation closely approximated medially. Mesoscutellum 1.5× longer than wide, limited by a U-shaped carina. Sternaulus present, elongate and reaching 3/4 of mesopleuron length. Anterior mesopleural sulcus present. Pleural pit present. Lateral propodeal carina forming an inverted “Y” shape. Posterodorsal metapleural area trapezoidal.

Wings ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ). Fore wing length 1.2–1.4 mm. Translucent, pterostigma (Length/width = 225/97 μm) nearly triangular. Radius (311 μm), not strongly curved, 1.5× longer than pterostigma length.

Metasoma ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ). Metasoma 1.4× longer than wide (Length/width/height = 660/470/306 μm). Transverse carina on petiole V-shaped. Syntergum smooth, slightly wider (1.1×) than long. Transverse gastral carinae about 1/4 of the length of gastral tergite III. Syntergal translucent patch present.

Male Genitalia ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Distal margin of male S9 convex. Proximolateral corner of male S9 acute, with decentralized row of setae and 6 setae at terminus ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). Genitalia with short cupula. Harpe slightly shorter than gonostipes in lateral view; simple and not bilobed. Harpe oriented distomedially in dorsoventral view ( Fig. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ). Lateral setae of harpe absent ( Fig. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ). Dense patch of setae on the slightly concave distal margin of the harpe present. Parossiculus present and parossiculus fused with the gonostipes. Gonossiculus spine present. Gonossiculus with 3 spines: one spine not more than 2 × as long as the others.

Females. Unknown.

Distribution. Indomalayan ( China: Guangdong).

Biology. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name is a Latin masculine adjective meaning "nankunensis ", The species is named after the place name Mt. Nankun, where the species was collected.













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