Lucasioides gracilentus Li & Wang, 2024

Wang, Jin, Yao, Chong-Hui, Jiang, Chao & Li, Wei-Chun, 2024, Integrative taxonomy reveals exceptional species diversity of Lucasioides from China (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Agnaridae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 527-549 : 527-549

publication ID 10.3897/asp.82.e113041

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft

scientific name

Lucasioides gracilentus Li & Wang

sp. nov.

3.3. 6. Lucasioides gracilentus Li & Wang sp. nov.

Figures 6 H View Figure 6 , 12 View Figure 12

Type material.

Holotype. CHINA • 1 ♂; Fujian Province, Putian City, Hugong Mountain ; 25.3490 ° N, 119.0077 ° E, el. 462 m a. s. l.; 4. vii. 2021; X. G. Zeng, J. Wang leg. (DNA no. HGS 2104 , Prep. slide no. L 21060 ) GoogleMaps . — Paratypes. • 5 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, same data as the holotype (DNA nos. HGS 2105 - HGS 2112 ) GoogleMaps .


Pereonite 1 nearly straight on posterior margin of epimeron, postero-lateral corner convex; pleopod 1 exopod concave at posterior apex and formed two broad lobes, inner lobe longer and broader than outer lobe.


Body length of males 4.8-5.0 mm, of females 6.0-8.0 mm. Color in alcohol blackish brown, dorsum granulated, bearing irregular white muscle spots (Fig. 6 H View Figure 6 ). Pereonite 1 nearly straight on posterior margin of epimeron, postero-lateral corner convex. Noduli laterales on pereonites 2-4 farthest from lateral margin, noduli laterales on pereonites 1 and 7 slightly closer to lateral margin, and noduli laterales on pereonites 5-6 closest to lateral margin (Fig. 12 A View Figure 12 ). Telson triangular, width about twice as long as length, lateral margin slightly concave, apex blunted; uropod exopodite about two and half as long as basipodite (Figs 6 H View Figure 6 and 12 A View Figure 12 ). — Cephalon with arched median lobe, median lobe much longer than lateral lobes (Figs 6 H View Figure 6 and 12 A View Figure 12 ). Antennula with several aesthetascs on distal tip of third article. Antennal flagellum with second segment two and half as long as first one (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ). — Pereopod 1 with brush of long setae on carpus and merus (Fig. 12 C View Figure 12 ). Pereopod 7 ischium without deep depression on rostral surface, carpus unexpanded on dorsal margin (Fig. 12 D View Figure 12 ). — Pleopods 1-5 exopods with Protracheoniscus - type pseudotrachea (Fig. 12 E-I View Figure 12 ). — MALE: pleopod 1 exopod concave at posterior tip and formed two broad lobes, inner lobe longer and broader than outer lobe, endopod with broad basal part, narrowed towards beak-shaped posterior tip (Fig. 12 E View Figure 12 ); pleopod 2 endopod styliform, nearly as long as exopodite (Fig. 12 F View Figure 12 ).


Latin “ gracilentus ” = slender. The new species name refers to the slender habitus of the specimens.


The new species is also inconsistent within Lucasioides if we recognized it by using the morphological traits alone. However, all the mounted structures of this species support it to be assigned as Lucasioides member. Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationship between this species and the other Lucasioides species is well-supported (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ).

The new species is similar to L. boninshimensis ( Nunomura, 1987) in having the convex postero-lateral corner of pereonite 1. But it can be distinguished by the pleopod 1 exopod with inner lobe broader than outer lobe, endopod with a beak-shaped posterior tip (Fig. 12 E View Figure 12 ). In L. boninshimensis , the pleopod 1 exopod with inner as wide as outer lobe, endopod with a straight posterior tip ( Nunomura 1987: fig. 115 I).











