Kaszabia spinulosa RAUŠER, 1968

Zwick, P & Surenkhorloo, P, 2005, The Mongolian Species Of Isoperlinae (Plecoptera: Perlodidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 253-276 : 274-275

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586261

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scientific name

Kaszabia spinulosa RAUŠER, 1968


Kaszabia spinulosa RAUŠER, 1968 View in CoL

Kaszabia spinulosa Raušer, 1968: 373 View in CoL .

Material studied. MONGOLIA: Archangaj aimak: 20 km W Somon Ögijnuur, 1500 m, 18. VI.1966 [KASZAB 535], 1 m; 8 km W Somon Urdtamir, Changaj Gebirge , 1620 m, 19. VI.1966 [KASZAB 540], 1 m. Chövsgöl aimak, 22 km W von Somon Cecerleg, 1820m, Tesijn gol, 22. VI.1968 [KASZAB 1001], 1 m. Tuv aimak, Gorkhi-Terelj, Tuul River [48°21’N, 107°90’E], 1 m, 1 f, 09.VII.2003 (coll. S. Enkhtaivan) ; Selenge aimak, Eroo sum, Minj River [49°00’ N, 108°02’E], 1 m, 28. VI.2001 GoogleMaps ; Ar-Ilchlekh River , 2 ff, 28. VI.2003 ; Mandal sum, Khonin Nuga, Eroo River [49°05’N, 107°17’E], 1 m, 20. VI.2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 f, 17. VI.2003 (leg. P. SURENKHORLOO).

Genus Kaszabia includes the present species and the Japanese K. digitata (Kawai) and differs strikingly from Isoperla by lateral pointed processes on the anterior abdominal segments of males. However, this is the only marked difference between the two nominal genera. The agreement with I. kozlovi in the complex penial sclerites suggests close phylogenetic relationships between these species. Generally, the phylogenetic relations between the many structurally diverse species of Isoperla are not well known, and we have not seen the Japanese species; therefore, we refrain from making a conclusion.

Very few eggs of K. spinulosa were dissected from a female ( Mongolia, Tuv aimak, Ghorki Terelj, coll. S. ENKHTAIVAN). They are elongate oval, 335×175 µm. The collar is simple, its shallowly embedded base is rounded. Details of chorion structure could not be recognized.


Acknowledgements – P. SURENKHORLOO sincerely thanks Prof. M. MÜHLENBERG, University of Göttingen, for the opportunity to work in the Hydrobiological Field Station at Khonin Nuga and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ( DAAD) for financial support of two study sojourns at Göttingen and Schlitz, respectively. Both authors are very grateful to Dr. L. A. ZHILTZOVA, St. Petersburg, and Dr. G. SZIRÁKI, Budapest, for loans of type specimens. We sincerely thank Dr V. TESLENKO, Vladivostok, Dr. V. DEVYATKOV, Ust Kamenogorsk, and S. ENKHTAIVAN (Ulaanbaatar) for helpful information and comparative material. Dr. P. HAASE is thanked for the gift of egg-carrying specimens of I. obscura from the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt .


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Kaszabia spinulosa RAUŠER, 1968

Zwick, P & Surenkhorloo, P 2005

Kaszabia spinulosa Raušer, 1968: 373

RAUSER, J. 1968: 373
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