Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis Pic, 1897

Telnov, Dmitry, 2022, Revisional notes on the genus Microhoria Chevrolat, 1877 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey, with new descriptions, an annotated catalogue, and a key, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (2), pp. 195-312 : 252-255

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13203541

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scientific name

Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis Pic, 1897

syn. nov.

Microhoria latipennis (Pic, 1892) ( Figs 29–30 View Fig View Fig ) = Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis Pic, 1897 syn. nov.

Anthicus latipennis Pic, 1892b: 313 (description).

Anthicus Leuthneri var. dissimilis Pic, 1897c: 120 (description).

Anthicus latipennis – Pic 1893c: cclxxvii (supplementary description of female); Pic 1897a: 390 (checklist); Pic 1911a: 57 (checklist).

Anthicus (Immicrohoria) latipennis – Winkler 1927:849 (checklist); Hariri 1968:206 (checklist). Microhoria latipennis – Uhmann 1988: 404 (new combination, records – Jordan, Turkey); Uhmann et al. 2005: 5 & 43 (biogeography, bibliography, bionomy, records – Egypt (Sinai), Israel, Jordan, Turkey); Chandler et al. 2008: 440 (new, erroneous synonymy, checklist); El­Torkey 2014: 183, 191 (key, distribution); Kejval & Chandler 2020: 131 (assigned to the M. terminata species group); Telnov 2020a: 610 (checklist).

Anthicus Leuthneri var. dissimilis – Pic 1899a: 176 (record – Lebanon); 1901: 255 (checklist); Pic 1911a: 58 (checklist).

Anthicus (Aulacoderus) leuthneri a. dissimilis – Winkler 1927: 850 (checklist).

Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis – Nardi 2003: 62 (synonymy, as junior synonym of M. leuthneri ); Chandler et al. 2008: 441 (as junior synonym of M. leuthneri , checklist); Telnov 2020a: 610 (checklist, as junior synonym of M. leuthneri ).

Pic (1897c: 120) described ‘ Anthicus Leuthneri “variété (dissimilis)”’ from Beirut ( Lebanon). For unstated reasons this taxon was listed as infrasubspecific by Winkler (1927) which was erroneously considered infrasubspecific by Nardi (2003), followed by Chandler et al. (2008) and Telnov (2020a).

Type material studied. Microhoria latipennis , holotype [monotypy] male: Syrie [printed] // type [handwritten] // TYPE [printed, label red] // latipennis Pic [handwritten] .

Type material studied. Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis , syntype 1 male: Dr.F.Leuthner BEI­ RÚT 4.85 SYRIEN [printed, black frame] / type

[handwritten] / TYPE [printed, label red] / v. dissimilis Pic [handwritten].

New material. 2 males BMNH: PALESTINE Jericho 10.iii.1931 F.S.Bodenheimer // Pres. by Imp.Inst.Ent. Brit. Mus. 1933–295 // Anthicus prope iscariotes Laf. Dr. R. F. Heberdey ; 1 male DTC: TÜRKEI, d. Antalya 06 Manavgat, Side, 20 m NN Ruinengelände N: 36°46’10”, E: 031°23’43” Fritzlar leg. 11.IV.2001; 1 male NME: TÜRKEI, d. Antalya 09 Alanya 15 km ENE, 260 m NN, Kestel, Dim­Höhle S N: 36°32’07’’, E: 032°06’09’’ Fritzlar leg. 13.IV. 2001; 1 male DTC: ISRAEL – Central Negev Sde Boker 25.III.2005 leg. S. Ziani.

Supplementary description. Belongs to the M. terminata species group. Male holotype M. latipennis . Total body length 2.6 mm. Forebody dark brown, elytra brown. Antennomeres 2–5 yellowish, remaining antennomeres brown. Palps and legs yellowish­brown, tibiae yellow, distinctly paler than femora. Head barely longer than wide, head base broadly rounded, tempora subparallel, posterior temporal angles rounded. Compound eye moderate, moderately protruding from lateral outline of head. Head dorsum moderately glossy, punctures moderate, rather deep. Intervening spaces smooth, generally as wide as to twice as wide as punctures. Dorsal cranial setae whitish or yellowish, rather sparse, appressed. Antenna moderately thickened in apical half. Terminal antennomere bluntly pointed, twice as long as penultimate antennomere, as long as combined length of antennomeres 9– 10. Pronotum as long as wide to barely transverse, slightly narrower than head across eyes, glossy, broadly rounded at anterior margin. Lateral margins slightly impressed in posterior half. Latero­basal pronotal fovea moderately broad and deep, with curved, whitish setation. Pronotal disc slightly convex in dorsal aspect. Pronotal punctures rather dense and coarse, intervening spaces narrower than to twice as wide as punctures, glossy. Pronotal setae whitish, moderately long and dense, appressed to subdecumbent, with some somewhat longer, suberect tactile setae scattered across disc and lateral margins. Elytra about 1.4× as long as wide, laterally widened at midlength, dorsally flattened.Humerus broadly rounded, not protruding. Apex of elytron modified, with a short, narrow, acutely pointed denticle at opening of gland channel. Elytral disc moderately glossy, punctures somewhat larger and coarser than those on pronotum. Intervening spaces generally as wide as to twice as wide as punctures, smooth, glossy. Elytral setae whitish, moderately long and dense, subdecumbent. Legs without modifications, tibial terminal spurs paired. Tergite VII subtruncate at posterior margin. Morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Aedeagus as in Figs 29C–D View Fig &

30C View Fig . Tegmen with elongate, apically widened and rounded rod, fused baculi inconspicuous; endophallic armature with a large bunch of long, narrow, subparallel spines and numerous acutely pointed spinules.

Sexual dimorphism. Female with elytron apex simple.

Interspecific variability. Punctures on forebody very sparse in some specimens.

Ecology. Unknown.

Distribution. Egypt (Sinai Peninsula), Israel, Jordan, Syria, Turkey.

Chorotype. SW­Asiatic (1.13 SWA).

Note. Male genitalia are very similar to those in M. iscariotes which is recorded from Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, and Syria, and mainly differs in the number and density of the spines of the endophallic armature (cf. Fig. 25C–D View Fig ) and in the somewhat shorter temples in M. latipennis compared to those in M. iscariotes .


Sammlung des Naturkundemseum Erfurt














Anthicus leuthneri var. dissimilis Pic, 1897

Telnov, Dmitry 2022

Anthicus (Immicrohoria) latipennis

Kejval Z. & Chandler D. S. 2020: 131
Telnov D. 2020: 610
El-Torkey A. M. 2014: 183
Uhmann G. & Chikatunov V. & Pavlieek T. 2005: 5
Uhmann G. 1988: 404
Hariri G. 1968: 206

Anthicus Leuthneri var. dissimilis

Pic M. 1911: 58
Pic M. 1899: 176

Anthicus Leuthneri var. dissimilis

Pic M. 1897: 120

Anthicus latipennis

Pic M. 1911: 57
Pic M. 1897: 390

Anthicus latipennis

Pic M. 1892: 313
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