Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia (Griseb.) Leyva & García-Beltrán 2024

Leyva, Luis Manuel & García-Beltrán, José Angel, 2024, Taxonomical update of the genus Drypetes (Malpighiales: Putranjivaceae) in Cuba, Phytotaxa 655 (1), pp. 54-64 : 55-56

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.655.1.4



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scientific name

Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia (Griseb.) Leyva & García-Beltrán

stat. nov.

Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia (Griseb.) Leyva & García-Beltrán View in CoL , stat. nov.


Drypetes alba var. latifolia Grisebach (1865: 165) . ≡ Drypetes crocea var. latifolia (Griseb.) Müll. Arg. in de Candolle (1866: 456) . ≡ Drypetes latifolia (Griseb.) Wright (1870: 151) .

Lectotype (designated by Levin 2013: 78):— CUBA. “Cuba occ”. 1863. C. Wright 1927 (“47”) (lectotype GOET #3380 [photo!], isolectotypes? GH #55918 p.p. [photo!]; K ##572906, 572894 [photos!]; MO #2942545 [n.v.]; NY #2684304 [photo!], #2684305 p.p [photo!]; YU244618 [photo!]).

= Drypetes incurva Müller (1863: 62) .

Lectotype (designated by Levin 2013: 78):— CUBA. La Habana. “Havana” 1833 (fr). R. de la Sagra 607 (lectotype G-DC #325937 [photo!], isolectotype K [n.v.]).

= Drypetes glomerata var. olivacea Müll. Arg. in de Candolle (1866: 455) . ≡ Drypetes serrata var. olivacea (Müll. Arg.) Krug & Urb. in Urban (1893: 355).

Lectotype (designated here):— CUBA. 1860–1864. C. Wright 1929 (lectotype G-DC #325944, isolectotypes? F #248570, G-DC #325942, K #572894, MO #3222650, NY ##2684307–2684308, P ## 607064–607065, YU #244620).

– “ Drypetes serrata ” sensu León & Alain (1953)

Diagnostic features:— Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia is distinguished from the other species in Cuba and the Caribbean by the presence of an asymmetrical fruit ( Figure 1A–C View FIGURE 1 ), vs. symmetrical in the rest, only similar in the type subspecies, which differs from this by the position of the stigma regarding the ovary, being sessile in D. alba subsp. alba and subsessile in D. alba subsp. latifolia .

Taxonomic notes:— Grisebach (1865) recognized two infraspecific taxa within Drypetes alba : D. alba var. alba and D. alba var. latifolia , with the description of the new variety. Subsequently, in the latest taxonomic approach to the genus in the New World, Levin (2013) stated that D. alba var. alba grows in Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, whereas D. alba var. latifolia grows in Cuba, Jamaica and a few Lesser Antilles ( Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Barbados). These varieties are distinguished by the absence or presence of a short style to bear the stigma of the female flowers, respectively ( Müller 1866, Levin 2013). However, due to both entities have their own vicariant areas, the appropriate status to treat them is that of subspecies and the new combination is here provided.

Lectotypifications:—The material C. Wright 1927 at GOET (#3380), lectotype of Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia doesn’t have a collector’s label that matches the 9 types described by Howard (1988). However, by analyzing the information available on the sheet label, it is possible to rule out some of them, either by locality, collection date or label color. That is why only those materials of C. Wright 1927 with the labels type 7 and 8 according to Howard (1988) are considered possible isolectotypes of this name.

Müller (1866) based Drypetes glomerata var. olivacea on the C. Wright 1929 material, however he only addressed the whole collection without naming the herbarium where it was deposited, making every material of this collection the syntypes of the name. Later on, Levin (2013) proposed that the “ holotype ” of this name was found in G-DC herbarium, a designation that cannot be considered effective lectotyping given the lack of the phrase “designated here” or an equivalent, which is necessary for this purpose as of 1 January 2010. In addition, in G-DC, there are three sheets in existence with that collection number. Between G-DC #325942, G-DC #325943 and G-DC #325944, the latter has annotations on the labels referencing the work of Grisebach (1865), which matches the protologue of the name and, therefore, here we designated it as lectotype.

Distribution:—Endemic to the Caribbean. Native to Cuba, Jamaica and Lesser Antilles ( Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Barbados). In Cuba, it is found in the provinces Pinar del Río, Artemisa, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, Camagüey, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba, Guantánamo and the Isla de la Juventud special municipality, in mesophyllous semideciduous forest, mesophyllous evergreen forest, gallery forest, sub-montane rain forest, xeromorphic thorny thicket on serpentinite soils, xeromorphic sub-thorny thicket on serpentinite soils, coastal and sub-coastal xeromorphic thicket, anthropic savannas and mogotes vegetation complex, with an elevation between 25- 800 m ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ). The record of this taxon in Villa Clara province corresponds to Castañeda-Noa (2008) in Mogotes de Jumagua (materials not seen).

Specimens examined:— CUBA. 1865, C. Wright 1112 ( US #1323507). Without date, C. Wright 1929 (NY #2684308, US #969075). 1860–1864, C. Wright 1929 (NY #2684307). Without date, C. Wright 593 (G-DC #325939). Pinar del Río: “Camino de la Guásima, Rangel”, January 1950, Bro. Alain 1261 (HAC, US #1323512). “Camino de la Guásima, Rangel”, January 1950, Bro. Alain 1275 (HAC). “Guanahacabibes, cercanías de la Jaula”, 16 November 1976, J. Bisse et al. HFC-33168 (HAC [×2]). “La Guásima, Rangel”, 31 December 1949, Bro. Alain 1283 (HAC). “No lejos de Uvero Quemado, Costa S de Guanahacabibes”, 22 December 1959, Bro. Alain 6933 (HAC). “Península de Guanahacabibes, La Ceiba, camino alrededor del Pozo”, 21 April 1990, R. Pérez HFC-69224 (HAJB). “Río San Miguel below Mal Paso”, 15 December 1910, P. Wilson 9287 (NY #2886428). “Sumidero between Cayo Colorado and Francisco, in woods on siliceans rock at the base of Sierra San Francisco”, 25 November 1923, E. L. Ekman 18213 ( US #1323508). Artemisa: “Bosques en las márgenes del río Ariguanabo, cerca del Parque Río Ariguanabo”, 17 June 1987, I. Arias et al. HFC-62136 (HAJB). “Falda Norte del Pan de Guajaibón”, 16 May 1953, Bro. Alain & J. Acuña 2997 (HAC). Matanzas: “Entre Matanzas y Varadero, junto a la finca llamada Carbonera, 17QMF5352, a unos 25 m, en manigua costera bien desarrollada, sobre sustrato petrano calizo”, 21 June 1988, F. J. Fernández- Casas & F. Morales-Valverde 10687 (CAS #668964, NY #1426848). Isla de la Juventud: “Caleta Cocodrilos”, 8 March 1916, N. L. Britton et al. 15305 (NY #2890524, US #1323513). “Llano de calliza, cerca de Caleta Cocodrilo, Península del Jorobado”, 7–9 March 1916, N. L. Britton et al. 6081 (HAC). “On the southern side of Cienaga Lanier, on Cayo Oscuro”, 2 December 1920, E. L. Ekman 12462 ( US #1323509). Cienfuegos: “Cayo Ramones, Hacienda Júcaro Quemado, Aguada de Pasajeros”, 31 July 1920, J. T. Roig & M. Cremata ROIG-7469 (HAC). “Corte Molina, Hacienda Santa Teresa y Aguada de Pasajeros”, 10 July 1920 J. T. Roig & M. Cremata ROIG-7326 (HAC). Sancti Spíritus: “Área protegida Jobo Rosado, zona de conservación La Carolina, vereda de la Torre”, 9 July 2007, I. Baró et al. 42508 (HAC). “Arroyo Grande, Trinidad Mountains, Santa Clara”, 11–12 March 1910, N. L. Britton & P. Wilson 5459 ( US #969078). “Codina, Topes de Collantes”, 11 May 1989, L. R. Soberats 38924 (HAC). “Gavilanes, cafetales cerca del pueblo”, 7 November 1979, P. Herrera et al. HFC-40953 (HAJB). “Lomas de Banao”, 9 January 1920, A. Luna & Bro. León 15 (HAC). “Sierra del Escambray, Topes de Coyantes [Collantes], Mogote Mi Retiro”, 2 July 1993, P. Acevedo-Rodríguez et al. 5584 (HAC, US #969077). Camagüey: “Caobilla, montes en La Ciega”, 23–25 June 1927, J. Acuña ROIG-4413 (HAC). “El Quemado”, 15 May 1915, J. T. Roig et al. ROIG-6169 (HAC). “El Quemado”, 15 May 1915, J. T. Roig et al. ROIG-892 (HAC). “Estrella de Aguará”, 15 May 1915, J. T. Roig et al. ROIG-6138 (HAC). “La Providencia”, 15 May 1915, J. T. Roig et al. ROIG-860 (HAC). Holguín: “Camino del aserrío a la mina La Melba”, 2 May 1980, A. Álvarez et al. HFC-42593 (HAJB). “Cerro de Cananova”, July 1949, Bro. Alain & Bro. Clemente 1017 ( US #1323511). “Moa-Baracoa”, May 1968, V. Samek 26771 (HAC). “Mir, in forest at Rioja river”, 3 March 1915, E. L. Ekman 4838 ( US #1318450). “Río Lebisa [Levisa], mayormente a lo largo del curso”, 2–7 April 1956, Bro. Alain et al. 5719 (HAC [×2], HAJB). “Río Seboruco to falls of río Mayarí”, 26 January 1910, J. A. Shafer 3693 ( US #1318451). “Sierra de Nipe, in manacales at Río Piloto”, 14 March 1915, E. L. Ekman 5006 ( US #1323515). “Sierra de Nipe, prope Río Piloto”, 16 December 1915, E. L. Ekman 6694 ( US #1323516). Santiago de Cuba: “Santiago de Cuba”, July 1949, Bro. Clemente et al. NSC-6914 (HAC). “Bayate”, 20 February 1917, E. L. Ekman 8544 ( US #1323517). “En el camino de los charrascos de Saca La Lengua al arroyo Mícara”, 25 April 1985, A. Álvarez et al. HFC-56680 (HAJB). “Falda Norte de Santa María de Loreto”, 12 February 1956, M. López Figueiras 2467 (HAC, HAJB [×2]). Guantánamo: “Baracoa”, 8 January 1915, E. L. Ekman 4146 ( US #1323514). “Cotilla, a orillas del arroyo Cotilla”, 29 April 1986, E. Genes et al. HFC-59413 (HAJB). “Jauco Arriba”, 17 July–4 August 1924, Bro. León LS-11800 (HAC). “Las Cuevas de Cayo Güin, orillas del arroyo”, 12 April 1985, A. Álvarez et al. HFC-55725 (HAJB). “Sierra Azul, Quibiján”, 4 January 1960, Bro. Alain & M. López Figueiras 7333 (HAJB). “Sierra del Capiro, Cerro del Capiro”, 26 April 1986, E. Genes et al. HFC-59295 (HAJB). “Valle al SO del Alto de la Cotilla, Cajababo”, 10 February 1976, A. Areces et al. HFC-30017 (HAC).














Drypetes alba subsp. latifolia (Griseb.) Leyva & García-Beltrán

Leyva, Luis Manuel & García-Beltrán, José Angel 2024

Drypetes serrata ” sensu León & Alain (1953)

Leon & Alain 1953

Drypetes latifolia (Griseb.)

Wright 1870: 151

Drypetes crocea var. latifolia (Griseb.) Müll. Arg. in de Candolle (1866: 456)

Mull. Arg. in de Candolle 1866

Drypetes glomerata var. olivacea Müll. Arg. in de Candolle (1866: 455)

Mull. Arg. in de Candolle 1866

Drypetes alba var. latifolia

Grisebach 1865: 165

Drypetes incurva Müller (1863: 62)

Muller 1863: 62
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